How to color your chat text

From Istaria Lexica

This explains how you are able to change your text colors in the game. Cegaiel has added a color picker to which you can use to review different colors in the correct istaria format.


Changing colors in the chat is based on the following command part:

<!--color r=0.5 g=0.5 b=1>

  • r= defines the red color part
  • g= defines the green color part
  • b= defines the blue color part
  • You can use numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 for each color
  • To pick colors easily you may want to visit

Changing your color for your default channel[edit]

  • Right click on your main chat box (the one with the text line below)
  • Select 'chat settings'
  • Add your favorite code to the 'Default Command Prefix:' line and activate the checkbox
  • This enables the color for /say text
  • If you want to default to another channel you can prefix it with i.e. /gu, or /g, or /chat <channel>
    • Examples:
      • for guild: /gu <!--color r=0.5 g=0.5 b=0.5>
      • for group: /g <!--color r=0.5 g=0.5 b=0.5>
      • for the marketplace chat: /chat markeplace <!--color r=0.5 g=0.5 b=0.5>

Using aliases to be even more colorful[edit]

For help on using /alias, please read here

Currently (2022/12/23) there is a problem when adding certain characters to the /alias command. Therefore you need to manually edit the alias commands def file. To do so, do the following steps:

  • Enter into your chat bar: /alias test test
  • Now log out of the game (the alias will be saved then)
  • Open your character's preference directory.
    • This is usually found at: <your Istaria install directory>/prefs/<shard>_<charactername>
  • Edit the UICommunicationPrefs.def file using notepad
  • Scroll down to the end. You should see an ALIAS section
  • There's a 'Long = "test"' line. Replace the "test" content with your command (Examples below)
  • There's a 'Short = "test"' line. Replace the "test" content with your shortcut (Examples below)
  • Copy and paste the whole ALIAS{} section to add another alias. Don't forget to edit it accordingly
  • Save the file and log back into the game


  • For group chat:
    • string Long = "g <!--color r=0.5 g=0.5 b=0.5> "
    • string Short = "gr"
    • (type /gr to the chat field followed with your text)
  • For guild chat:
    • string Long = "gu <!--color r=0.5 g=0.5 b=0.5> "
    • string Short = "gd"
    • (type /gd to the chat field followed with your text)
  • For marketplace chat:
    • string Long = "c marketplace <!--color r=0.5 g=0.5 b=0.5> "
    • string Short = "mp"
    • (type /mp to the chat field followed with your text)