(Daily) Tell me about my future!

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Errand
From NPC(s): Pashalia
Required adventure school: Any (level: 50)
Locations: Guild of the Artifact Hunters
View this quest in the Quest Tree
Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:

Pashalia wants to read your hand lines to have visions of your future and the influence of Istaria constellations on you..

Quest text[edit]

I feel you have an interesting fate, ungrel. I can share my visions with you for a modest price. I will tell you how Istaria constellations will influence your day. Would you like to know more about your future? It costs only 10s, paid in advance.

Then let us begin. Give me your hand.

These are interesting lines! I see, I see...

Pashalia chants magic words.


I feel the Wolf will shine strongly on you today. That's a sign of revelry, you will enjoy your time with friends. Take this to enjoy the instant.


  • Listen to Pashalia's offer
  • Talk to Pashalia again to accept her offer
  • Pashalia reads your lines and focus to have a vision
  • Here comes the vision!


You'll be rewarded randomly.