
From Istaria Lexica

Template documentation (for the template shown above, sometimes hidden or invisible)


Use this template to create shiny, funny buttons. The icon should not be greater than 73x73 pixel.


|image =
|baseimage = 
|textureimage = 
|textureopacity = 
|articlename  =
|alt          =
|bgcolor      =
|fontbgcolor  =
|bordercolor  =


|image        = the image file for the buttons graphic
|baseimage = image file of the base image. This will be rendered behind the button graphic and is used for stone/marmor effect for example. You will need to use transparency on your button graphic file for this to work.
|textureimage = image file for the texture overlay. This will be rendered ontop of your button graphic and can be manipulted in transparency. Good for some nice 3D or glass-effect.
|textureopacity = opacity level for texture image. Use values 0.00 to 1.00.
|articlename  = Page to be linked at, or Category (use [[:Category:Name]])
|alt          = Alternative name for the link to be shown, must have for long names.
|bgcolor      = Background color of the buttons basement
|fontbgcolor  = Background color for the text's basement (the box)
|bordercolor  = Color of the button's borders 


Default coloring[edit]

|image        = Icon equipment.png
|baseimage = 
|textureimage = 
|textureopacity = 
|articlename  = :Category:Browse
|alt          = default
|bgcolor      = 
|fontbgcolor  = 
|bordercolor  = 

Results in:

Advanced coloring[edit]

The rgba phrase represents a transparency configuration in the form of: rgba(red(0-255), green(0-255), blue(0-255), alpha(0.00-1.00)).

|image        = Icon equipment.png
|baseimage = 
|textureimage = 
|textureopacity = 
|articlename  = :Category:Template documentation
|alt          = advanced
|bgcolor      = #FFF
|fontbgcolor  = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66)
|bordercolor  = black

Results in...

Visit Template:Button/doc to edit this text. (How to: document correctly)