Dragon: Cobals white teeth and horns mod
From Istaria Lexica
Detailed description[edit]
The download page is in french. To download the zip file, press the Télécharger ce fichier link at the bottom. After that a popup window appears, wait a few seconds and the download should start.
Official community thread: http://community.istaria.com/forum/showthread.php?12230-Fixed-some-faulty-dragon-textures
Installation steps:
- Close your istaria client
- Open your istaria folder
- On 64-bit systems (en), defaults to: C:\Program Files (x86)\istaria
- On 32-bit systems (en), defaults to: C:\Program Files\istaria
- unpack the downloaded zip file
- copy the unpacked 'resources_override' and all of it's contents into your istaria folder. If the it already exists, overwrite it (other existing contents are preserved).
- start your istaria client
- hope it works :)
... more about "Dragon: Cobals white teeth and horns mod"
White teeth and horns for your dragon +