Lange Wimmip

From Istaria Lexica

Location: New Rachival
Rating: 1
School: Blacksmith
Health: 218
23144 / 25580
Lange Wimmip.jpg

Lange tells you, Hello, friend. I am Lange Wimmip and I am pleased to meet you. I am sure you have heard much about the Fall of Rachival and how we came to this place and founded our new home.

Lange tells you, It was many years ago, oh yes, but we Gnomes have very long memories. We have not forgotten our homeland! No we have not! And we aim to reclaim it one day. I was once a member of the Ruling Council during those days. Respected, honored, and fabulously wealthy. But look at what we have been reduced to! It is all HIS fault, it is. But HE will pay for his crimes, one day.

Quests available[edit]

No quests for this NPC.

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