Dalimond Peninsula: Attunement to Slate Crest

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Attunement
From NPC(s): Private Albus Torrin
Required adventure school: Any (level: 1)
Required crafting school: Any (level: 1)
Locations: Slate Crest
View this quest in the Quest Tree
Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:

Grants access to the Slate Crest teleport destination

Quest text[edit]

<player>, speak up or leave me be! You are here to become attuned to Slate Crest, are you? Well, let us be done with it then. Now, off with you!

Game Feedback: You have become attuned to the Slate Crest destination pad. You can now teleport here from valid teleporters throughout Istaria.
