
From Istaria Lexica

Uncut gems are the raw material from which gems are created and are used to create cut gems. There are three per tier and they're harvested from outcroppings of the same name using a Mining Pick or the Dragon Quarrying Ability. They can also be harvested from defeated Gem Golems.

Gems are produced by the Miner and the Jeweler using the Gemworking skill at a Gem Cutting Bench with a Gem Cutter or by a Dragon at similar machines using the Dragon Gemworking Ability.

Gems are used to create:


Formula Minimum Skill
Beginner Cut Gem 1
Beginner Blighted Cut Gem 100
Journeyman Cut Gem 400
Journeyman Blighted Cut Gem 500
Expert Cut Gem 800
Expert Blighted Cut Gem 900
Master Cut Gem 1000
Master Blighted Cut Gem 1100

Beginner Gems (Tiers 1&2)[edit]

These gems are cut from their respective uncut variations using the Beginner Cut Gem formula, a Gem Cutter, and the Gemworking skill (which must be at least the minimum skill of the material you want to work with). It is suggested that you use tools made from materials equal to or greater than the tier you are crafting with. The level range for the beginner formulas are 1-40; at level 40, you may scribe the Journeyman formulas.

Name Icon (Uncut/Cut) Location Tier Minimum Skill Optimal skill
Uncut Garnet Uncut and Cut Garnet.png Lesser Aradoth (southern/central), Garnet Bay, New Trismus 1 1 200
Uncut Malachite Uncut and Cut Malachite.png Lesser Aradoth (southern/central), Garnet Bay, New Trismus 1 1 200
Uncut Turquoise Uncut and Cut Turquoise.png Lesser Aradoth (southern/central), Garnet Bay, New Trismus 1 1 200
Uncut Rose Quartz Uncut and Cut Rose Quartz.png Scorpion Island, Abandoned Island, Duskhold, Pleasant Canyon, Summit, Ashlander's Cauldron 2 200 425
Uncut Amethyst Uncut and Cut Amethyst.png Scorpion Island, Abandoned Island, Duskhold, Pleasant Canyon, Summit, Bristugo 2 200 425
Uncut Lapis Lazuli Uncut and Cut Lapis Lazuli.png Scorpion Island, Abandoned Island, Duskhold, Pleasant Canyon, Summit, Observatory Outpost 2 200 425

Garnet, Malachite, and Turquoise[edit]

The three Tier 1 gems are Garnet, Malachite, and Turquoise. These are rather common in Istaria and can be found in low-level areas. There are outcroppings of these gems north of Sslanis in the mines, around Garnet Bay and in its mines, in the mine in the southwest of New Trismus, and southeast of the Amu'merras. Only Turquoise outcroppings can be found north of Sslanis and only Garnet outcroppings can be found west-southwest of Spider Isle. One of the best places to gather these gems is likely New Trismus, as there is a guaranteed machine nearby. However, Garnet Bay may be more preferable if there are player-created plots available. They are both unguarded.

Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Lapis Lazuli[edit]

The three Tier 2 gems are Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Lapis Lazuli. They can be found scattered throughout the Tier 2 regions of Istaria. Outcroppings of the three gems can be found north of Kenaf Port, scattered along the top of the Abandoned Island's mountain, between Scorpion Bay and Darvus to the west, south-southwest of Scorpion's Claw, southwest of Duskhold, west of Pleasant Canyon, and east-southeast of Summit. Amethyst can also be found guarded by Amethyst Golems southeast of Bristugo, just Lapis Lazuli's guarded by Lapis Lazuli Golems north of the Observatory Outpost, and just Rose Quartz is guarded by Rose Quartz Golems in Ashlander's Cauldron. It's likely that the Scorpion Island outcroppings are the best to gather safely (Scorpion Bay/Darvus and Scorpion's Claw), but the nearest outcroppings to a machine are on top of the Abandoned Island, guarded by Frost Beetles and Winter Wolves.

Journeyman Gems (Tier 3&4)[edit]

These gems are cut from their respective uncut variations using the Journeyman Cut Gem formula (you must have 400 Gemworking to scribe this!), a Gem Cutter, and the Gemworking skill (which must be at least the minimum skill of the material you want to work with). It is suggested that you use tools made from materials equal to or greater than the tier you are crafting with. The level range for the beginner formulas are 40-80; at level 80, you may scribe the Expert formulas.

Name Icon (Uncut/Cut) Location Tier Minimum Skill Optimal skill
Uncut Citrine Uncut and Cut Citrine.png Desokul, Tower of Healing, Desert's Edge, Mahagra Tundra, Valley of the Moon, Aughundell Mines, Valley of Repose, Snowfall 3 400 650
Uncut Jasper Uncut and Cut Jasper.png Desokul, Tower of Healing, Desert's Edge, Mahagra Tundra, Valley of the Moon, Aughundell Mines, Valley of Repose, Summit 3 400 650
Uncut Aquamarine Uncut and Cut Aquamarine.png Desokul, Tower of Healing, Desert's Edge, Mahagra Tundra, Valley of the Moon, Aughundell Mines, Valley of Repose, Snowfall 3 400 650
Uncut Topaz Uncut and Cut Topaz.png North of Dralk & Frostwatch 4 600 875
Uncut Opal Uncut and Cut Opal.png North of Dralk, West of Relstaroth's Lair 4 600 875
Uncut Jade Uncut and Cut Jade.png North of Dralk, Northwest of Frostwatch 4 600 875

Citrine, Jasper, and Aquamarine[edit]

The three Tier 3 gems are Citrine, Jasper, and Aquamarine. They can be found around Desokul, all around the Tower of Healing, north and west of Desert's Edge, along the Mahagra Tundra, around Daggarth's Spine, in the Aughundell Mines, and north of the Valley of Repose. Purely Citrine can be found northwest of Snowfall, Jasper south of Summit, and Aquamarine east of Snowfall. One of the better places to gather is within the Aughundell Mines, as there is a machine close by and golems don't wander very close. In the end, though, it's player preference.

Topaz, Opal, and Jade[edit]

The three Tier 4 gems are Topaz, Opal, and Jade. They can be found north of Dralk. Only Topaz can be found amidst the Topaz Golems north of Frostwatch, Jade west of that Topaz among Jade Golems, and Opal west of Relstaroth's Lair amidst the Opal Golems. Likely the best place to gather the Tier 4 gems is north of Dralk, as there is an NPC lair somewhat close by.

Expert Gems (Tier 5)[edit]

These gems are cut from their respective uncut variations using the Expert Cut Gem formula (you must have 800 Gemworking to scribe this!), a Gem Cutter, and the Gemworking skill (which must be at least the minimum skill of the material you want to work with). It is suggested that you use tools made from materials equal to or greater than the tier you are crafting with. The level range for the beginner formulas are 80-100; at level 100, you may scribe the Master formulas.

Name Icon (Uncut/Cut) Location Tier Minimum Skill Optimal skill
Uncut Peridot Uncut and Cut Peridot.png Island of Fire, Isle of Ice, Drakul's Heart, Saritova Islands 5 800 1100
Uncut Fire Opal Uncut and Cut Fire Opal.png Island of Fire, Isle of Ice, Drakul's Heart, Saritova Islands 5 800 1100
Uncut Emerald Uncut and Cut Emerald.png Island of Fire, Isle of Ice, Drakul's Heart, Saritova Islands 5 800 1100

Peridot, Fire Opal, and Emerald[edit]

The three Tier 5 gems are Peridot, Fire Opal, and Emerald. They can be found on the western end of the Island of Fire, central Drakul's Heart, southwestern Island of Ice, and across most of the island of Saritova Islands, in the mountains. Purely Fire Opal can be found on the eastern half of the Island of Fire, guarded by Fire Opal Golems. On Saritova, there is a lot of separation of the outcroppings. Fire Opal is on the mid-western portion of the island, guarded by more Fire Opal Golems. There's also a few more outcroppings in the north. Peridot is in the northeast, a bit east of the former Fire Opal deposits, and south of the same Fire Opal deposits. Emerald is found on the southern portion of the mountain and on the more westernly northern half. The best spot for this gem is arguable, as most - if not all - are guarded. It's possible the Island of Ice is the best, since there is a machine somewhat nearby.

Master Gems (Tier 6)[edit]

These gems are cut from their respective uncut variations using the Master Cut Gem formula (you must have 1000 Gemworking to scribe this!), a Gem Cutter, and the Gemworking skill (which must be at least the minimum skill of the material you want to work with). It is suggested that you use tools made from materials equal to or greater than the tier you are crafting with.

Name Icon (Uncut/Cut) Location Tier Minimum Skill Optimal skill
Uncut Ruby Uncut and Cut Ruby.png Northeast of Harro 6 1000 1325
Uncut Sapphire Uncut and Cut Sapphire.png East-southeast of Delgarath 6 1000 1325
Uncut Diamond Uncut and Cut Diamond.png Peak of Arrakos 6 1000 1325

Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond[edit]

The Tier 6 gems are Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond. They cannot be found together, unlike other tiers. Ruby is found northeast of Harro, bordering the Eastern Deadlands. Sapphire can be found -eastsoutheast of Delgarath, near the blighted areas at the foot of the mountain. Diamond can be found south of the Peak of Arrakos (which is south of Delgarath) along the southern mountainside - the Diamond golem Mohs patrols this area, so beware. These are the only locations, so there is no "best place" to speak of.


Tier Name Use
1 Malachite/Turquoise/Garnet
2 Rose Quartz/Amethyst/Lapis Lazuli
3 Citrine/Jasper/Aquamarine
4 Topaz/Opal/Jade
5 Peridot/Fire Opal/Emerald
6 Ruby/Sapphire/Diamond
Original material from by Jessolt — licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0.