Large Tree Planter Arrangement - Tree of Luck, Silver with Purple

From Istaria Lexica

Large Tree Planter Arrangement - Tree of Luck, Silver with Purple.jpg

This is a building you can construct on your plot

  • Plot limit: 2Reflects how much of this building can be built on one plot.
  • Buildable on commercial plots (Biped)
  • Buildable on residential plots (Biped)

Resources needed

See more details about Large Tree Planter Arrangement - Tree of Luck, Silver with Purple in the Product Calculator Resource: Silver Bar, Ice Construction Block, Ice Essence Construction Sphere, Focused Violet Azulyte Crystal, Sandstone Construction Block, Crystal Seed (Need (min): 400, 60, 180, 400, 60, 1, Need (opt): 400, 40, 120, 400, 40, 1, Skill (min): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Skill (opt): 1, 201, 201, 1, 201, 1, Skill: Ingenuity, Masonry, Essence Structuring, Ingenuity, Masonry, Ingenuity, Tool: Istarian Army Knife or Ingenuity I, Masonry Trowel, Essence Structurer, Istarian Army Knife or Ingenuity I, Masonry Trowel, Istarian Army Knife or Ingenuity I, Machine:  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  )