Shau's Vengeance: Introduction

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Adventure
From NPC(s): Emperor Shau
Required adventure school: Any (level: 57)
Locations: Barasavian Desert
Previous quest(s): Angwu: Supplying the TroopsShau's Grief: Taur-el Honored
Next quest(s): Shau's Vengeance: Specters of the Past
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Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:

Angwu's hopes of overthrowing the Withered Aegis hold on the Welger may be dead along with him, but you have arrived at Shau and he has sworn vengeance upon those who have caused so much death and destruction.

Quest text[edit]

<player>, I have need of your attention. Vengeance has waited long enough, but I believe that now is the time to strike. With my wife buried and honored and your Cult in shambles, there is little that stands in our way except the ambitions of those who remain in power within my own people inside the Ruin.

  • What is our first step?

I have had time to consider this and my own vengeance can wait a bit longer. First, I feel that we must seek vengeance for those who betrayed my friend, Angwu. Would you not agree?

  • Absolutely

Good. Now, I recall you mentioning that Angwu was betrayed. Do you know who betrayed him?

  • He went to a meeting with two Gang Leaders and a Troop Leader, but an Adept named Korrakaus was the one who killed him.

Shau's eyes narrow.

Korrakaus? That one is familiar to me from back in the east. He was always ambitious and it would seem that the move west has done nothing to lessen it. He will be our first target then... but, we must uncover the names of the others Angwu met with before you kill this Korrakaus.

You! I recognize you... It was you who fought alongside the treasonous dog, Angwu. Your days are numbered, I can assure you of that.

  • Fool, Angwu was loyal to the end. It was you who betrayed him and will pay.

Betrayed Angwu? I do not think so, Saris. Tor'kas knew all along that Angwu was plotting against our leaders and Varrantoth and he led that fool straight into his trap. The others were merely pawns trying to get Tor’kas or another to notice them. My own part? I was merely the one who carried out the sentence! Now, it is time for you to die.

Welcome back, <player>. Is Korrakaus dead?

  • He is, but before he died he said another called Tor'kas was behind the attack.

Tor'kas? My enemies multiply and grow in stature, it would seem. Well, we shall deal with that soon enough. Thank you, <player>.


Target mobs


  • Adventure Experience: 30250
  • Money: 27s 500c