How to play Istaria on Xubuntu 17.10

From Istaria Lexica

This explains how to set up Xubuntu to install and play Istaria.
The guide is based on Xubuntu 17.10. However, installing on (X-/K-/L-)Ubuntu 16.04 - 17.10 should be pretty much the same for the steps written below.

Small experience in using the linux terminal is helpful.

Install Wine[edit]

Wine is a native Microsoft Windows implementation. It is used to let Windows programs run on your Linux system.

  • Open up a terminal emulator.
    Xubuntu Terminal Emulator.jpeg
  • Enter the following command:
    sudo apt-get install wine-stable winetricks
  • Confirm installing the packages.

Install required 3rd party packages[edit]

  • Enter the following command:
  • Select "Select the default wineprefix" and press the OK button.
  • Winetricks may ask you if you would like to send statistics to the developers. Choose whatever you want.
  • Select "Install a Windows DLL or component" and press the OK button.
  • A list of components is shown. Select the following components, then press the OK button:
    • d3dx9_36
    • vcrun2005
  • A Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 dialog may pop up. Confirm with "yes".
  • A winetricks dialog may pop up, telling something about a bug. Simply confirm it.
    Click image to view in full size
  • Back in the main menu, select "Install a font" and press the OK button.
  • A list of packages shows up, select 'corefonts' and press the OK button.
  • Once the packages finished installing, close the winetricks window by pressing the "x" symbol on the upper right part of the window.

Install Istaria using Wine[edit]

  • Open up your web browser, visit and download the Istaria setup file.
  • Once downloaded, start the program using the following command (enter your path accordingly):
    wine '/path/to/the/setup.exe'
  • Follow the setup assistant and install Istaria
    Note: Setup may ask you to install a Java version by visiting the official java webpage, please skip this step.
  • Wine might have created two desktop symbols after Istaria has been installed. These won't work, you may want to remove them.

Install Java[edit]

You may skip this step if you've installed Java on your Xubuntu already.

  • On the terminal emulator, enter the following command:
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre icedtea-8-plugin
  • Confirm the installation.

Testing Istaria[edit]

  • On the terminal emulator, change to your Istaria directory by using one of the below commands. Note that the install directory may vary on your computer:
    cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Istaria/
    cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\/Istaria/
  • Enter the following command:
    java -jar launcher2.jar
  • And there you go:
    Click image to view in full size

Creating a launcher on your Desktop[edit]

Xubuntu create launcher.jpg
  • Right click on a free space on your desktop.
  • Select "Create Launcher".
  • On the 'Name' field, enter Play Istaria
  • On the 'Command' field, enter java -jar launcher2.jar
  • Behind the 'Working Directory' field, click the folder button.
    • A new dialog ('Select a working directory') appears.
    • Right click on a free place to open the dropdown menu. Activate the checkbox behind 'Show Hidden Files' if not already checked.
    • Browse to the installation directory of Istaria, then press the OK Button.
  • Double click the launcher on your Desktop to start Istaria
    • Xubuntu may ask if you'd like to make the file executable. Press the "Mark Executable" button.
      Xubuntu untrusted launcher.jpg