Flame Spear I

From Istaria Lexica

Flame Spear I
Item type: Product
Tier: Tier 1
click to enlarge

Spell details

Attack typePierce
Skill usedSummoning

Usable by

Usable Techniques[edit]

Spell: Accuracy
Spell: Critical Damage
Spell: Gale
Spell: Pierce
Spell: Romp

Found in formula(s)

Who sells?

  • Syrani (Imperial Spell Vendor in/at Kion) — Silver3 Copper900

Resources needed

See more details about Flame Spear I in the Product Calculator Resource: Sandstone Spell Shard (Need (min): 5, Need (opt): 5, Skill (min): 100, Skill (opt): 200, Skill: Spellcraft, Tool: Dragon Spellcraft I or Rune Stylus, Machine: Scholar's Desk)