Knight of Creation

From Istaria Lexica

Knight of Creation.gif

The warrior followers of the goddess Istara are known as the Knights of Creation. They are blessed with many abilities due to this close tie with her. They can summon many items to aid in their battles including their sword and shield.

[[View all schools]]

/lvl - gain each level
100 - maximum at level 100
P - is primary skill? (crafting schools only)

Skill points gained[edit]

Skill name /lvl 100 P?
Evasion 9 900 n/a
Intuition 10 1,000 n/a
Magic Evasion 8 800 n/a
One Hand Slash 10 1,000 n/a
Shield 10 1,000 n/a
Summoning 7 700 n/a
Two Hand Slash 10 1,000 n/a

Attribute points gained[edit]

Attribute name /lvl 100
Health 24 2,400
Strength 9 900
Dexterity 7 700
Power 5 500
Focus 5 500
Parry 2 200


Summoning skill 160
Two Hand Slash skill 200

[[View a requirements overview for all schools]]


Honored Galean AdairAughundell25,17825,929
Most Honored Demonte SevirisDalimond22,69322,681

Knight of Creation abilities


  • Name = The name of the ability
  • L = The level the ability is earned at this school
  • M = Is it masterable?

Name: Protective, Power Strike I, Power Strike II, Summon Absorption Shield I, Power Strike III, Battle Shout, Battle Roar, Blessing of Istara, Power Strike IV, Summon Absorption Shield II, Deflection, Power Strike V, Power Strike VI, Banish Armor, Summon Absorption Shield III, Intuition IV, Power Strike VII, Power Strike VIII, Summon Absorption Shield IV, Intuition V, Power Strike IX, Power Strike X, Summon Absorption Shield V, Intuition VI, Sprint, Combat Stance: Focused, Defensive Style I, Health Boost I, Defend Other I, Coordinated Strike I, Combat Stance: Attuned, Combat Stance: Offensive, Combat Stance: Shielded, Coordinated Strike II, Multistrike I, Coordinated Strike III, Defend Other II, Defensive Style II, Coordinated Strike IV, Cleave I, Melee Flurry I, Riposte, Coordinated Strike V, Defend Other III, Multistrike II, Coordinated Strike VI, Health Boost II, Melee Flurry II, Defensive Style III, Coordinated Strike VII, Defend Other IV, Multistrike III, Coordinated Strike VIII, Cleave II, Combat Stance: Armored, Coordinated Strike IX, Defend Other V, Melee Flurry III, Defensive Style IV, Coordinated Strike X, Multistrike IV, Shield Specialization I, Shield Specialization II, Shield Specialization III, Shield Specialization IV, Shield Specialization V, 1-Handed Sword Specialization I, 2-Handed Sword Specialization I, 1-Handed Sword Specialization II, 2-Handed Sword Specialization II, 1-Handed Sword Specialization III, 2-Handed Sword Specialization III, 1-Handed Sword Specialization IV, 2-Handed Sword Specialization IV, 1-Handed Sword Specialization V, 2-Handed Sword Specialization V, 1-Handed Sword Specialization VI, 2-Handed Sword Specialization VI, Summoning Aptitude, Intuition I, Neutral Stance, Intuition II, Gift Slots: Two, Intuition III, Gift Slots: Three, Gift Slots: Four, Gift Slots: Five, Parry, Shield Specialization VI (L: 1, 2, 12, 17, 22, 25, 30, 30, 32, 37, 38, 42, 52, 56, 57, 60, 62, 72, 77, 80, 82, 92, 97, 100, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 18, 18, 24, 28, 28, 36, 38, 40, 44, 46, 48, 48, 50, 58, 58, 64, 66, 68, 68, 74, 78, 80, 80, 88, 88, 90, 96, 98, 100, 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 1, 1, 20, 20, 40, 40, 60, 60, 80, 80, 100, 100, 13, 1, 5, 20, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, 3, 100, M: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, , )

Abilities gained by quests[edit]

Ability (* = Masterable) Level Earned
Gifted* ?
Antolathes' Gift* ?
Armor of the Watcher* ?
Hero's Resolve 100

Spells, weapons and armor[edit]

Spells and weapons shown below may be useable as Knight of Creation.
However, you may lack the skill requirements on certain spells unless another school you've played delivers it.

  • A Warrior does not gain the Life skill.
    Any of the healing spells are based on life, so he is not able to use them on his own.
  • A Cleric gets the Life skill.
    If you did some levels as a Cleric and gained the appropriate minimum skill for a life based spell, you are able to cast it. Since Warrior is allowed to use some of the healing spells, too, you are able to cast them whenever you met the skill requirements.

Knight of Creation is a member of the Arcane magic schools, and can cast most spells of Flame, Ice, Energy, Mind, and Summoning. Knight of Creation only learns Summoning, and must get the other Arcane skills from multischooling.

Spell nameAttack typeSkill neededTier
Binding Crystals IIceIce1
Blight Bolt IBlightBlight1
Blight Resistance IBlight1
Blight Ward IBlight1
Burning Hands IFlameFlame1
Daunting Mist IMindMind1
Debase IMindMind1
Energy Attack IEnergy1
Energy Bolt IEnergyEnergy1
Energy Bomb IEnergyEnergy1
Energy Resistance IEnergy1
Energy Strike IEnergyEnergy1
Energy Ward IEnergy1
Experimental Flame BoltFlameFlame1
Fiery Strike IFlameFlame1
Flame Attack IFlame
Flame Bolt IFlameFlame1
Flame Bomb IFlameFlame1
Flame Resistance IFlame1
Flame Spear IPierceSummoning1
Flame Ward IFlame1
Flame Wave IFlameFlame1
Freeze IIceIce1
Gift of Alacrity IAugmentation1
Gift of Arcanist IFlame
Gift of Armor I1
Gift of Armor II1
Gift of Armor III1
Gift of Armor IV1
Gift of Armor V1
Gift of Artistry I1
Gift of Brawler IOne Hand Pierce
Two Hand Crush
One Hand Slash
Two Hand Slash
One Hand Crush
Gift of Builder I1
Gift of Colossus IOne Hand Pierce
Two Hand Crush
One Hand Slash
Two Hand Slash
One Hand Crush
Gift of Creator I1
Gift of Dexterity IAugmentation1
Gift of Fate ILife1
Gift of Focus IAugmentation1
Gift of Health ILife1
Gift of Hunter IBow
... further results

Weapon nameTier
Blighted Flaxen Cloth Hand Wraps1
Blighted Flaxen Padded Hand Wraps1
Bronze Bastard Sword1
Bronze Broad Sword1
Bronze Gladius1
Bronze Long Sword1
Bronze Short Sword1
Bronze Two-Handed Sword1
Bronze Two-Handed Sword of Slashing1
Deteriorated Glimmel Lake Two-Handed Sword1
Dusky Scimitar1
Fine Bronze Bastard Sword1
Fine Bronze Broad Sword1
Fine Bronze Gladius1
Fine Bronze Long Sword1
Fine Bronze Short Sword1
Fine Bronze Two-Handed Sword1
Flaxen Cloth Hand Wraps1
Flaxen Padded Hand Wraps1
Galt's Blade1
Initiate Edge1
Refurbished Bronze Long Sword1
Rough Hide Hand Wraps1
Rough Leather Hand Wraps1
Splendid Bronze Broad Sword1
Splendid Bronze Long Sword1
Splendid Bronze Short Sword1
Splendid Bronze Two-Handed Sword1
Splendid Rough Leather Hand Wraps1
Sslanis Militia Blade1
Wolf Killer's Short Sword1
Blade of Rending2
Blighted Kenaf Cloth Hand Wraps2
Blighted Kenaf Padded Hand Wraps2
Exceptional Glimmel Lake Two-Handed Sword2
Exceptional Iron Broad Sword2
Exceptional Iron Long Sword2
Exceptional Iron Short Sword2
Exceptional Iron Two-Handed Sword2
Exceptional Tanned Leather Hand Wraps2
... further results

2008 Fall Festival Cat Mask
2008 Fall Festival Fishing Mask
2008 Fall Festival Myloc Mask
2008 Fall Festival Skull Head Scale
2008 Fall Festival Skull Mask
2008 Fall Festival Wolf Mask
2017 Fall Festival Skinwraith Mask
2017 Hours of Frost Ice Mask
2020 Fall Festival Bounty Hunter Mask
2020 Fall Festival Dia de los Dragones Head Scale
2020 Fall Festival Night Sky Mask
2020 Fall Festival Oni Mask
2020 Fall Festival Poisonous Mask
Anniversary Celebration Formal Shirt
Anniversary Celebration Tuxedo Pants
Black Boxers with Crossbones
Blue Gnomekindle Helper Pants
Blue Gnomekindle Helper Shirt
Blue Lightning Pants
Boar Hide Mask
Bony Boxers
Burial Mask
Cat of Cheshire Mask
Demon Mask
Dragon Mask (Biped)
Fall Harvest Mask
Ghost Mask
Ghoulie Boxers
Gnomekindle 2007 Holiday Pants
Gnomekindle 2008 Winner "Snow Time Shorts"
Gnomekindle 2009 Winner "Pink Ribbons"
Gnomekindle Clause Pants
Gnomekindle Clause Shirt
Gnomekindle Festival Official Boots
Gnomekindle Helper Pants
Gnomekindle Helper Shirt
Green Gnomekindle Helper Pants
Green Gnomekindle Helper Shirt
Gruok Mask
Harlequin Shirt
... further results

School quests[edit]

Quest nameStarts withTypeLevelRewards
Knight of Creation: TeachingHonored Galean AdairErrand1
Knight of Creation: The ChallengeMost Honored Demonte SevirisAdventure20Title: Honored Knight of Creation
Bonus: Block I
Knight of Creation: The True PathMost Honored Demonte SevirisErrand1
The Battlefields: Exploring the Chiconis BattlefieldsJeffrey SmythAdventure30

Experience required per level[edit]

Total Experience needed to reach level 100 is 35,657,500.

Your character's rating is the mathematical sum of all your adventure schools. You can use the Rating and Trophy Calculator for getting your exact rating for each school.

Level XP for Next XP Required
1 100 0
2 200 100
3 400 300
4 600 700
5 900 1,300
6 1,200 2,200
7 1,500 3400
8 1,900 4,900
9 2,300 6,800
10 3,000 9,100
11 5,200 12,100
12 7,000 17,300
13 9,100 24,300
14 11,200 33,400
15 13,500 44,600
16 16,000 58,100
17 18,700 74,100
18 21,600 92,800
19 24,700 114,400
20 28,000 139,100
21 31,600 167,100
22 35,300 198,700
23 39,000 234,000
24 43,000 273,000
25 47,500 316,000
Level XP for Next XP Required
26 51,500 363,500
27 56,000 415,000
28 60,500 471,000
29 65,000 531,500
30 70,000 596,500
31 76,500 666,500
32 81,500 743,000
33 88,500 824,500
34 93,500 913,000
35 100,500 1,006,500
36 106,000 1,107,000
37 113,500 1,213,000
38 119,000 1,326,500
39 126,500 1,445,500
40 132,000 1,572,000
41 140,000 1,704,000
42 145,500 1,844,000
43 154,000 1,989,500
44 159,500 2,143,500
45 168,000 2,303,000
46 174,000 2,471,000
47 183,000 2,645,000
48 189,000 2,828,000
49 198,000 3,017,000
50 204,000 3,215,000
Level XP for Next XP Required
51 219,500 3,419,000
52 232,000 3,638,500
53 244,000 3,870,500
54 260,500 4,114,500
55 273,000 4,375,000
56 285,000 4,648,000
57 302,500 4,933,000
58 315,000 5,235,500
59 327,500 5,550,500
60 345,500 5,878,000
61 358,500 6,223,500
62 371,000 6,582,000
63 390,000 6,953,000
64 403,000 7,343,000
65 416,000 7,746,000
66 435,500 8,162,000
67 449,000 8,597,500
68 462,000 9,046,500
69 482,500 9,508,500
70 496,000 9,991,000
71 516,000 10,487,000
72 544,000 11,003,000
73 564,500 11,547,000
74 585,000 12,111,500
75 614,000 12,696,500
Level XP for Next XP Required
76 635,000 13,310,500
77 655,500 13,945,500
78 686,000 14,601,000
79 707,000 15,287,000
80 728,000 15,994,000
81 759,500 16,722,000
82 781,000 17,481,500
83 802,500 18,262,500
84 823,500 19,065,000
85 857,000 19,888,500
86 878,000 20,745,500
87 900,000 21,623,500
88 921,500 22,523,500
89 956,500 23,445,000
90 978,000 24,401,500
91 1,007,500 25,379,500
92 1,036,500 26,387,000
93 1,080,500 27,423,500
94 1,110,000 28,504,000
95 1,139,500 29,614,000
96 1,169,000 30,753,500
97 1,215,000 31,922,500
98 1,245,000 33,137,500
99 1,275,000 34,382,500
100 N/A 35,657,500
Original material from by StalePopcorn — licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0.
... more about "Knight of Creation"
1-Handed Sword Specialization I (1, ) +, 2-Handed Sword Specialization I (1, ) +, Intuition I (1, X) +, Protective (1, ) +, Shield Specialization I (1, ) +, Sprint (1, X) +, Power Strike I (2, ) +, Parry (3, ) +, Combat Stance: Focused (5, X) +, Neutral Stance (5, X) +, Defensive Style I (6, X) +, Health Boost I (7, X) +, Defend Other I (8, X) +, Coordinated Strike I (9, X) +, Combat Stance: Attuned (10, X) +, Power Strike II (12, ) +, Summoning Aptitude (13, ) +, Combat Stance: Offensive (15, X) +, Summon Absorption Shield I (17, ) +, Combat Stance: Shielded (18, X) +, Coordinated Strike II (18, X) +, 1-Handed Sword Specialization II (20, ) +, 2-Handed Sword Specialization II (20, ) +, Intuition II (20, X) +, Shield Specialization II (20, ) +, Power Strike III (22, ) +, Multistrike I (24, X) +, Battle Shout (25, ) +, Gift Slots: Two (25, X) +, Coordinated Strike III (28, X) +, Defend Other II (28, X) +, Battle Roar (30, ) +, Blessing of Istara (30, ) +, Power Strike IV (32, ) +, Defensive Style II (36, X) +, Summon Absorption Shield II (37, ) +, Coordinated Strike IV (38, X) +, Deflection (38, ) +, 1-Handed Sword Specialization III (40, ) +, 2-Handed Sword Specialization III (40, ) +, Cleave I (40, X) +, Intuition III (40, X) +, Shield Specialization III (40, ) +, Power Strike V (42, ) +, Melee Flurry I (44, X) +, Riposte (46, X) +, Coordinated Strike V (48, X) +, Defend Other III (48, X) +, Gift Slots: Three (50, X) +, Multistrike II (50, X) +, Power Strike VI (52, ) +, Banish Armor (56, ) +, Summon Absorption Shield III (57, ) +, Coordinated Strike VI (58, X) +, Health Boost II (58, X) +, 1-Handed Sword Specialization IV (60, ) +, 2-Handed Sword Specialization IV (60, ) +, Intuition IV (60, ) +, Shield Specialization IV (60, ) +, Power Strike VII (62, ) +, Melee Flurry II (64, X) +, Defensive Style III (66, X) +, Coordinated Strike VII (68, X) +, Defend Other IV (68, X) +, Power Strike VIII (72, ) +, Multistrike III (74, X) +, Gift Slots: Four (75, X) +, Summon Absorption Shield IV (77, ) +, Coordinated Strike VIII (78, X) +, 1-Handed Sword Specialization V (80, ) +, 2-Handed Sword Specialization V (80, ) +, Cleave II (80, X) +, Combat Stance: Armored (80, X) +, Intuition V (80, ) +, Shield Specialization V (80, ) +, Power Strike IX (82, ) +, Coordinated Strike IX (88, X) +, Defend Other V (88, X) +, Melee Flurry III (90, X) +, Power Strike X (92, ) +, Defensive Style IV (96, X) +, Summon Absorption Shield V (97, ) +, Coordinated Strike X (98, X) +, 1-Handed Sword Specialization VI (100, ) +, 2-Handed Sword Specialization VI (100, ) +, Gift Slots: Five (100, X) +, Intuition VI (100, ) +, Multistrike IV (100, X) +  and Shield Specialization VI (100, ) +