From Istaria Lexica
Weavers are a specialized craft school associated with the Outfitter, although the Gatherer and Tailor provide the skill necessary to join. Weavers use their knowledge of working with fabric and hide in the construction of housing and structures. Weavers are the single school that provides the skill set to produce and contribute specialized fabric bolts and hide-based tarps to various construction efforts.
- Weavers work in:
/lvl - gain each level
100 - maximum at level 100
P - is primary skill? (crafting schools only)
Skill points gained[edit]
Attribute points gained[edit]
Spinning or Tanning skill 150 |
[[View a requirements overview for all schools]]
Name | Formulas sold | Located at | X | Y |
Bashale | Beginner Fabric Construction Beginner Hide Construction Beginner Leather Construction Beginner Banners | Kion | 20,244 | 24,432 |
Kasym Hyne | Beginner Banners Beginner Fabric Construction Beginner Hide Construction Beginner Leather Construction | Istaria's Loom | 16,397 | 14,202 |
Walter Hidron | Beginner Fabric Construction Beginner Hide Construction Beginner Leather Construction Beginner Banners | Dalimond | 22,834 | 22,667 |
Thirrick Threaddelver | Expert Fabric Construction Expert Hide Construction Expert Leather Construction | Aughundell | 25,122 | 26,062 |
Weatta | Fabric Construction (Tier 3 - 5) Hide Construction (Tier 3 - 5) Leather Construction (Tier 3 - 5) | Feladan | 25,315 | 23,275 |
Fillius Thimbletwitch | Journeyman Fabric Construction Journeyman Hide Construction Journeyman Leather Construction | New Rachival | 23,149 | 25,557 |
Ayios | Journeyman Fabric Construction Journeyman Hide Construction Journeyman Leather Construction | Kirasanct | 23,899 | 28,066 |
Tofa Torgard | Journeyman Fabric Construction Journeyman Hide Construction Journeyman Leather Construction | Mahagra | 23,788 | 30,522 |
Weaver abilities
- Name = The name of the ability
- L = The level the ability is earned at this school
- M = Is it masterable?
Name: Foraging I, Ingenuity I, Sprint, Foraging II, Ingenuity II, Foraging III, Ingenuity III, Foraging IV, Ingenuity IV, Foraging V, Ingenuity V, Foraging VI, Gift Slots: Two, Gift Slots: Three, Gift Slots: Four, Gift Slots: Five (L: 1, 1, 1, 20, 20, 40, 40, 60, 60, 80, 80, 100, 25, 50, 75, 100, M: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X)
Levelling advice[edit]
Levelling is best performed by constructing Fabric Spools and constructing/deconstructing Fabric Contruction Tapestries/Bolts. While trainer quests do give bonuses for coin, they are generally not as worthwhile due to the time taken to travel back to the Trainer to receive the reward.
Fabric Isle is one of the best locations for levelling up to approximately level 60, as it has ample supplies of Kenaf, Flax and Cotton and close proximity to machines. There are also large numbers of Ironsilk and Steelsilk available, with the Fabric Isle community usually having a Journeyman and/or Expert clothworking shop near to the fields.
Meadowhill also has an excellent source of Ironsilk, and Weavers are probably better off heading there as soon as they get up to the stage of being 2:1 for Ironsilk Spools.
Please read the skill articles (links above) for further details on crafting formulas.
School quests[edit]
Collection tasks require you to have the item collected in your inventory but do not require you to get the quest first. This means, for example, you can bring 200 iron ore to the trainer, get the quest, immediately do the turn in (Greet the trainer), get the quest again, do the turn in, and repeat twice more without moving from the trainer.
Craft tasks require you to make the items after you get the quest. The best way to do this is to bring a load of the raw material to a trainer next to a refining machine, get the quest, make the item, greet the trainer (turn in), get the quest, and so on until the material is used up.
Report tasks are delivery quests designed to show you where the Quartermaster are.
Quest name | Starts with | Type | Craftlevel | Rewards |
Learning to Weave Baskets | Normand Holcomb | Crafting | 21 | Beginner Wood Board Beginner Wooden Reeds |