Imperial Crown

From Istaria Lexica

Imperial Crown
A crown fit for an Emperer. Studded with diamonds and rubies, made of the whitest adamantium, this crown is a glorious testament to power and excess.
Item type: Hoard Item
Bulk: 1
Hoard value: 51200
Tier: Tier 6
click to enlarge

Looted from

Abomination Task-Master
Abomination War-Master
Abomination of Anguish
Abomination of Horror
Adamantium Chest
Adamantium Chest Mimic
Ancient Chest
Baltosh the Vile
Bannock's Ghost (creature)
Blighted Cleric
Blighted Kwellen
Bond-Keeper Adept
Cenotaph Guardian
Cenotaph Keeper
Corpulent Gravedigger
Corrupted Iron Guard
Corrupted Iron Guard Sergeant
Corrupted Voidcaster
Corrupted Voidsinger
Daknor The Berserk
Dark Stalker
Death Dealer
Death Hound
Defiled Primalist
Defiling Anchor
Digda the High Soothsayer
Dregorn the Greater
Ebon Archmage
Ebon Barbarian
Ebon Elite Archer
Ebon Vanguard
Elite Blighted Blight
Elite Fallen Conqueror
Elite Ghost
Elite Horde Guard
Elite Mummy
Elite Skeleton
Elite Zombie
Enchanted Ancient Chest
Engorged Soulslasher
Enraged Aegror
Enraged Elite Blighted Blight
Enthralled Attios
Exalted Gudal
Fafnir The Defiler
Fallen Champion
Fallen Conquerer
Fallen Darkstaff
Fallen Guard
Fallen Paladin
Fallen Plague-Adept
Fallen Plague-Dragon
Fallen Plague-Guard
Fallen Plague-Soldier
Fallen Plague-Warrior
Fallen Plague-Zealot
Frost Hound
Furious Engineer
Furious Master Engineer
General Reklar Plaguebearer
Grathmar's Guard
Green Vexator
Horde Guard (Crossbowman)
Horde Guard (Warrior)
Imp Mind Bender
Imp Soultapper
Inhibition Guard
Iron Deliverer
Iron Punisher
Kala the Pale
Kwellen Berserker
Locked Box
Massive Risen Bloodsnout
Myloc Ambusher
Myloc Gatherer
Myloc Harbinger
Myloc Hierophant
Myloc Lurker
Myloc Veteran
Ogre Rock-Hauler
Palmyran Arcanist
Palmyran Defender
Palmyran Executor
Palmyran Summoner
Palmyran Thrall
Palmyran Voidmage
Penumbral Edge Assassin (Defender's Gate)
Phantom Mage
Plague Fanatic
Prison Guard (Scout)
Prison Guard (Warrior)
Prison Sentinel
Prison Warden
Queen's Hierophant
Risen Binder
Risen Bioscholar
Risen Brute
Risen Captain (Mines of Tolrath)
Risen Raider (Crossbowman)
Risen Raider (Warrior)
Risen Sergeant
Risen Skeleton
Risen Technomancer
Shadow Hound
Skeletal Warlord
Slaver's Guard
Son of Gigaroth
Spirit of Dralnok
Spirit of Grathmar
Storm Lord
Strange Chest
The Bailiff
The Judge
Thornwood Chest
Thornwood Chest Mimic
Tochak Bonesnapper
Torkay Madda
Travertine Chest
Travertine Chest Mimic
Ul'dathos Brood-Master
Ul'dathos Centurion
Ul'dathos Wanderer
Ul'zilgat Broodmaster
Ul'zilgat Defiler
Ul'zilgat Flayer
Valkor The Impaler
Vokash the Plunderer
Winter Adept
Wraith Necromancer
Wraith Overlord

Reward from quest(s)

Original material from by Takora Drakan — licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0.
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