Ogre Rock-Hauler

From Istaria Lexica

Ogre Rock-Hauler
Ogre Rock-Hauler.jpg





School: Undead Ogre
Tier: Tier 6
Creature Type: Undead
Attack Types: Blight, Crush, Mind, Slash

Attacks on sight:

Creature does aggro when passing by.

Is social:

Creature does aggro companions to fight you.

Is named:

Creature is not a named enemy.




29550 / 26250

Ogre Rock-Haulers can be found in the Eastern Deadlands.




Adamantium Metal Nugget
Ancient Barasavian Crown
Antiquated Breastplate
Corroded Adamantium Battle Axe Blade
Corroded Adamantium Bracelet Gem Setting
Corroded Adamantium Bracelet
Corroded Adamantium Broad Sword Blade
Corroded Adamantium Dagger Blade
Corroded Adamantium Earring Gem Setting
Corroded Adamantium Earring Post
Corroded Adamantium Large Axe Blade
Corroded Adamantium Long Spear Blade
Corroded Adamantium Long Sword Blade
Corroded Adamantium Mace Crown
Corroded Adamantium Maul Head
Corroded Adamantium Necklace Chain
Corroded Adamantium Necklace Pendant
Corroded Adamantium Ring Gem Setting
Corroded Adamantium Ring
Corroded Adamantium Short Sword Blade
Corroded Adamantium Sword Pommel
Corroded Adamantium Two-Handed Sword Blade
Corroded Adamantium Warhammer Head
Corroded Dragon Back Scale: Adamantium
Corroded Dragon Chest Scale: Adamantium
Corroded Dragon Foreleg Scale: Adamantium
Corroded Dragon Head Scale: Adamantium
Corroded Dragon Hindleg Scale: Adamantium
Corroded Dragon Tail Scale: Adamantium
Corroded Dragon Wing Scale: Adamantium
Corroded Radiant Leather Wrappings
Corroded Thornwood Bow Limb
Corroded Thornwood Crossbow Stock
Corroded Thornwood Crossbow Trigger
Corroded Thornwood Staff Limb
Corroded Thornwood Weapon Handle
Corroded Thornwood Wood Shaft
Ectoplasmic Residue (T6)
Exquisite Mirror
Imperial Bell
Imperial Coffer
Imperial Crown
Imperial Scepter
Imperial Urn
Locked Box
Master Armor Dye Kit: Antique Colors
Master Armor Dye Kit: Azulyte Colors
Master Armor Dye Kit: Copper Colors
Master Armor Dye Kit: Khaki Colors
Master Armor Dye Kit: Purple Colors
Master Armor Dye Kit: Steel Blue Colors
Ornamental Breastplate
Perfect Undead Core
Priceless Mirror
Radiant Leather Band
Scale Hardener: Adamantium
Thornwood Wood Strip
Zombie Brain (T6)
Zombie Limb (T6)

... more about "Ogre Rock-Hauler"
Locked Box +, Adamantium Metal Nugget +, Corroded Adamantium Battle Axe Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Bracelet Gem Setting +, Corroded Adamantium Bracelet +, Corroded Adamantium Broad Sword Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Dagger Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Earring Gem Setting +, Corroded Adamantium Earring Post +, Corroded Adamantium Large Axe Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Long Spear Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Long Sword Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Mace Crown +, Corroded Adamantium Maul Head +, Corroded Adamantium Necklace Chain +, Corroded Adamantium Necklace Pendant +, Corroded Adamantium Ring Gem Setting +, Corroded Adamantium Ring +, Corroded Adamantium Short Sword Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Sword Pommel +, Corroded Adamantium Two-Handed Sword Blade +, Corroded Adamantium Warhammer Head +, Corroded Dragon Back Scale: Adamantium +, Corroded Dragon Chest Scale: Adamantium +, Corroded Dragon Foreleg Scale: Adamantium +, Corroded Dragon Head Scale: Adamantium +, Corroded Dragon Hindleg Scale: Adamantium +, Corroded Dragon Tail Scale: Adamantium +, Corroded Dragon Wing Scale: Adamantium +, Corroded Radiant Leather Wrappings +, Corroded Thornwood Bow Limb +, Corroded Thornwood Crossbow Stock +, Corroded Thornwood Crossbow Trigger +, Corroded Thornwood Staff Limb +, Corroded Thornwood Weapon Handle +, Corroded Thornwood Wood Shaft +, Radiant Leather Band +, Scale Hardener: Adamantium +, Thornwood Wood Strip +, Master Armor Dye Kit: Antique Colors +, Master Armor Dye Kit: Azulyte Colors +, Master Armor Dye Kit: Copper Colors +, Master Armor Dye Kit: Khaki Colors +, Master Armor Dye Kit: Purple Colors +, Master Armor Dye Kit: Steel Blue Colors +, Ancient Barasavian Crown +, Antiquated Breastplate +, Exquisite Mirror +, Imperial Bell +, Imperial Coffer +, Imperial Crown +, Imperial Scepter +, Imperial Urn +, Ornamental Breastplate +, Priceless Mirror +, Ectoplasmic Residue (T6) +, Zombie Brain (T6) +, Zombie Limb (T6) +  and Perfect Undead Core +
29,550 +
26,250 +