Earn Title: Exterminator

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Adventure
From NPC(s): Lumberjack Barvos Tan
Required adventure school: Any (level: 21)
Locations: Sable Shore
View this quest in the Quest Tree

Barvos Tan has agreed to name you an exterminator should you help him out by slaying a great many Ulmus beetles.

Quest text[edit]

I have need of an exterminator. This area is full of Ulmus beetels and they make it very hard to lumber out these trees. I'd happily reward you with a new title if you could trim back the population a bit. I should think seventy five would prove sufficient.


  • Kill 75 Ulmus Beetles.
  • Return to Barvos Tan for your title.

Target mobs
