Slash Commands
From Istaria Lexica
Slash commands are used within the game client to control different tasks without having to use the graphical interface.
- Slash commands can be used and combined on Hotkeys to automate tasks or interaction
- Some control the game client's behavior and it's performance
Ingame help for slash commands[edit]
- type: '/help ' for a list of slash commands
- type '/<command> ?' for a description of the command
Available Commands[edit]
Hint: click the headlines to sort any of the columns.
Command | Type | Description |
/guildCreate |
Guild | Starts a guild creation process. |
/saveLayout <name> |
User Interface | Saves the layout of your hotkeys. |
/loadLayout <name> |
User Interface | Loads a previously saved layout of your hotkeys. |
/deleteLayout <name> |
User Interface | Deletes a previously saved layout of your hotkeys. |
/renameLayout <name> |
User Interface | Rename a previously saved layout of your hotkeys. |
/guildAddmember <name> |
Guild | Adds a member to your guild. This command needs you to be authorized to invite members. |
/guildRemoveMember <name> |
Guild | Removes a member from your guild. This command needs you to be authorized to invite members. |
/guildResign |
Guild | Disband your guild. |
/guildChat <text> /gu |
Chat | Sends a text to you guild's chat channel. |
/guildInfo |
Guild | |
/guildInviteResponse |
Guild | |
/guildChangeRank <name> <rank> |
Guild | Changes a guild members rank. This command needs you to be authorized to change guild ranks. |
/guildResignSteward <name> |
Guild | Removes the player to be a guild steward. |
/guildMission <text> |
Guild | Adds a (new) guild mission text which is shown in the guild dialog box. |
/guildURL <website address> |
Guild | Adds information about how to reach the guild website. |
/guildName <name> |
Guild | Sets the guild's name. |
/guildQuote <text> |
Guild | Adds a (new) guild quote text which is shown in the guild dialog box. |
/guildMotd <text> |
Guild | Adds a (new) message of the day text which is shown in the guild dialog box. |
/guildAssignSteward <name> |
Guild | Assigns a player as steward in the guild. |
/guildAward |
Guild | Adds a guild point reward to a player. You may also add a reason. |
/guildInvite |
Guild | Invites a player to your guild. If player does not respond within 5 minutes, the invite is cancelled. |
/cargo |
Container | Drops your cargo disc on the ground, or put it back up again. |
/groupinvite /gi |
Group | Invites a player to your group. |
/grouppromote <name> |
Group | Promotes a group member to group leader. Leaders may invite and kick other players, aswell as promote them. |
/groupkick <name> |
Group | Kicks a player from your group. |
/groupleave |
Group | Leave your current group. |
/lookingforgroup |
Group | Activates the LFG flag for your character. You're shown in the Player List as a player looking for a group. |
/awayfromkeyboard |
Misc | Sets your character to be 'Away From Keyboard'. Any incoming tells will be automatically answered so other players know you are not behind your computer at the moment. |
/info /played |
Information | Prints a short character information, showing the age in days and the days being in game. |
/emote <type> /em <type> |
Misc | Lets the character do a selected emote. Using the commands without a type prints out a list of available emote types. |
/random <min> <max> /ran <min> <max> |
Misc | Prints out a randomized number between the used min and max values. Using the command without values lets you roll a number between 1 and 100. |
/assist <name> |
Targeting | Assist a player on his selected target, by selecting it for yourself. Use the command either by selecting a player or by writing his name behind. |
/defend <name> |
/selectNearest |
Targeting | Target nearest resource or enemy. |
/selectNearestResource <resourceName> /snr <resourceName> |
Targeting | Target the nearest resource. A resource name can be added optional to be more specific in the field. (ex. '/snr Coba' for any type of cobalt vein) |
/selectNearestEnemy <name> /sne <name> |
Targeting | Target the nearest hostile. |
/selectNearestCorpse /snc |
Targeting | Select the nearest corpse (good for looting). |
/cycleNearestCorpse /cnc |
Targeting | Cycle through the nearest corpses. Selects every corpse being in the possible loot range (even better for looting). |
/cycleNearestPlayer /cnp |
Targeting | Cycle through the nearest players. Selects every player being in the possible range. |
/cycleNearest /cn |
Targeting | Cycle through the nearest players or creatures. |
/cycleNearestEnemy /cne |
Targeting | Cycle through the nearest enemies. |
/loot |
Interaction | Opens the loot box for the selected corpse. |
/lasttarget |
Targeting | Selects the previous target you had selected. |
/faceCombatTarget |
Interaction | Turns your character to the target you currently attack. |
/selectGroupMember <number> |
Targeting | Selects the chosen group member. |
/say |
Chat | Write something in the local chat (readable by others standing around you) |
/shout |
Chat | Write something in the local chat (readable by others, even when a bit further away) |
/tell <name> <text> /send <name> <text> /t <name> <text> |
Chat | Sends a private message to a player. |
/reply <text> |
Chat | Replys with a message to the last player you've received a private message from. |
/alias <name> <function> |
Misc | Creates a slash command alias. Refer to the details section below for further details. |
/group <text> /g <text> |
Chat | Sends a message to the group chat. |
/help |
Misc | Prints out a list of available slash commands. |
/chat <channel> <text> |
Chat | Sends a message to the specified chat channel. |
/chatinvite <channel> <name> |
Chat | Invites a player to the specified chat channel. |
/chatban <channel> <name> |
Chat | Remove a specified player from the chat channel. You must be administrator to be able to. |
/chatjoin <channel> <password> |
Chat | Join a specified chat channel. If a password is needed you may provide it, too. |
/chatjoindefault |
Chat | (Re-) opens all default chat channels for you. (MarketPlace/New Player/General/etc.) |
/chatpromote <channel> <name> |
Chat | Promote a specified player to chat administrator. |
/chatadvance |
Chat | |
/chatadvancetab <number> |
Chat | Activate the specified chat tab, where 1 is the most right tab. |
/bind |
Misc | Binds your character to the selected shrine. |
/recall |
Misc | Recalls your character to the shrine you are bound at. |
/greet |
Interaction | Greets the selected NPC and opens a chatbox, Containing what he has to offer to you (Quests, Lore,..). |
/who <name> |
Misc | Opens the Player Search dialog box. Providing a valid player name will list that player automatically, as long as he is online and visible. |
/ignore <name> |
Misc | Adds a specified player to you ignore list. This prevents the player to get into contact with you. You will also not read any further chat messages from the ignored player. |
/gather |
Interaction | Starts gathering a resource. |
/petition <text> |
Misc | Sends a petition the the game masters. |
/serverInfo |
Information | Prints a small debugging information about the server and your connection to it. |
/quit |
Misc | Logs you out of the game. |
/cancelQuit |
Misc | Stops a running log-out process. |
/camreset |
Camera | Resets your camera view to the default. |
/wait <seconds> |
Misc | Waits for the specified amount of seconds before doing something else. Useful for customized hotkeys. |
/select <name> |
Targeting | Selects the specified player. |
/follow |
Interaction | Start following a selected player. |
/unfollow |
Interaction | Stop following a player. |
/sit |
Interaction | Sit down. Grants a faster regeneration rate. |
/attack |
Interaction | Attack a selected target. |
/stopAction |
Interaction | Stop any action you're currently doing (cast spells, melee, gathering,..) |
/equipspell |
/spell <name> |
Interaction | Casts a specified spell. |
/drop <name> |
Interaction | Drops an item from your inventory. |
/get |
/useitem <name> |
Interaction | Use the specified item. |
/saveUI |
User Interface | Saves the user interface layout manually to the games' prefs folder. This is automatically done when you log out of the game. |
/loadUI |
User Interface | Loads the user interface from your prefs folder. This is useful when your hotkeys are broken/not anymore useable. |
/window <name> |
User Interface | Opens the specified window. |
/launch |
User Interface | Opens the Launcher List (Blue Orb). |
/hotkey <number> |
User Interface | Trigger the selected hotkey from the primary hotbar. |
/hotkeyBank <number> |
User Interface | Load the specified Hotkey Bar into the primary bar. |
/popupWindow |
/closeLastWindow |
User Interface | Closes the last window you opened. |
/chatStart |
/showAllTooltips <on/off> |
User Interface | Sets the tooltips to be shown or not. |
/toggleUI |
User Interface | Toggle the user interface, so that you can see all of Istarias beauty. Good for fullscreen screenshots. |
/rep |
Interaction | Repeats your last action. |
/setPref <name> <value> |
Game Client | Sets a specified client preference to the specified value. For further details on using this command, please refer to the details section below. |
/printPrefs |
No Effect. | |
/printLoadedTextures |
No Effect. | |
/printTriangles |
Information | Prints out a status of current triangles from the graphic enginge. |
/screenShot |
Misc | Save a screenshot. The file is saved into the game's screenshots folder. |
/displayWireframeMode |
Game Client | Activates the client's wire frame mode. |
/displayFilledMode |
Game Client | Activates the client's (normal) filled frame mode. |
/fps <number> |
Game Client | You may set the FPS (frames per second) limit of the game client to another limit (default appears to be 20). This option does set the Limit but it could not be confirmed if the client does really react on the change, besides showing it in the FPS-window.
Values can vary between 1 and 80 (above 80 the fps window stays empty which looks like a bug) |
/compass |
User Interface | Activates/deactivates the compass. |
/printPos |
Information | Prints details about your position in the world of Istaria. |
/printSec |
Information | Prints sector details about your character in the world. |
/clearTutorials |
User Interface | Resets all tutorials to the initial state. |
/soundReInit |
Game Client |
Reinitializes the game's sound manager. Useful if your client looses the ability to play any sound. Also useful if an ambient sound gets stuck in a loop and you wish for it to stop. |
/setScale <scale> /setScale <x> <y> <z> /ssc <scale> /ssc <x> <y> <z> |
Game Client |
Shrinks or grows a selected 3D model, such like players, corpses, NPCs.. Providing the scaling value 0.25 will shrink the selected entity to 25% of it's original size. 1.0 represents the original size and any higher numbers will grow the entity. |
/aghConvert <filename> <true/false> /agh <filename> <true/false> |
Game Client | Converts an image to AGH format and optionally makes levels. |
/idleAnimReload |
Debugging / System information | Reloads the idle animations .def file. |
/purgeTextures /purgeTex |
Debugging / System information | Purges textures of the texture files located in resources_override folder and reloads them. |
/availEmotes |
Chat | Enlists all available emotes in your chat window. |
/lootall |
Interaction | Loot all items from the currently selected corpse. |
/selectSelf /ss |
Targeting | Targets yourself. |
/report <message> |
Misc | Sends an incident report to support. Please contact customer support after sending the report. This command sends in the last 5 minutes of chat activity. |
/mouselook <on/off> |
Interaction | Enables or disables the automatic mouselook. |
/sleep |
Interaction | Let's your character sleep, for recovering faster. |
/useability <ability name> /ua <ability name> |
Interaction | Use an ability (if available in your current school). |
/printLocalObjects /plo |
Debugging / System information | Prints coordinates, rotation, model of local objects into your current debug log file. |
/RecoverMemory /rmem |
Game Client | Unloads anything cached and reloads scene. |
/who /who <name> |
Game Client | Without parameter, this command opens up the player search window. You may provide a partial, or full player name to search for. |
/idleAnimReset |
Debugging / System information | Resets your idle animation to the beginning. |
/testAnimDefer <state name> <list blend factor> /tad <state name> <list blend factor> |
Debugging / System information | Sets the current animator to the specified animation state, deferring if already busy. List blend factor can be 0 or 1. |
/playSound <name> /playSnd <name> |
Debugging / System information | Plays a provided sound, where the sound name represents a sound file inside your client's /resources/sound folder. |
/setTime <new current time> <new length of day> /st <new current time> <new length of day> |
Debugging / System information | Sets the ingame time of the day. Both values are measured in seconds. The default length of day is 3600 seconds, with 1800 being noon. |
/purgeSectors /ps |
Debugging / System information | Purges all sectors for immediate reloading and reloads the sector_default.def file. |
/purgeModels /purgeMod |
Debugging / System information | Purges all models for immediate reloading. |
/purgePaths |
Debugging / System information | Purges all cached file paths and reloads them. |
/purgeCharacters /purgeChar |
Debugging / System information | Purges and reloads all skinned characters. |
/purgeSounds |
Debugging / System information | Purges and reloads all sound samples. |
/purgeResources |
Debugging / System information | Purges and reloads all game resources. |
/purgeTerrain |
Debugging / System information | Purges and reloads all terrain. |
/purgeEnts /purgeEnt |
Debugging / System information | Purges and reloads all sound entities. |
/showFootprint /sfp |
Debugging / System information | Shows footprint of the selected object. |
/localDelete /localdel |
Debugging / System information | Deletes selected entity locally. |
/loadModel <name> <entity file> <x> <y> /lm <name> <entity file> <x> <y> |
Debugging / System information | Loads a model onto terrain. |
/modelPeek <igb filename> /mp <igb filename> |
Debugging / System information | Without parameter, show model file characteristics of the selected model. You may also provide a model file instead. |
/ddsConvert <file> /dds <file> |
Debugging / System information | Converts an image into DDS format. |
/aghDDS <file> /agd <file> |
Debugging / System information | Converts an image to AGH format with DDS compression. |
/igbToAGF <file> <destination file> /ita <file> <destination file> |
Debugging / System information | Converts an IGB model to an AGF model. |
/agfToIGB <file> <destination file> /ati <file> <destination file> |
Debugging / System information | Converts an AGF model to an IGB model. |
/setPos <x> <y> <z> |
Debugging / System information | Sets the position of the player or currently selected entity. |
/setPosRel <x> <y> <z> |
Debugging / System information | Sets the position of the player or currently selected entity, relative to it's current position. |
/moveSelf <x> <y> <z> /moveSelf <waypoint name> /ms <x> <y> <z> /ms <waypoint name> |
Debugging / System information | Sets the position of the player. This is a GM command. |
/moveRel <x> <y> <z> /mr <x> <y> <z> |
Debugging / System information | Moves the selected entities by the specified vector. |
/setRot <z> /setRot <x> <y> <z> |
Debugging / System information | Sets the rotation of the player or currently selected entity. |
/printProps /pp |
Debugging / System information | Prints all properties of the selected object. |
/updateHotkeys |
Debugging / System information | Seems to be of no use, yet. No description available. |
/QuestsRefresh |
Chat | Updates the selected NPC's quest list. |
/distanceto2 /dt2 |
Debugging / System information | Shows the distance between the selected entity and the player in the x/y plane. |
/distanceto3 /dt3 |
Debugging / System information | Shows the distance between the selected entity and the player in all of the three dimensions. |
/showinfo <ID> /showinfo <search string> /sip <ID> /sip <search string> |
Debugging / System information | Shows information about the given ID. The primitive ID can be any number from the 'int id =' lines in the ClientLookups.def file. The search string my be any entity in the game, Examples: Sshranu's Brew of Wood Hardening, Thurid's Powder Pouch, Anti-Lycanthropy Salve, ... |
/printversion | Debugging / System information | Shows information about current game client's version. |
/alias detailed[edit]
The /alias slash command is used to create alternative slash commands for existing ones. You can:
- Shorten an existing slash command for less typing
- automate actions you want to perform, such as your own emote texts
Enlist existing aliases[edit]
Using /alias without any parameters will enlist all existing aliases
Create an alias[edit]
The alias call is pretty simple: /alias <name> <command> You can define whatever you want on the name, though the command is a bit more complicated.
- If you want to execute a slash command, keep in mind that you must not add the slash infront of the command.
- add a blank behind the command, else the alias will not work
How to remove[edit]
Removing is pretty simple. Just type /alias <name> and the specified alias is removed.
Known bugs[edit]
Since most players are crashing out of istaria on a regular basis, be aware that newly created aliases are not stored when you crash. If you want to create aliases you should safely log out of the game and log back in to store them permanently.
- "/alias w who " shortens the /who slash command to /w. Also works with parameters, i.e. /w <player>
- "/alias grt em greets everyone and blinks." Do an emote when calling /grt
- "/alias grp em smiles at %t% and bows deeply." Do an emote and use a parameter in it
/setpref detailed[edit]
You can change game preferences by using the "/setpref" command such as: "/setpref environmentsystem true". These commands can be run in-game from any chat window.
Command | Values | Description |
afkMessage | <string> | Allows you to customize what is returned when "/afk" is toggled on and a player messages you. |
camPitchAccel | <value> | Changes the speed at which the camera's pitch accelerates to max speed in 3rd person. Default is 120. |
camPitchMaxSpeed | <value> | Changes the speed at which the camera pitches up and down in 3rd person. Default is 60. |
camYawAccel | <value> | Changes the speed at which the camera's yaw accelerates to max speed in 3rd person. Default is 360. |
camYawMaxSpeed | <value> | Changes the speed at which the camera turns left and right in 3rd person. Default is 90. |
camZoomAccel | <value> | Changes the speed at which the camera's zoom accelerates to max speed in 3rd person. Default is 40. |
camZoomMaxSpeed | <value> | Changes the speed at which the camera zooms in in 3rd person. Default is 15. |
combatspelleffects | on off | Turns the combat spell effects graphics on or off |
developer | true false | Enables or disables developer mode, which shows various technical details in the target window or in item descriptions as well as displaying hidden world objects (light sources and sound sources). It also allows you to select just about anything in the entire game. Combined with /camreset, it allows you to zoom out infinitely. |
displayFloatingNames | on off | Turns floating names on or off |
enablecameracollision | true false | Enables / disables camera collision |
environmentsystem | on off | Turns the environment system on or off (such as weather effects like rain and snow) |
fogenddist | 0 - 1000 | Sets the distance limit for fog |
maxframerate | <framerate> | Set the maximum allowed framerate |
nighttimeslider | 5.0 / -5.0 | Adjusts the view brightness |
thirdPersonCameraFollowTension | <value> | Sets the rigidity of the camera following your character. Lower values makes the camera lag behind, higher makes it stricter to your character's movements. Default is 7. |
thirdPersonFieldOfView | <value> | Changes the 3rd person field of view. Default is 90. Only enter values from 0-179 and 181-259. The latter renders things upside-down. |
uiscale | scale | sets the GUI scaling to a certain resolution type. - 1080p: 1.2 - 4k: 1.45 - 6k: 2.2 - 8k: 3.0 |
useLoadingScreen | on off | Enables / disables the loading screen that appears when players use travel gates. Disabling this option can make porting quicker, as you don't have to wait for all the graphics to load before walking/running/flying anywhere. |
useLowestLevelShader | on off | |
environmentSystemEffects | on off | Enables / disables fog and sky animation for performance |
useStructureAttachments | on off | Enables / disables decorations in buildings |
muteEmotes | true false | Enables / disables sound output of emotes |
modesty | true false | adds/removes underwear on certain models. |
/window detailed[edit]
Command | Values | Description |
window | FPSWindow | Displays the Frames-Per-Second window |
window | lagWindow | Displays the lag window |
window | npcwindow | Displays a creation window for customising and creating NPCs (locally) |