Trophy Hunter

From Istaria Lexica

Trophy Hunter Karios

Trophy Hunters are NPCs in various Istarian cities that will reward adventurers for collecting trophies off creatures. The quests are based on a certain level range and will only be available in the proper adventure rating. Rewards usually take the form of experience and money.

For trophy leveling advice, visit the Rating and Trophy Calculator!

Restrictions and benefits[edit]

  • Town Marshalls are located near the hunters. You may want to check them for quests, they offer some adventures you can combine with your trophy hunts for some extra experience.
  • Typically, trophy hunter quests contain a turn-in benefit: each quest rewards doubled experience points for the first ten (10) hand ins.
  • The experience reward is also affected in 'double xp' periods.
  • Experience potions do give additional exp while active when you hand in.

Available quests[edit]

Note: Since Delta 268 some of the quests and their affected mobs and items got overhauled. Many thanks to User:Cegaiel and for letting us know what to update! Awesome job on that!

390 quests available.

Tier I[edit]

Tier II[edit]

Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Brownback Outlier Ears2130,00010sBrownback Outlier Ear
Go Bag 100 Dark Crawler Hatchling Thoraxes2130,00010sDark Crawler Hatchling Thorax
Go Bag 100 Forest Skulk Crude Slate Spearheads2130,00010sForest Skulk Crude Slate Spearhead
Go Bag 100 Forest Skulk Rudimentary Charms2130,00010sForest Skulk Rudimentary Charm
Go Bag 100 Forest Skulk Slate Arrowheads2130,00010sForest Skulk Slate Arrowhead
Go Bag 100 Giant Loricatus Beetle Compound Eyes2130,00010sGiant Loricatus Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Ish'kuk Gatherer Beatsticks2130,00010sIsh'kuk Gatherer Beatstick
Go Bag 100 Lesser Ulmus Beetle Compound Eyes2130,00010sLesser Ulmus Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Muck Fly Thoraxes2130,00010sMuck Fly Thorax
Go Bag 100 Silver Golem Mettle2130,00010sSilver Golem Mettle
Go Bag 5 Brownback Outlier Ears211,500250cBrownback Outlier Ear
Go Bag 5 Dark Crawler Hatchling Thoraxes211,500250cDark Crawler Hatchling Thorax
Go Bag 5 Forest Skulk Crude Slate Spearheads211,500250cForest Skulk Crude Slate Spearhead
Go Bag 5 Forest Skulk Rudimentary Charms211,500250cForest Skulk Rudimentary Charm
Go Bag 5 Forest Skulk Slate Arrowheads211,500250cForest Skulk Slate Arrowhead
Go Bag 5 Giant Loricatus Beetle Compound Eyes211,500250cGiant Loricatus Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Ish'kuk Gatherer Beatsticks211,500250cIsh'kuk Gatherer Beatstick
Go Bag 5 Lesser Ulmus Beetle Compound Eyes211,500250cLesser Ulmus Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Muck Fly Thoraxes211,500250cMuck Fly Thorax
Go Bag 5 Silver Golem Mettle211,500250cSilver Golem Mettle
Go Bag 5 Young Coastal Ruxus Skulls213,000500cYoung Coastal Ruxus Skull
Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Amethyst Golem Gemstones2650,00015sAmethyst Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 100 Coastal Ruxus Skulls2650,00015sCoastal Ruxus Skull
Go Bag 100 Dark Crawler Thoraxes2650,00015sDark Crawler Thorax
Go Bag 100 Forest Gruok Tusks2650,00015sForest Gruok Tusk
Go Bag 100 Forest Skulk Elder Cracked Amulets2650,00015sForest Skulk Elder's Cracked Amulet
Go Bag 100 Forest Skulk Shaman Sacred Drums2650,00015sForest Skulk Shaman's Sacred Drum
Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Slate2650,00015sGolem Heart of Slate
Go Bag 100 Greater Ulmus Beetle Compound Eyes2650,00015sGreater Ulmus Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Ish'kuk Warrior Bludgeoners2650,00015sIsh'kuk Warrior Bludgeoner
Go Bag 100 Leafy Oastic Petals2650,00015sLeafy Oastic Petals
Go Bag 100 Scions of Sapling Elm2650,00015sScion of Sapling Elm
Go Bag 100 Winter Wolf Skulls2650,00015sWinter Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Amethyst Golem Gemstones262,500375cAmethyst Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 5 Dark Crawler Thoraxes262,500375cDark Crawler Thorax
Go Bag 5 Forest Gruok Tusks262,500375cForest Gruok Tusk
Go Bag 5 Forest Skulk Elder Cracked Amulets262,500375cForest Skulk Elder's Cracked Amulet
Go Bag 5 Forest Skulk Shaman Sacred Drums262,500375cForest Skulk Shaman's Sacred Drum
Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Slate262,500750cGolem Heart of Slate
Go Bag 5 Greater Ulmus Beetle Compound Eyes262,500375cGreater Ulmus Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Ish'kuk Warrior Bludgeoners262,500375cIsh'kuk Warrior Bludgeoner
Go Bag 5 Leafy Oastic Petals262,500375cLeafy Oastic Petals
Go Bag 5 Ruxus Skulls262,500350cCoastal Ruxus Skull
Go Bag 5 Scions of Sapling Elm262,500350cScion of Sapling Elm
Go Bag 5 Winter Wolf Skulls262,500375cWinter Wolf Skull

Tier III[edit]

Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Bloodridge Tusks46168,00044sBloodridge Tusks
Go Bag 100 Citrine Golem Gemstones46168,00044sCitrine Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 100 Deh'guk Warrior Bludgeoners46168,00044sDeh'guk Warrior Bludgeoner
Go Bag 100 Dusk Wolf Skulls46168,00044sDusk Wolf Skull
Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Granite46168,00044sGolem Heart of Granite
Go Bag 100 Mountain Wolf Skulls46168,00044sMountain Wolf Skull
Go Bag 100 Nix Beetle Compound Eyes46168,00044sNix Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Palesnout Tusks46168,00044sPalesnout Tusks
Go Bag 100 Protective Charms46168,00044sProtective Charm
Go Bag 100 Redden Spider Thoraxes46168,00044sRedden Spider Thorax
Go Bag 100 Scions of Sapling Oak46168,00044sScion of Sapling Oak
Go Bag 100 Stark Hoarspur Legs46168,00044sStark Hoarspur Leg
Go Bag 100 Totems of Varrantoth46252,00066sTotem of Varrantoth
Go Bag 100 Worn Figurines46210,00055sWorn Figurine
Go Bag 5 Bloodridge Tusks468,4002s 200cBloodridge Tusks
Go Bag 5 Citrine Golem Gemstones468,4002s 200cCitrine Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 5 Deh'guk Warrior Bludgeoners468,4002s 200cDeh'guk Warrior Bludgeoner
Go Bag 5 Dusk Wolf Skulls468,4002s 200cDusk Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Granite468,4002s 200cGolem Heart of Granite
Go Bag 5 Mountain Wolf Skulls468,4002s 200cMountain Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Nix Beetle Compound Eyes468,4002s 200cNix Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Palesnout Tusks468,4002s 200cPalesnout Tusks
Go Bag 5 Protective Charms468,4002s 200cProtective Charm
Go Bag 5 Redden Spider Thoraxes468,4002s 200cRedden Spider Thorax
Go Bag 5 Scions of Sapling Oak468,4002s 200cScion of Sapling Oak
Go Bag 5 Stark Hoarspur Legs468,4002s 200cStark Hoarspur Leg
Go Bag 5 Totems of Varrantoth4612,6003s 300cTotem of Varrantoth
Go Bag 5 Worn Figurines4610,5002s 750cWorn Figurine

Tier IV[edit]

Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Arbotus Squirrel Toes66565,000106sArbotus Squirrel Toe
Go Bag 100 Cobalt Golem Mettle66565,000106sCobalt Golem Mettle
Go Bag 100 Flame Wolf Skulls66565,000106sFlame Wolf Skull
Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Obsidian Boulder66565,000106sGolem Heart of Obsidian Boulder
Go Bag 100 Grove Guardian Hearts66565,000106sGrove Guardian Heart
Go Bag 100 Hephas Trudger Compound Eyes66565,000106sHephas Trudger Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Scions of Sapling Maple66565,000106sScion of Sapling Maple
Go Bag 100 Shadow Spider Breeder Thoraxes66565,000106sShadow Spider Breeder Thorax
Go Bag 100 Thel'kuk Battler Bludgeoners66565,000106sThel'kuk Battler Bludgeoner
Go Bag 100 Timber Wolf Skulls66565,000106sTimber Wolf Skull
Go Bag 100 Topaz Golem Gemstones66565,000106sTopaz Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 100 Volcanic Pustule Petals66565,000106sVolcanic Pustule Petals
Go Bag 5 Arbotus Squirrel Toes6628,2505s 300cArbotus Squirrel Toe
Go Bag 5 Cobalt Golem Mettle6628,2505s 300cCobalt Golem Mettle
Go Bag 5 Flame Wolf Skulls6628,2505s 300cFlame Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Obsidian Boulder6628,2505s 300cGolem Heart of Obsidian Boulder
Go Bag 5 Grove Guardian Hearts6628,2505s 300cGrove Guardian Heart
Go Bag 5 Hephas Trudger Compound Eyes6628,2505s 300cHephas Trudger Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Scions of Sapling Maple6628,2505s 300cScion of Sapling Maple
Go Bag 5 Shadow Spider Breeder Thoraxes6628,2505s 300cShadow Spider Breeder Thorax
Go Bag 5 Thel'kuk Battler Bludgeoners6628,2505s 300cThel'kuk Battler Bludgeoner
Go Bag 5 Timber Wolf Skulls6628,2505s 300cTimber Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Topaz Golem Gemstones6628,2505s 300cTopaz Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 5 Volcanic Pustule Petals6628,2505s 300cVolcanic Pustule Petals
Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Fire Wolf Skulls71710,000145sFire Wolf Skull
Go Bag 100 Large Arbotus Squirrel Toes71710,000145sLarge Arbotus Squirrel Toe
Go Bag 100 Mountain Skulk Fins71710,000145sMountain Skulk Fin
Go Bag 100 Ognis Scuttler Compound Eyes71710,000145sOgnis Scuttler Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Opal Golem Gemstones7135,050145sOpal Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 100 Platinum Golem Mettle71710,000145sPlatinum Golem Mettle
Go Bag 100 Rhal'kuk Battler's Valet Beatsticks71710,000145sRhal'kuk Battler's Valet Beatstick
Go Bag 100 Sand Scarab Compound Eyes71710,000145sSand Scarab Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Scavenger Scorpion Claws71710,000145sScavenger Scorpion Claw
Go Bag 100 Scions of Maple71710,000145sScion of Maple
Go Bag 100 Shadow Tarantula Thoraxes71710,000145sShadow Tarantula Thorax
Go Bag 100 Tarnished Talismans71710,000145sTarnished Talisman
Go Bag 100 Zal'kuk Scout Beatsticks71710,000145sZal'kuk Scout Beatstick
Go Bag 5 Fire Wolf Skulls7135,5007s 250cFire Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Large Arbotus Squirrel Toes7135,5007s 250cLarge Arbotus Squirrel Toe
Go Bag 5 Mountain Skulk Fins7135,5007s 250cMountain Skulk Fin
Go Bag 5 Ognis Scuttler Compound Eyes7135,5007s 250cOgnis Scuttler Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Opal Golem Gemstones7135,0507s 250cOpal Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 5 Platinum Golem Mettle7135,5007s 250cPlatinum Golem Mettle
Go Bag 5 Rhal'kuk Battler's Valet Beatsticks7135,5007s 250cRhal'kuk Battler's Valet Beatstick
Go Bag 5 Sand Scarab Compound Eyes7135,5007s 250cSand Scarab Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Scavenger Scorpion Claws7135,5007s 250cScavenger Scorpion Claw
Go Bag 5 Scions of Maple7135,5007s 250cScion of Maple
Go Bag 5 Shadow Tarantula Thoraxes7135,5007s 250cShadow Tarantula Thorax
Go Bag 5 Tarnished Talismans7135,5007s 250cTarnished Talisman
Go Bag 5 Zal'kuk Scout Beatsticks7135,5007s 250cZal'kuk Scout Beatstick

Tier V[edit]

Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Bhal'kuk Crude Knives861,635,000280sBhal'kuk Crude Knife
Go Bag 100 Blood Skulk Crude Spearheads861,635,000280sBlood Skulk Crude Spearhead
Go Bag 100 Feral Bloodsnout Tusks861,635,000280sFeral Bloodsnout Tusks
Go Bag 100 Forest Oastic Petals861,635,000280sForest Oastic Petals
Go Bag 100 Giant Ice Beetle Compound Eyes861,635,000280sGiant Ice Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Glacial Dire Wolf Skulls861,635,000280sGlacial Dire Wolf Skull
Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Marble Boulder861,635,000280sGolem Heart of Marble Boulder
Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Peridot861,635,000280sGolem Heart of Peridot
Go Bag 100 Purple Weaver Thoraxes861,635,000280sPurple Weaver Thorax
Go Bag 100 Roaming Arbotus Squirrel Toes861,635,000280sRoaming Arbotus Squirrel Toe
Go Bag 100 Sand Crab Claws861,635,000280sSand Crab Claw
Go Bag 100 Sapphire Wolf Hearts861,635,000280sSapphire Wolf Heart
Go Bag 100 Scions of Sapling Yew861,635,000280sScion of Sapling Yew
Go Bag 100 Vikinos Shells861,635,000280sVikinos Shell
Go Bag 100 Vorpal Chicken Wings861,635,000280sVorpal Chicken Wing
Go Bag 5 Bhal'kuk Crude Knives8681,75014sBhal'kuk Crude Knife
Go Bag 5 Blood Skulk Crude Spearheads8681,75014sBlood Skulk Crude Spearhead
Go Bag 5 Feral Bloodsnout Tusks8681,75014sFeral Bloodsnout Tusks
Go Bag 5 Forest Oastic Petals8681,75014sForest Oastic Petals
Go Bag 5 Giant Ice Beetle Compound Eyes8681,75014sGiant Ice Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Glacial Dire Wolf Skulls8681,75014sGlacial Dire Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Marble Boulder8681,75014sGolem Heart of Marble Boulder
Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Peridot8681,75014sGolem Heart of Peridot
Go Bag 5 Purple Weaver Thoraxes8681,75014sPurple Weaver Thorax
Go Bag 5 Roaming Squirrel Toes8681,75014sRoaming Arbotus Squirrel Toe
Go Bag 5 Sand Crab Claws8681,75014sSand Crab Claw
Go Bag 5 Sapphire Wolf Hearts8681,75014sSapphire Wolf Heart
Go Bag 5 Scions of Sapling Yew8681,75014sScion of Sapling Yew
Go Bag 5 Vikinos Shells8681,75014sVikinos Shell
Go Bag 5 Vorpal Chicken Wings8681,75014sVorpal Chicken Wing
Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Amulets of Valor912,060,000331sAmulet of Valor
Go Bag 100 Bhal'kuk Manacles912,060,000331sBhal'kuk Manacle
Go Bag 100 Blood Skulk Rudimentary Charms912,060,000331sBlood Skulk Rudimentary Charm
Go Bag 100 Crimson Wolf Skulls912,060,000331sCrimson Wolf Skull
Go Bag 100 Fire Opal Golem Gemstones912,060,000331sFire Opal Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 100 Foraging Ruxus Teeth912,060,000331sForaging Ruxus Teeth
Go Bag 100 Greater Devourer Shells912,060,000331sGreater Devourer Shell
Go Bag 100 Mithril Golem Mettle91103,00016s 550cMithril Golem Mettle
Go Bag 100 Nah'guk Beatsticks912,060,000331sNah'guk Beatstick
Go Bag 100 Pyrios Beetle Compound Eyes912,060,000331sPyrios Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Sacrificed Yew Treant Ethereal Branches912,060,000331sSacrificed Yew Treant Ethereal Branch
Go Bag 100 Scions of Yew912,060,000331sScion of Yew
Go Bag 100 Than'kuk Crude Knives912,060,000331sThan'kuk Crude Knife
Go Bag 100 Turgid Purple Weaver Thoraxes912,060,000331sTurgid Purple Weaver Thorax
Go Bag 100 Weaker Ravenous Bloodsnout Tails912,060,000331sWeaker Ravenous Bloodsnout Tail
Go Bag 5 Amulets of Valor91103,00016s 550cAmulet of Valor
Go Bag 5 Bhal'kuk Manacles91103,00016s 550cBhal'kuk Manacle
Go Bag 5 Blood Skulk Rudimentary Charms91103,00016s 550cBlood Skulk Rudimentary Charm
Go Bag 5 Crimson Wolf Skulls91103,00016s 550cCrimson Wolf Skull
Go Bag 5 Fire Opal Golem Gemstones91103,00016s 550cFire Opal Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 5 Foraging Ruxus Teeth91103,00016s 550cForaging Ruxus Teeth
Go Bag 5 Greater Devourer Shells91103,00016s 550cGreater Devourer Shell
Go Bag 5 Mithril Golem Mettle91103,00016s 550cMithril Golem Mettle
Go Bag 5 Nah'guk Beatsticks91103,00016s 550cNah'guk Beatstick
Go Bag 5 Pyrios Beetle Compound Eyes91103,00016s 550cPyrios Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Sacrificed Yew Treant Ethereal Branches91103,00016s 550cSacrificed Yew Treant Ethereal Branch
Go Bag 5 Scions of Yew91103,00016s 550cScion of Yew
Go Bag 5 Than'kuk Crude Knives91103,00016s 550cThan'kuk Crude Knife
Go Bag 5 Turgid Purple Weaver Thoraxes91103,00016s 550cTurgid Purple Weaver Thorax
Go Bag 5 Weaker Ravenous Bloodsnout Tails91103,00016s 550cWeaker Ravenous Bloodsnout Tail
Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Emerald Golem Gemstones962,800,000385sEmerald Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 100 Ice Elemental Materia962,800,000385sIce Elemental Materia
Go Bag 100 Kheprit Beetle Compound Eyes962,800,000385sKheprit Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 100 Mithril Boulder Golem Mettle962,800,000385sMithril Boulder Golem Mettle
Go Bag 100 Nah'guk Bludgeoners962,800,000385sNah'guk Bludgeoner
Go Bag 100 Ravenous Bloodsnout Tusks962,800,000385sRavenous Bloodsnout Tusk
Go Bag 100 Scions of Massive Yew962,800,000385sScion of Massive Yew
Go Bag 100 Swamp Ruxus Skulls962,800,000385sSwamp Ruxus Skull
Go Bag 100 Than'kuk Manacles962,800,000385sThan'kuk Manacle
Go Bag 100 Veteran Tarantula Legs962,800,000385sVeteran Tarantula Legs
Go Bag 100 Wind Elemental Materia962,800,000385sWind Elemental Materia
Go Bag 5 Emerald Golem Gemstones96140,00019s 250cEmerald Golem Gemstone
Go Bag 5 Ice Elemental Materia96140,00019s 250cIce Elemental Materia
Go Bag 5 Kheprit Beetle Compound Eyes96140,00019s 250cKheprit Beetle Compound Eye
Go Bag 5 Mithril Boulder Golem Mettle96140,00019s 250cMithril Boulder Golem Mettle
Go Bag 5 Nah'guk Bludgeoners96140,00019s 250cNah'guk Bludgeoner
Go Bag 5 Ravenous Bloodsnout Tusks96140,00019s 250cRavenous Bloodsnout Tusk
Go Bag 5 Scions of Massive Yew96140,00019s 250cScion of Massive Yew
Go Bag 5 Swamp Ruxus Skulls96140,00019s 250cSwamp Ruxus Skull
Go Bag 5 Than'kuk Manacles96140,00019s 250cThan'kuk Manacle
Go Bag 5 Veteran Tarantula Legs96140,00019s 250cVeteran Tarantula Legs
Go Bag 5 Wind Elemental Materia96140,00019s 250cWind Elemental Materia

Tier VI[edit]

These Quests are rewarded with Imperial Quartermaster Tokens

Quest nameRatingExp.CoinTrophy
Go Bag 100 Adamantium Golem Mettle1003,500,000442sAdamantium Golem Mettle
Go Bag 100 Blight Crab Claws1003,500,000442sBlight Crab Claw
Go Bag 100 Brachina Beetle Membranes1003,500,000442sBrachina Beetle Membrane
Go Bag 100 Carrion Crawler Eyes1003,500,000442sCarrion Crawler Eye
Go Bag 100 Cave Crawler Thoraxes1003,500,000442sCave Crawler Thorax
Go Bag 100 Colossal Scorpion Claws1003,500,000442sColossal Scorpion Claw
Go Bag 100 Frosthound Claws1003,500,000442sFrosthound Claw
Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Travertine1003,500,000442sGolem Heart of Travertine
Go Bag 100 Greater Fire Elemental Materia1003,500,000442sGreater Fire Elemental Materia
Go Bag 100 Magma Fragments1003,500,000442sMagma Fragment
Go Bag 100 Murk Crab Glands1003,500,000442sMurk Crab Gland
Go Bag 100 Scions of Thornwood1003,500,000442sScion of Thornwood
Go Bag 100 Stygian Scorpion Claws1003,500,000442sStygian Scorpion Claw
Go Bag 5 Adamantium Golem Mettle100175,00022s 100cAdamantium Golem Mettle
Go Bag 5 Blight Crab Claws100175,00022s 100cBlight Crab Claw
Go Bag 5 Brachina Beetle Membranes100175,00022s 100cBrachina Beetle Membrane
Go Bag 5 Carrion Crawler Eyes100175,00022s 100cCarrion Crawler Eye
Go Bag 5 Cave Crawler Thoraxes100175,00022s 100cCave Crawler Thorax
Go Bag 5 Colossal Scorpion Claws100175,00022s 100cColossal Scorpion Claw
Go Bag 5 Frosthound Claws100175,00022s 100cFrosthound Claw
Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Travertine100175,00022s 100cGolem Heart of Travertine
Go Bag 5 Greater Fire Elemental Materia100175,00022s 100cGreater Fire Elemental Materia
Go Bag 5 Magma Fragments100175,00022s 100cMagma Fragment
Go Bag 5 Murk Crab Glands100175,00022s 100cMurk Crab Gland
Go Bag 5 Scions of Thornwood100175,00022s 100cScion of Thornwood
Go Bag 5 Stygian Scorpion Claws100175,00022s 100cStygian Scorpion Claw

Available trophy hunters[edit]

A list of all available Trophy Hunters.

Trophy amount chart (overview)[edit]

This table was taken from (not active).

Bracket Exp Min. Trophy Turn In Exp Total Trophy
1-10 12,100 675 90 10,065
11-15 46,000 885 260 9,390
16-20 109,000 910 600 8,505
21-25 196,400 655 1,500 7,595
26-30 303,000 610 2,500 6,940
31-35 440,500 630 3,500 6,330
36-40 597,000 595 5,025 5,700
41-45 767,000 590 6,500 5,105
46-50 948,000 565 8,400 3,515
51-55 1,229,000 605 10,200 3,950
56-60 1,575,500 485 16,350 3,345
61-65 1,938,500 565 17,250 2,860
66-70 2,322,500 470 24,800 2,295
71-75 2,823,500 405 35,050 1,825
76-80 3,411,500 360 48,000 1,420
81-85 4,023,500 330 61,000 1,060
86-90 4,634,000 285 81,750 730
91-95 5,374,000 265 103,000 445
96-100 4,904,000 180 140,000 180