Vandus Confederation: The Observatory Outpost

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Errand
From NPC(s): Sergeant Nansi Illos
Required adventure school: Any (level: 35)
Locations: Heart
Previous quest(s): Vandus Confederation: The Lost Patrol
Next quest(s): Vandus Confederation: To The Rescue I
View this quest in the Quest Tree
Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:
Incomplete Supply Request Form, Signed Supply Request Form, Supplies for the Outpost, Supply Request Form

You have assisted the outpost of Heart and the Vandus Militia by stopping a potential assault that would have surely overrun the community. Now, Sergeant Illos needs you to head south and west to another embattled outpost near the Gnomish Observatory itself.

Quest text[edit]

<player>, time is of the essence so please listen carefully! Heart is not the only outpost along the Shadowed Coast. Another, further to the south and west, was built to watch over the Gnomish Observatory after it was captured by the Withered Aegis. When the roads were clear we had regular communication with this outpost and even resupplied them at times. But now, with the roads blocked and the threat growing daily I fear they are on their own!

This is where you come in, <player>. I need you to travel back to Dalimond and procure supplies for the Observatory Outpost. Then proceed with all haste back and deliver them. We can only hope that the Outpost itself remains secure but I am sure the supplies will be needed. Speak with Elmond Weiss, the Quartermaster of the militia, when you reach Dalimond and provide him with this Supply Request Form. Once you have the supplies deliver them directly to Sergeant Ortos at the Observatory Outpost.

Deliver the Supply Request Form to Quartermaster Elmond Weiss in Dalimond to procure supplies for the Observatory Outpost

<Adventurer School>, what can I do for you? You are in need of supplies? Well, you came to the right person! I oversee distribution of supplies to all of the outposts and squads stationed throughout the Dalimond Peninsula. Now, for which outpost are you in need? The Observatory Outpost? Ah, good, I was starting to wonder if they were going to be resupplied or if the outpost had fallen. Now, you have the proper forms yes?

Good, good. Yes, filled out in triplicate and signed. Ah, but the Leftenant has not signed off on this report. Go speak with Leftenant Hanlon and obtain his signature. Then, and only then, can I distribute the supplies. Off with you!

Obtain Leftenant Hanlon's Signature on the Supply Request Form for Quartermaster Weiss

Soldier, I am very busy so speak quickly! Ah, a signature. Do not rise high in the ranks, <player>, else you will be bound by the bureaucrats. Signatures, thats all I do these days. I long for the days of leading a charge against the enemy. *he laughs* What a thought that is! Yes, here you go. Dismissed!

Return to Quartermaster Weiss with the Signed Supply Request Form

What, oh its you again. Did you get that form signed? Yes? Good, good. Now, before I distribute these supplies I must ensure that you are capable of carrying them. They weight two-hundred and fifty units. You have sufficient space in your cargo disk or pack, yes?

Verify there is sufficient space (250 units) in your pack for the Supplies

Good, good. Here you are! Safe journeys, <player>.

Deliver the supplies to Sergeant Ral Ortos at the Observatory Outpost in the extreme southwest of the Dalimond Peninsula

Solider, you are welcome to this outpost. What is this burden you carry? Supplies?!?! Truly? *he claps you on the shoulder* Well done, <player>. We have been rationing our supplies for days now for fear that no further supplies would make it through without a full expedition to re-open the roads! But one of the Gifted, delivering us from our misery! Thank you, <player>, the militia is in your debt.


  • Deliver the Supply Request Form to Quartermaster Elmond Weiss in Dalimond to procure supplies for the Observatory Outpost
  • Obtain Leftenant Hanlon's Signature on the Supply Request Form for Quartermaster Weiss
  • Return to Quartermaster Weiss with the Signed Supply Request Form
  • Verify there is sufficient space (250 units) in your pack for the Supplies
  • Deliver the supplies to Sergeant Ral Ortos at the Observatory Outpost in the extreme southwest of the Dalimond Peninsula


  • Adventure Experience: 19800
  • Money: 1s