Stone of Seeking

From Istaria Lexica

Stone of Seeking
Item type: Product
Tier: Tier 2
Stone of Seeking.jpg

Using the stone of seeking is the only way to effectively damage an enemy mob within the Fiery Rift. It says that it converts your damage to ethereal, but that is untrue. You do the damage type your attacks do, it's just that the Fiery Rift mobs can be damaged. Using it gives you the effect "Semblance of Fire".

It fits in an armor socket, despite its graphic being that of a weapon crystal.

Ways to obtain[edit]

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Found in formula(s)

Required for quest

Resources needed

See more details about Stone of Seeking in the Product Calculator Resource: Fire Materia, Focused Cerulean Azulyte Crystal, Pale Essence Orb (Need (min): 1, 10, 5, Need (opt): 1, 5, 2, Skill (min): 200, 200, 200, Skill (opt): 425, 425, 425, Skill: Crystalshaping, Crystalshaping, Crystalshaping, Tool: Dragon Crystalworking II, Dragon Crystalworking II, Dragon Crystalworking II, Machine: Crystal Shaper, Crystal Shaper, Crystal Shaper)