
From Istaria Lexica

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Destination pad: 25220 / 25897
Travel gate: 25242 / 25940
Shrine: 25163 / 25935
Available plots: No plots
Available lairs: No lairs
Must be attuned by: Daggle Ironshaper
25220 / 25897
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If there is a single city anywhere in Istaria designed to withstand every imaginable form of siege, invasion, or raid, it is the Dwarven mountain fortress of Aughundell. Nestled deep within the Northern Black Mountain Range, Aughundell is built directly into the foothills and slopes of Mt. Grenaden. The city's natural barriers as well as superbly-crafted Dwarven architecture have allowed the Dwarves to successfully defend their city against any foe. The Iron Guard and the defenses of Aughundell have been tested by the Withered Aegis three times during The Lament. Each of the Sieges lasted for years while the Dwarves held firm behind their walls and within their mountain tunnels.

Even though Aughundell was designed for defense and security, this does not mean that the city is devoid of grace and beauty. Dwarven sculptors have perfected their working of the natural stone of Mt. Grenaden to an art form; using the mountain as a canvas, many of Aughundell’s statues and architecture comes directly from the stone of the mountain itself. Dwarven artistry and architecture is influences strongly by one’s clan affiliation, and Aughundell is a myriad of subtle variances in art and architecture. Metal and stone are the preferred paints that such artistry is made, though Dwarves by and large prefer simplicity and utility in their art. The heart of Aughundell, however, is the closest thing a Dwarf will permit for the presence of fanciful and ostentatious architecture. It is here where the eldest of the Dwarves rule over their society, and much care and detail has gone into crafting the finest (and still practical) halls of leadership one would find anywhere in Istaria.


NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
ArghalMageMage Trainer25,18726,045
Arghur the BrownScoutScout Trainer25,14826,034
Baric GreybeardBlacksmithBlacksmith Trainer25,13426,057
Borlak AlebrewerTavernkeeperTavernkeeper25,11625,940
BraghaOutfitterOutfitter Trainer25,13426,062
BrogharCrossbowmanCrossbowman Trainer25,13326,013
Bromouc BottlebellyDrunkard25,13325,928
Bruthis EarthbenderOddities BrokerOddities Broker25,18525,910
Captain Jarthur IronbeardWarriorIron Guard25,08826,026
Corporal Iron GuardKnight of CreationIron Guard25,15925,959
Daggle IronshaperTown MarshallTown Marshall25,19326,020
Dalzar StraightshotFletcherFletcher Trainer25,13226,072
DaugaGathererGatherer Trainer25,18826,062
Derus SteelhandWeaponsmithWeaponsmith Trainer25,15025,984
DrannorTrophy HunterTrophy Hunter25,16425,898
Durghol BlightsmasherChaos WarriorChaos Warrior Trainer25,15826,009
Florist (Aughundell)Trader25,13925,812
Fulthas OreseekerMinerMiner Trainer25,12425,984
Garthor StrongarmArmorerArmorer Trainer25,12226,070
Gegnar AegisslayerWarriorIron Guard25,13426,121
Gella HelmsmasherConfectionerConfectioner Trainer25,11725,948
Ghent FlaskshaperAlchemistAlchemist Trainer25,18126,047
Gilran GoldenforgePawn BrokerPawn Broker25,13125,962
Gorendar SilverbladeVaultkeeperImperial Banking Assistant25,19725,943
Gormund the BoldWarriorIron Guard25,17925,788
GortannithHealerHealer Trainer25,17526,004
GranokWarriorWarrior Trainer25,12126,051
Gremmora ShieldbreakerWarriorIron Guard25,37425,742
Grendan StonemeldQuartermasterQuartermaster25,20925,954
Gulnor the ElderCouncil MemberImperial Council25,13925,937
Hameth FirebornSpellcrafterSpellcrafter Trainer25,19226,017
Harn GoldenbootStorm DiscipleStorm Disciple Trainer25,18425,924
Hebur HammerfistConsignerConsigner25,20025,968
Hefrigit BrightbreakerEnchanterEnchanter Trainer25,17726,048
HeiraPawn BrokerPawn Broker25,14025,860
Heldrur HammerbraidsJewelerJeweler Trainer25,13426,071
HesiaClericCleric Trainer25,18226,001
Honored Galean AdairKnight of CreationKnight of Creation Trainer25,17825,929
Hulin IronforgeVaultkeeperVaultkeeper25,20225,940
Huma ClothspinnerTailorTailor Trainer25,17726,071
Imperial Mender RuvanHealerHealer of the Clerical Order25,17625,902
Jalthor LongbraidScholarScholar Trainer25,17826,057
Joggler SnimmsConjurer25,19125,938
Karlak GoldenfistPawn BrokerRare Artifact Vendor25,13425,870
Kelna BronzebootWarriorIron Guard25,01726,012
Kignar ShieldbreakerWarriorIron Guard25,20825,939
Knut Granite-SkullBrewer25,18026,052
Lady Aida the Very ReasonableConsignerTechnique Resource Consigner25,20625,968
Lieutenant Iron GuardChaos WarriorIron Guard25,16625,890
MuirinFashion DesignerFashion Wear Vendor25,13025,934
Noncas FizzlebotTinkererTinkerer Trainer25,10325,867
Olstas BuradachWarrior25,14326,129
Prawn GolemslayerScoutIron Guard25,39025,750
Private Iron GuardWarriorIron Guard25,10925,893
Tannil Underig25,10925,909
Thazor GoldeneyeTreasurerRoyal Treasurer25,22926,014
Thezzom CragbornFitterFitter Trainer25,13026,047
Thirrick ThreaddelverWeaverWeaver Trainer25,12226,062
Thodrak GraybranchCarpenterCarpenter Trainer25,18726,071
Tolkos HelmsplitterMiner25,135
Torkon StonesplitterMasonMason Trainer25,11626,009

Named creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Greater AnchorBlight Anchor150
Lesser AnchorBlight Anchor130
Lieutenant AcphlegmAegis Zombie Guardian91

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Glowing WispAnimal1
Redden CollectorRedden53
Redden ForagerRedden51
Redden GathererRedden46
Redden HatchlingRedden41
Redden MatronRedden51
Redden WarderRedden46
Redden WatcherRedden51
Shadow Spider BreederSpider66

Available portals to


Quests found at Aughundell

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

A Howling Call Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden, Aytama

65 / none

Aughundell Region: Attunement to Aughundell Daggle Ironshaper

1 / 1

Collect All The Bitter Pickle Bottle Caps Joggler Snimms

30 / none

Crystalshaper: The Emerald of Dahm'a'mun (Part 1) Ahassunu

100 / 90

Dragon AdventurerCrystalshaper
Crystalshaper: The Emerald of Dahm'a'mun (Part 2) Gulnor the Elder

100 / 90

Dragon AdventurerCrystalshaper
Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 1): The Dwarven Barrows Arghur the Brown

100 / none

Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 1): The Fate of Dralnok Captain Jarthur Ironbeard

100 / none

Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 1): The Mines of Tolrath Gulnor the Elder

100 / none

Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 3): Ganesh's Journal Gulnor the Elder

100 / none

Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 3): The Relics of Kings Gulnor the Elder

100 / none

Dreveon Needs Help Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

28 / none

Drulkar's Wrath Part 10: Vengeance of the Fire Demon Gulnor the Elder

none / none

Dragon Adventurer
Gaileach: The Myloc Queen (Part 2) Gaileach

100 / none

Gaileach: The Myloc Queen (Part 3) Gaileach

100 / none

Gaileach: The Myloc Queen (Part 4) Gaileach

100 / none

Gaileach: The Myloc Queen (Part 5) Gaileach

100 / none

Gaileach: The Myloc Threat (Part 1) Gaileach

100 / none

Gaileach: The Myloc Threat (Part 2) Gaileach

100 / none

Go Bag 100 Amulets of Valor Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Bhal'kuk Crude Knives Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Bhal'kuk Manacles Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Blood Skulk Crude Spearheads Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Blood Skulk Pendants Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 100 Blood Skulk Rudimentary Charms Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Crimson Wolf Skulls Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Dire Wolf Skulls Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 100 Emerald Golem Gemstones Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Feral Bloodsnout Tusks Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Feral Bloodsnout Youngling Tusks Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 100 Fire Opal Golem Gemstones Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Foraging Ruxus Teeth Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Forest Oastic Petals Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Giant Ice Beetle Compound Eyes Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Glacial Dire Wolf Skulls Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Marble Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Marble Boulder Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Peridot Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Greater Devourer Shells Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Ice Elemental Materia Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Kheprit Beetle Compound Eyes Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Lesser Devourer Shells Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 100 Mithril Boulder Golem Mettle Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Mithril Golem Mettle Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Nah'guk Beatsticks Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Nah'guk Bludgeoners Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Purple Weaver Thoraxes Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Pyrios Beetle Compound Eyes Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Ravenous Bloodsnout Tusks Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Roaming Arbotus Squirrel Toes Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Sacrificed Yew Treant Ethereal Branches Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Sand Crab Claws Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Sapphire Wolf Hearts Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Massive Yew Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Sapling Yew Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Yew Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Shrunken Purple Weaver Thoraxes Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 100 Swamp Ruxus Skulls Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Than'kuk Crude Knives Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Than'kuk Manacles Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Toxic Bonespur Legs Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 100 Turgid Purple Weaver Thoraxes Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Veteran Tarantula Legs Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 100 Vikinos Shells Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Vorpal Chicken Wings Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 100 Weaker Ravenous Bloodsnout Tails Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 100 Wind Elemental Materia Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Amulets of Valor Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Bhal'kuk Crude Knives Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Bhal'kuk Manacles Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Blood Skulk Crude Spearheads Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Blood Skulk Pendants Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 5 Blood Skulk Rudimentary Charms Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Crimson Wolf Skulls Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Dire Wolf Skulls Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 5 Emerald Golem Gemstones Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Feral Bloodsnout Tusks Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Feral Bloodsnout Youngling Tusks Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 5 Fire Opal Golem Gemstones Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Foraging Ruxus Teeth Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Forest Oastic Petals Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Giant Ice Beetle Compound Eyes Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Glacial Dire Wolf Skulls Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Marble Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Marble Boulder Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Peridot Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Greater Devourer Shells Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Ice Elemental Materia Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Kheprit Beetle Compound Eyes Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Lesser Devourer Shells Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 5 Mithril Boulder Golem Mettle Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Mithril Golem Mettle Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Nah'guk Beatsticks Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Nah'guk Bludgeoners Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Purple Weaver Thoraxes Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Pyrios Beetle Compound Eyes Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Ravenous Bloodsnout Tusks Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Roaming Squirrel Toes Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Sacrificed Yew Treant Ethereal Branches Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Sand Crab Claws Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Sapphire Wolf Hearts Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Massive Yew Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Sapling Yew Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Yew Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Shrunken Purple Weaver Thoraxes Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 5 Swamp Ruxus Skulls Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Than'kuk Crude Knives Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Than'kuk Manacles Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Toxic Bonespur Legs Drannor

81 / none

Go Bag 5 Turgid Purple Weaver Thoraxes Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Veteran Tarantula Legs Drannor

96 / none

Go Bag 5 Vikinos Shells Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Vorpal Chicken Wings Drannor

86 / none

Go Bag 5 Weaker Ravenous Bloodsnout Tails Drannor

91 / none

Go Bag 5 Wind Elemental Materia Drannor

96 / none

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade I Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

5 / 5

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade II Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

15 / 15

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade III Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

25 / 25

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade IV Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

35 / 35

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade IX Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

85 / 85

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade V Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

45 / 45

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VI Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

55 / 55

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VII Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

65 / 65

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VIII Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

75 / 75

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade X Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

95 / 95

Iron Guard: Disturbing Rumors Captain Jarthur Ironbeard

90 / none

Iron Guard: Kalevala's Bounty Captain Jarthur Ironbeard

100 / none

Iron Guard: The Island of Alged Captain Jarthur Ironbeard

93 / none

Iron Guard: Tochak's Bounty Captain Jarthur Ironbeard

100 / none

Iron Guard: Yew Sap Polish Gormund the Bold

85 / none

Jeweler's Guild: The Emerald of Dahm'a'mun Noncas Fizzlebot

100 / none

Joggler Snimms: Bonding the Blades Joggler Snimms

90 / none

Knight of Creation: Teaching Honored Galean Adair

1 / none

Knight of Creation
Learn to Process Kwellen Hide Bragha

none / 90

Lieutenant Elderincus' Investigation Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

50 / none

Lore Quest: Axe of Dorogath Gulnor the Elder

none / none

Lore Quest: Birth of the Myloc Gaileach

1 / none

Lore Quest: Hammer of Kings Gulnor the Elder

none / none

Rare Foods: Dinner? Impossible! Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

none / 95

Remnants of Power Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

28 / none

Sslanis Militia Needs Help Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon, Private Asenath

14 / none

Tazoon Has Fallen Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

45 / none

The Festive Pan Bromouc Bottlebelly

86 / none

The Focus of the Myloc Gaileach

none / 100

The Strength of the Myloc Gaileach

none / 100

Tombs in danger! Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

27 / none

Town Marshall: A Frozen Find Daggle Ironshaper

81 / none

Town Marshall: Advanced Skulking Daggle Ironshaper

96 / none

Town Marshall: Bugs, Bugs and More Bugs Daggle Ironshaper

96 / none

Town Marshall: Drawing A Blank Daggle Ironshaper

96 / none

Town Marshall: Flies Everywhere Daggle Ironshaper

96 / none

Town Marshall: Fun in the Forest Daggle Ironshaper

86 / none

Town Marshall: Gifts For Mom Daggle Ironshaper

86 / none

Town Marshall: Gloom and Doom Daggle Ironshaper

86 / none

Town Marshall: Good Weavers, Bad Weavers Daggle Ironshaper

81 / none

Town Marshall: Marble Statue Daggle Ironshaper

81 / none

Town Marshall: Must It Be Spiders Daggle Ironshaper

91 / none

Town Marshall: New Nightmares Daggle Ironshaper

81 / none

Town Marshall: Not My Kind of Pig Roast Daggle Ironshaper

96 / none

Town Marshall: Oh the Horror Daggle Ironshaper

91 / none

Town Marshall: Roll of Thunder Daggle Ironshaper

81 / none

Town Marshall: Toxic Bonespur Infestation Daggle Ironshaper

81 / none

Town Marshall: Trimming Their Claws Daggle Ironshaper

86 / none

Town Marshall: Unfounded Fears Daggle Ironshaper

91 / none

Town Marshall: Watch Out, They Bite Daggle Ironshaper

86 / none

Town Marshall: When Ogres Attack Daggle Ironshaper

91 / none

Town Marshall: Yew, Me, And A Bit of Revenge Daggle Ironshaper

91 / none

Trouble on the Peninsula Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

20 / none

Troubles in Aubador Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

60 / none

Vandus Confederation and Cults Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

38 / none

Original material from by StalePopcorn — licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0.
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Dwarves +
25,163 +
25,935 +
25,220 +
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