Searching effectively on Istaria Lexica

From Istaria Lexica

Searching in a Wiki like the Istaria Lexica is sometimes tricky, and differs a bit from the easyness of Here are some basic guidelines how you can be effective at all.

  • The search bar does suggestions. Whenever you enter a phrase and wait a little bit (2-3 seconds), the most fitting results will be shown to you. If you did not get any results, there is still the option to fire it out. The advanced search page shows up then, enlisting everything it could find in a full text search.
  • Suggestions are limited to 10 entries. If there are too many results, some of them are suppressed silently. Enhance your search phrase if you think the current ten results are not the only ones (ex. "Template:in" into "Template:infoboxC"). This triggers a new search with more accurate suggestions.
  • The search bar is case-sensitive. On searching suggestions the search bar is picky. Be sure you capitalised correctly and did not add too many whitespaces.
  • Namespaces need a prefix. If searching for a page "Very Useful Things" fails, you may want to try searching for a category page: "Category:Very Useful Things". Try these for example: Category, Talk, Template, File, User and Help.
  • Categories have content. Don't get confused of the 'Category:' prefix. These pages do also have content and are mostly stuffed with lists for something.
  • Pressing the Go button while leaving the search field empty opens up the advanced search page. There are more options available to you.
  • What links here If you're curious what is talking about the article you currently opened, click the 'what links here' menu entry. This special page references all articles linking to the current one. Best practice if you can't find stuff.