Plundered Tombs: Investigate the Tomb of Crankenspank

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Adventure
From NPC(s): Geriad Batel
Required adventure school: Any (level: 26)
Locations: Dalimond
Previous quest(s): Plundered Tombs: Investigate the Tomb of Borannis
Next quest(s): Plundered Tombs: Locate the Tomb of Moravvis (Biped)Plundered Tombs: Locate the Tomb of Moravvis (Dragon)
View this quest in the Quest Tree

Ancient tombs are being plundered and relics stolen by the Withered Aegis. The location of the Tomb of Crankenspank is well known and Paladin Geriad wants you to investigate it.

Quest text[edit]

Well, <player>, it lies not far from Dalimond itself. Why is its location so well known when the Tomb of Borannis was not? For generations, people have "tempted fate" by visiting the tomb... a sort of rite of passage for the young. Until the war, that is. Now, even though the tomb may seem open, like the other tomb, it is likely haunted by the undead. Are you sure?

One can hope, can't he? Glory, my friend, that is what awaits us! Leave through the South Gate and then take the road to the south-southeast. Not far off the road you will see the ruined entrance to the tomb. Be careful, <player>! I have sent one of my allies, Jan Arros, to meet you outside the tomb! *He salutes you* Istara Protect You!

Well met, <player>. My intelligence suggests that there are undead in the tomb and, worse, that the sorcerer Crankenspank himself may have risen. Another necromancer?

Close enough! Dragon Adventurer, I need you to destroy this abomination once and for all!

<player>, that you have returned tells me all I need to know! The Tomb was found, the undead within destroyed. Yes? Good, good. From what you say much damage has been done to the tombs and those within. This is unfortunate. We will discuss more of that soon.


  • Geriad
  • Speak with Paladin Batel
  • Speak with Paladin Jan Arros outside of the Tomb of Crankenspank which is located southeast of Dalimond
  • Speak with Paladin Arros
  • Destroy ten (10) Risen Tomb Guards within the Tomb of Crankenspank
  • Destroy the Risen Necromancer known as Crankenspank
  • Return to Dalimond and tell Paladin Batel of your success

Target mobs
