Dalimond Peninsula

From Istaria Lexica

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Destination pad: No pad
Travel gate: No portal
Shrine: No shrine
Available plots: No plots
Available lairs: No lairs
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The Dalimond Peninsula is a much larger spread of land than most Gifted coming from Lesser Aradoth or the Training Islands are used to. The land defined as the Dalimond Peninsula is everything from all of Western Aradoth that is south of Dalimond Bay and west of Selen Bay. Although this is a peninsula, there is another peninsula connected to it call the Observatory Peninsula.

Gifted will find that resources are much further from the major villages in this land, and some fields are more dangerous than the lower tier fields.

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Brownback CubWolf32
Brownback HunterWolf33
Brownback MatronWolf34
Brownback OutlierWolf32
Brownback Pack-LeaderWolf25
Brownback StalkerWolf37
Camp GruntAegis Zombie Warrior28
Camp SentryAegis Ghost Berserker29
Captain NitholiAegis Skeleton Paladin32
Dessicated CorpseMeat Blight27
Elm ChestChest1
Elm Chest Mimic30
Forest Skulk ChieftainWarrior26
Forest Skulk ElderElder23
Forest Skulk FisherSpear20
Forest Skulk GathererWarrior24
Forest Skulk GuardianWarrior27
Forest Skulk HunterSpear21
Forest Skulk ShamanShaman25
Iron ChestChest1
Iron Chest Mimic30
Restless SpiritAegis Ghost Cleric33
Risen ApprenticeNecromancer32
Risen Militia LeftenantAegis Knight of Destruction29
Risen Militia VeteranUndead Warrior28
Risen NecromancerNecromancer26
Risen Tomb GuardTomb Guard25
Silver GolemOre Golem21
Slate ChestChest1
Slate Chest Mimic30
Small Brownback HunterWolf29
Small Brownback OutlierWolf23
Tomb ScarabTomb Scarab26






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