Nelthorr's Journal 64th Awakening, 2352 B.R

From Istaria Lexica

Nelthorr's Journal 64th Awakening, 2352 B.R
The first stage of the lair is complete, thanks to Allathos hard work. She has tirelessly shaped the lair and we finally have a library and a resting chamber. After a short rest we are going to fly east across the great mountain range that divides the continents and see what lies beyond. And while my observations and interest in these stunted naka is still strong, the need to feel the wind on my scales and look down upon the clouds is even stronger.
Item type: Resource
Bulk: 1
Hoard value: 38000
Tier: Tier 6
Nelthorr-s Journal 64th Awakening, 2352 B.R.jpg

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