Shau's Grief: Introduction

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Errand
From NPC(s): Emperor Shau
Required adventure school: Any (level: 56)
Locations: Barasavian Desert
Previous quest(s): The Blood-Magic of the Welger (Part 3)
Next quest(s): Shau's Grief: Headstone
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Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:

Shau grieves for the wife he loves and was forced to kill. He has decided that because she held true to her ideals in spite of her love for him, she should be given such honors as are within his power in exile. He would like you to help him do so.

Quest text[edit]

Taur-el is gone, <player>, and the sun may never shine on my heart again. I feel as if it has been cloven in two and the pain... I would not think less of anyone who threw themselves onto the sands and bawled like a newborn in the face of such anguish.

  • I am sorry for your loss.

Thank you for your words, <player>. To think that the two of us would commiserate over the loss of my wife... former enemies... now... allies at least. Friends? Perhaps. In either case, I must ask more of you. I know it is not my place to do so and, if I were you I might refuse, but I have no one else to ask. I am still an outcast, hunted and cannot do this myself. Would you help me?

  • What is it you need?

Yes, I suppose you must know the particulars of the favor before giving an answer. Foolish of me to think otherwise. You probably know little of the beliefs or practices of my people, <player>. We have been enemies for so long and little else.

  • Go on.

Varrantoth is our god and maker, <player>. Unlike you Gifted, we are not bound to the plane when we die. No, we are bound to Varrantoth the Implacable, and it is to him that we return upon our deaths to be judged; to remain in his presence until eternity or be cast into the void.

  • That is awful!

What?! It is an honor to be given one final opportunity to fight and to prove our worth, <player>. To think of all of the great ones who came before me, to meet them again, perhaps to share a table, swap tales, to fight side by side or face to face! I cannot imagine anything greater...

  • I am sorry for what I said.

Think nothing of it, <player>. The beliefs of many may seem odd to outsiders. I do not think I could be cremated and buried in stone like the Dwarves or mummified to bake in the sand like the Saris... or even buried in a dolmen like the Half-Giants.

  • That is very true, all customs are different.

One thread we all have in common, <player>, is that we honor our dead. I wish to honor Taur-el. She held true to her ideals and the commands of her god despite her love to me. I hold no ill will towards her for her actions and I wish to see her face Varrantoth in the afterlife and prove her value!

  • That is a noble sentiment, how can I help?

Thank you, <player>. Your support in this is most appreciated and together we shall bring honor to my fallen wife.


  • Listen to Shau


  • Adventure Experience: 25800
  • Money: 500c