Tower of Healing

From Istaria Lexica

Location info:
Destination pad: No pad
Travel gate: No portal
Shrine: No shrine
Available plots: No plots
Available lairs: No lairs
Must be attuned by: Confessor Tel Orthess
22300 / 24600
click to enlarge

Tower of Healing is an outpost in the center of the Barasavian Desert.

NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
Abbin the RegistrarWarrior22,31524,598
Amenir TelakhMilitary Surplus OfficerMilitia Surplus22,34324,580
Araga the WatcherDragon Adventurer22,33224,613
Byl VorrintisWarrior22,31524,598
Confessor Tel OrthessClericClerical Order22,45524,612
Confessor ZenousWarriorClerical Order22,29824,607
Curate BikannWarriorClerical Order22,32924,587
Curate ElishkWarrior22,30324,583
Curate ToraiWarrior22,29824,607
Exalted Patriarch Harle AelaHealerClerical Order22,31524,598
Guardian of Light22,30524,584
High Confessor OrlinnWarrior22,32424,611
In'athoi the ScholarlyWarrior22,32924,587
Khemarius (Tower of Healing)Dragon Adventurer22,32924,619
Lesser Prelate ArdinnWarrior22,30324,583
Lesser Prelate EnethWarrior22,31524,598
Nando FruthakArtifact HunterArtifact Hunter22,32924,587
Senior Prelate VoltishWarrior22,32424,611
Tower GuardClericClerical Order23,82020,416

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Angered SoulAegis Ghost Berserker42
Lost SoulAegis Ghost Berserker42

Quests found at Tower of Healing

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Ancient Runes Nando Fruthak

50 / none

(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Armor of The Hero Nando Fruthak

50 / none

(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Tablets of the Lost Pyramid Nando Fruthak

50 / none

(Daily) Clerical Order: Artifact Remnants Lesser Prelate Eneth

none / none

(Daily) Clerical Order: Avenging the Fallen Lesser Prelate Ardinn

none / none

(Daily) Clerical Order: Enchanted Grave Dust Confessor Zenous

42 / none

(Daily) Clerical Order: Memories of the Forgotten Curate Bikann

none / none

Avenge the Fallen (Part 1) Curate Elishk

42 / none

Avenge the Fallen (Part 2) Curate Elishk

42 / none

Avenge the Fallen (Part 3) Lesser Prelate Ardinn

44 / none

Avenge the Fallen (Part 4) Lesser Prelate Ardinn

42 / none

Avenge the Fallen (Part 5) Senior Prelate Voltish

none / none

Drain Bolt IV: A Test of Spirit Khemarius (Tower of Healing)

45 / none

Dragon Adventurer
Drain Bolt V: Field Research Khemarius (Tower of Healing)

55 / none

Dragon Adventurer
Earn Title: Confessor of the Clerical Order Abbin the Registrar

none / none

Cleric, Healer, Dragon Adventurer
Earn Title: Curate of the Clerical Order Abbin the Registrar

none / none

Cleric, Healer
Earn Title: High Confessor of the Clerical Order Abbin the Registrar

none / none

Cleric, Healer
Earn Title: Higher Prelate of the Clerical Order Abbin the Registrar

none / none

Cleric, Healer
Earn Title: Lesser Prelate of the Clerical Order Abbin the Registrar

none / none

Cleric, Healer
Earn Title: Matriarch of the Clerical Order Abbin the Registrar

none / none

Cleric, Healer
Earn Title: Patriarch of the Clerical Order Abbin the Registrar

none / none

Cleric, Healer
Memories of the Forgotten (Part 1) Curate Bikann

42 / none

Memories of the Forgotten (Part 2) Curate Bikann

42 / none

Pacifying the Angry (Part 1) High Confessor Orlinn

42 / none

Pacifying the Angry (Part 2) High Confessor Orlinn

42 / none

Remnants of an Artifact (Part 1) Lesser Prelate Eneth

44 / none

Remnants of an Artifact (Part 2) Lesser Prelate Eneth

44 / none

Remnants of an Artifact (Part 3) Senior Prelate Voltish

none / none

Tazoon Region: Attunement to Tower of Healing Confessor Tel Orthess

none / none

The NRDF needs your help! Byl Vorrintis

none / none

The Plague: Cure (Part 2) (Biped) Lesser Prelate Eneth

52 / none

The Plague: Cure (Part 2) (Dragon) Lesser Prelate Eneth

52 / none

The Plague: Cure (Part 3) (Dragon) Juquenas the Spellcrafter

52 / none

The Plague: Cure (Part 4) Lesser Prelate Eneth

52 / none

Where is My Sister? Nando Fruthak

57 / none