Mystical Ward of Istara

From Istaria Lexica

Mystical Ward of Istara
The mystical Ward of Istara protects against spell attacks.
Item type: Trinket
Bulk: 1
Mystical Ward of Istara.jpg

When Used[edit]

Mystical Ward of Istara
Delay: 20
Recycle: Repeating
Range: Self only
Consumes: 1
Target Effect: Mystical Ward of Istara <rank>


Effect: Mystical Ward of Istara
Duration 30:00
Cannot be dispelled
Rank (Tier) Effect Lvl¹
Mystical Ward of Istara I

Incoming Spells only
Does 96% of normal damage

Mystical Ward of Istara II

Incoming Spells only
Does 93% of normal damage

Mystical Ward of Istara III

Incoming Spells only
Does 90% of normal damage

Mystical Ward of Istara IV

Incoming Spells only
Does 87% of normal damage

Mystical Ward of Istara V

Incoming Spells only
Does 84% of normal damage

Mystical Ward of Istara VI

Incoming Spells only
Does 81% of normal damage

¹ Current Adventure Level Minimum

Conflicts with[edit]

Divine Protection
Holy Armament of Istara
Mystical Ward of Istara

Trinkets are sold by Pawn Brokers.

Ways to obtain[edit]

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