Commit a screenshot to existing pages with an infobox
From Istaria Lexica
You surely found alot of pages missing a screenshot. Probably some of the Creatures in Istaria or items, or..or... Looking at one of those pages you normally examine a 'Insert cool image' hint or a red *Upload a Screenshot* link inside the infobox.
Doing screenshots in Istaria[edit]
There is a simple screenshot option in Istaria. Here the basic steps for you, assuming you did not change any of the game's key bindings:
- Seek your target
- Hide your graphical user interface by pressing the slash key (/)
- Do one or more screenshots on your target, using the F12 key
- Bring back your graphical user interface by pressing the slash key (/)
- Open your program's screenshot folder:
- On 64-bit systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\Istaria\screenshots
- On 32-bit systems: C:\Program Files\Istaria\screenshots
- Pick your favorite image for further steps
Editing the image to be more detailful[edit]
Most of the time you would not want to see half of the world around some item or creature. You would like to cut out a part and use that instead. Since most people think editing is a hard thing let's try to tell them different.
- Download and install a very easy program to edit images: [Irfan View]
- Open the image in Irfan View
- Draw a rectangular selection (not with the rectangle tool but with the selection tool, which is selected by default) around the part you want to cut out
- Press CTRL+C (to copy to clipboard)
- Press D (to delete the screen)
- Press CTRL+V (to paste from clipboard)
- Press CTRL+S (to save the image somewhere)
- Voila, you made it! Not too different one must guess :-)
Upload the file[edit]
Clicking on the above mentioned link opens the wiki's image uploader. You can choose the image from your computer and upload it. After this is done you should add a proper category to the image. For finding the correct image category, please refer to the Wiki editor's reference card.