Librarian of Magic

From Istaria Lexica

Location: Dalimond
Rating: 47
School: Librarian
Health: 20
22790 / 22738
Librarian of Magic.jpg

Librarian tells you, Good to see someone seeking knowledge about the magical arts. How can I assist you in your thirst for knowledge young one?

Sold items

Barrage II0090
Blood Bolt II0010800
Burning Hands II0090
Clumsiness II007800
Energy Bomb II007800
Ethereal Leech II007800
Flame Bomb II0090
Flame Spear II007800
Hallucination II007800
Health II007800
Ice Bomb II007800
Ice Shackles II0060
Lightning Blast II0090
Patch of Bramble II007800
Primal Health II007800
Purify II0090
Regrowth II006600
Resurrection II0090
Scatterbrain II007800
Self-Sacrificium II007800
Stupidity II007800
Surge of Armor II006600
Surge of Dexterity II007800
Surge of Focus II007800
Surge of Health II006600
Surge of Power II005400
Surge of Strength II005400
Unrelenting Winds II005400
Weakness II005400

Quests available[edit]

No quests for this NPC.