(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Scrambled Eggs

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Adventure
From NPC(s): Kethmatis Peralek
Required adventure school: Any (level: 100)
Locations: Peak of Arrakos
View this quest in the Quest Tree
Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:
Preservation Bottle, Preserved Ul'dathos Embryo, Mysterious Crystal Shard

Kethmatis requests you to find some biological samples for the Spiritists of Kirasanct.

Quest text[edit]

As we, Artifact Hunters, are capable at finding well hidden items, the Guild is sometimes hired by Scholars to find biological samples which are difficult or dangerous to get.

Ul'dathos Brood-Masters have strong spiritual powers and Kirasanct Spiritists would like to study them. But that is not something you can do on a corpse, and grown Brood-Masters are far too dangerous. So, they have imagined they could do it on their embryos. They have required many samples and it is difficult to get all of them alone. You help would be appreciated...

Thank you, Gifted. Ul'dathos Brood-Masters nests can be found northeast of the Eastern Deadlands at Barrier Vale. Find their egg sacs, open them and take embryos. Egg sacs are really resistant, you won't get inside easily... and Ul'dathos Brood-Masters will protect their eggs. So, three embryos should be enough for the moment. Take these Preservation Bottles: you will need them to keep the embryos alive until you bring them back to me.

You put immediately your freshly looted Ul'datos Embryo in a Preservation Bottle to keep it safe.

You have collected the last embryo you needed. But in the last egg sac, you notice a strange shard of crystal. Magical power is pulsating from it; this should interest the Spiritists as well. Return to Kethmatis for the embryos and the crystal shard.

Have you been swift enough to dodge the Brood-Masters and steal their embryos? Or strong enough to defeat them? We won't miss them. Please give me the embryos.

They seem to be still alive in their Preservation Bottles. I will bring them as soon as possible to Kirasanct. And what is this? You say you have found this crystal shard in an egg sac? I can feel a magical power inside it. Would it be to charge their embryos with spiritual magic? Good catch, I am sure the Spiritists will be delighted to study this bonus! Thank you, <player>, you have deserved these Artifact Hunter Tokens.


  • Listen to Kethmatis
  • Find Ul'dathos Egg Sacs at Barrier Vale and collect three (3) living embryos
  • Return to Kethmatis Peralek at the Peak of Arrakos with your findings

Target mobs[edit]
