
From Istaria Lexica

Location info:
Destination pad: 22740 / 26047
Travel gate: 22626 / 26055
Shrine: No shrine
Available plots: 13
Available lairs: 3
Must be attuned by: Fibblegar Fidget
22740 / 26047
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Heather is a settlement along The Long Walk, northwest of New Rachival. Its portal connections and relatively short distance between portal and pad make it a popular transit to the cities and settlements of Istaria. There are many resources in the area such as Kenaf just to the west of the portal, Oak and Glowing Essence to the north, and even its own cow lot.

Oak Treants guard the Oaks further from the road, mixed with Mountain Wolves to the northwest. Storm's Shadow patrols the area north of the road.

NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
Fibblegar FidgetTinkerer22,62026,044

Named creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Storm's ShadowWerewolf60

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Cobalt GolemOre Golem66
Dusk ProwlerWolf49
Enraged Oak TreantTreant51
Enriched Glowing WispAnimal1
Massive Oak TreantTreant56
Oak TreantTreant51
Oak Treant SaplingTreant46
Savage DuskenwylfWerewolf51

Available portals to


Quests found at Heather

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

Tazoon Region: Attunement to Heather Fibblegar Fidget

none / none