Food Locations

From Istaria Lexica

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This page discusses the best locations to collect food. Food collecting is related to the Confectioner school.

How close is it
Some resources are not close to town centers or Travel Portal, and travelling to them can involve a lot of steps along the way. An ideal resource location is as close as possible to a Travel Portal. Difficult to reach locations may require the use of travel scrolls to bring your hard-earned resources back home, such as Adamantium and Travertine on Summoner's Isle.

Does it have storage I can use
Crafting often (always?!?) involves gathering a lot of raw resources and then crafting them into another form. Sometimes the most efficient way is to use a public storage facility to store your raw resources, and then process them in bulk at the same time. Having access to a public storage facility also allows you to temporarily store lots of items and transport them to their final destination a bit at a time.

Does it have a craft shop I can use
Workshop buildings provide a skill bonus depending on their level. A Beginner Workshop (+25), Journeyman Workshop (+50) and Expert Workshop (+75) provide a bonus to your skill level when crafting. This can improve your efficiency and reduce processing time. Having access to a craft shop can be critical when improving your trade school, however it is less important when you are already at optimal processing level and do not need the skill bonus.

Are there any monsters or guards (mobs)?
A lot of high level resources have guardians (such as Golems near Stone and Gems) patrolling the resources. Most of the time you don't want to be interrupted while crafting, but sometimes they are also a handy source of resources!

The table below tries to take these factors into account for Istarian food locations. Numbers in parentheses (eg. (50)) provides the point-to-point distance from the portal in to the (roughly) center of the resource nodes "as the Dragon flies". Note that this is a selective list - not all locations for each resource are mentioned, only ones considered the "best" based on the criteria above.


Resource Map Location Port In Port Out Storage Shop Vault Mobs
Raw Beef (Cow) Mithril's Anvil Mithril's Anvil Mithril's Anvil No Yes Yes No
Raw Mutton (Sheep) Abandoned Island Abandoned Island Abandoned Island No No No No