
From Istaria Lexica

Location: Balit's Island
Rating: 41
School: Researcher
Health: 266
27482 / 18273
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Balit tells you, Hello? Are you real? Yes, you are, aren't you! And you aren't a werewolf!!! By the gods, this is a glorious day! I have been stranded here for so long without a civilized soul to talk to... I feared I was going mad!

Balit tells you, But what brings you to this island? And how did you get here? No matter. Be careful, for the island is overrun by werewolves! Everyone on my ship either became a werewolf or was killed... or in my case, both.

Quests available[edit]

QuestTypeAdv. SchoolAdv. LevelCraft SchoolCraft Level
Balit's Salves: Bottled FleshCrafting0Alchemist65
Balit's Salves: The Power of SilverCrafting0Alchemist65
Exchange the Signet RingErrand00
Balit's Story: Assist Balit with his Research (Biped)Adventure650
Balit's Story: Assist Balit with his Research (Dragon)Adventure650
Balit's Story: Discover the Fate of Balit's CompanionErrand650
Balit's Story: Research For A Cure (Part 1)Adventure650
Balit's Story: Research For A Cure (Part 2)Adventure650
Balit's Story: The NemesisAdventure650
Balit's Story: The ReportErrand650