Adventure: One Hand Pierce I

From Istaria Lexica

Adventure: One Hand Pierce I
This technique gives the user the ability to create certain objects with an additional +5 to the One Hand Pierce adventure skill.

Application requires:
4 Dim Essence Orb
1 Garnet Golem Chip

Item type: Adventure Technique
Bulk: 1
Hoard value: 50
Tier: Tier 1
Adventure- One Hand Pierce I.jpg

Adventure: One Hand Pierce I is part of the Adventure: One Hand Pierce line.

Technique effect(s)

Effect name: One Hand Pierce (Effect(s): 5)

Resources needed

Resource: Dim Essence Orb, Garnet Golem Chip (Need (min): 4, 1, Need (opt): 0, 0, Skill (min): 0, 0, Skill (opt): 0, 0, Skill:  ,  , Tool:  ,  , Machine:  ,  )

Who sells?

Dim Essence Orb (4, 0, 0, 0,  ,  ,  ) +  and Garnet Golem Chip (1, 0, 0, 0,  ,  ,  ) +
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