Costumed Woman/Lore

From Istaria Lexica

Brolen's Smelter[edit]

There was a young dwarf by the name of Brolen. He was pleasant enough, but other dwarves thought him odd because he hated mining. Knowing he hated digging, his parents sent him to learn smelting techniques instead. From the first time he saw the flames leaping about in the smelter, Brolen was fascinated by it. He liked the warmth and the cascade of sparks as he poured the liquid ore into molds for making bars. His parents were delighted, and encouraged him to develop his skill with metal. Little did they know the truth.

Brolen was fascinated with the smelter because he saw a figure dancing in the flames. He began talking to the figure as he worked. And after a little while, Brolen heard the figure speaking back to him. The figure in smelter flame had processed ore for many years, and understood the technique better than any dwarf could. It taught Brolen how to discern high quality ore, and how best to work it. With this coaching, Brolen made some pieces so pure and shiny that standing in front of them, his reflection appeared clearer than he did! Due to the quality of his work, other dwarves grudgingly came to respect Brolen.

Brolen began to spend more time with his fellow dwarves, joining them for ale at the end of the day instead of spending the evenings in conversation with the figure in the smelter. This angered the figure, who wanted Brolen's company. It tried everything it could to keep Brolen's attention, coaxing him closer by dancing seductively in the flames when simple conversation failed. Its efforts worked. Always fascinated with bright flames, Brolen was entranced by the dancing figure. It called out to him to join it in the dance. Brolen had worked ore long enough that his skin had toughened and was resistant to burns, so he drew nearer and nearer to the dancing figure, intense heat rolling over him in a constant wave.

Some dwarves, coming to invite Brolen to drink ale with them, were some distance away when he stepped up into the smelter. Crying out to him to stop, they were too far away to intervene - but heard all too clearly. To this day, they consider the smelter cursed and shun it. Brolen discovered that even toughened dwarf's skin cannot withstand the extreme heat of the inside of a smelter. The figure dancing in the flame embraced him in excruciating pain, and he howled in agony. He tried to get out, but the figure forced him to stay until his flesh had burnt away and his bones fallen to ash. Brolen became a new figure of flame within the smelter.

Sometimes you can still hear his cries on the wind...