
From Istaria Lexica

Location info:
Destination pad: 22118 / 22477
Travel gate: 22118 / 22495
Shrine: 22166 / 22632
Available plots: 10
Available lairs: 3
Must be attuned by: Sergeant Bramdin Jonis
22118 / 22477
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Bristugo is a settlement near Dalimond. On it's central location in Istaria and the Dalimond Peninsula it counts as the main anchor for travels throughout the known world. It has the portal access to most of the locations throughout Istaria.

NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
Abigail VriskJeweler22,02522,492
Analuus the GamblerTraderGambling Hall Vendor22,22322,564
AnariePawn BrokerFashion Wear Vendor22,13222,588
Builder TirrishCarpenter22,10722,608
ElissanaConsignerImperial Consigner22,13022,561
Jonas AlbionVaultkeeperVaultkeeper22,17322,636
LealtaPawn BrokerRaid Token Exchange22,21522,576
Moham HintosFarmer21,95022,242
MorrisonSpiritistSpiritist Trainer22,34022,441
NadiaVieloExchange Merchant22,22022,549
Private Annia HollinWarriorVandus Militia22,04622,695
Private Henrik VontorWarriorVandus Militia22,00422,429
RhahoolOddities BrokerOddities Broker22,17122,629
RocznicaPawn BrokerAnniversary Vendor22,21222,562
Sergeant Bramdin JonisWarriorVandus Militia22,12222,629
Sheila JonisDruidFashion Wear Vendor22,13922,636
Sir Aidan the ReasonableConsignerTechnique Resource Consigner22,13822,568

Named creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Massive Amethyst GolemGem Golem27

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Amethyst GolemGem Golem23
Elm TreantTreant32
Elm Treant SaplingTreant26
Enraged Elm TreantTreant39
Enraged Pale WispEnraged Wisp31
Forest Gruok MatronGruok26
Forest Gruok YounglingGruok22
Massive Elm TreantTreant36

Available portals to


Quests found at Bristugo

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

Abigail's Missing Mining Pick Abigail Vrisk

22 / none

Abigail's Outstanding Order Abigail Vrisk

23 / none

Bristugo: Elm Treant Trouble Private Annia Hollin

21 / none

Dalimond Peninsula: Attunement to Bristugo Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

1 / none

Earn Title: Grave-Digger Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

21 / none

Earn Title: Muck Fly Swatter Moham Hintos

21 / none

Loyalty: Bronze Vault Upgrade I Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Bronze Vault Upgrade II Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Bronze Vault Upgrade III Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Bronze Vault Upgrade IV Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Bronze Vault Upgrade V Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Aged Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Experienced Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Honored Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Immortal Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Loyal Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Mature Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Perpetual Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Primordial Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Venerable Anarie

none / none

Loyalty: Title - The Veteran Anarie

none / none

Moham's Broken Wagon Moham Hintos

21 / none

Moham's Goods to Market Moham Hintos

21 / none

Moham's Muck Fly Frenzy Moham Hintos

25 / none

The Forest Skulk Artifact I Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

21 / none

The Forest Skulk Menace III Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

19 / none

The Forest Skulk Threat I Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

19 / none

The Forest Skulk Threat II Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

20 / none

The Forest Skulk Threat III Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

20 / none

The Missing Archaeologists Sergeant Bramdin Jonis

22 / none

... more about "Bristugo"
Abandoned Island +, Delgarath +, Eastern Outpost +, Genevia +, Guild of the Artifact Hunters +, Imperial Army Camp +, Imperial Outpost +, Island of Fire and Ice +, Island of Ice +, New Trismus +, Silvane +, Winter Vale +, Aubador +, Desert's Edge +, Dryart +, Duskhold +, Granite Hills +, Sanctuary Bay +, Shelter Pass +, Tishlar +, Tower of Healing +, Aughundell +, Chiconis +, Dalimond +, Dralk +, Feladan +, Kion +, Kirasanct +, Mahagra +, New Rachival +, Sslanis +, Central Valley +, Heart +, Helian's Tomb (location) +, Izzon Crest +, King's Cross +, Observatory Outpost +, Pleasant Canyon +, Sable Shore +, Slate Crest +, South March +, Spire's Apex +, Spire's Gate +, Spire's Trail +, Tomb of Ashlander Vandus +, Aedan +, Aki +, Ambato +, Amon +, Apia +, Back Bay +, Baker +, Calm Waters +, Carmo +, Clearport +, Crucita +, Gerard +, Harmony +, Immons +, Jambi +, Kabale +, Ker'tis +, Kir'ignat +, Madaba +, Manta +, Moroto +, Moyo +, Miyuki +, Nana +, Nong +, Pangai +, Papa +, Sakon +, Saritova +, Sem +, Serenity +, Tavu +, Tirzah +, Yewn +, Yumi +, Bridgehold +, Darvus +, Elmnic +, Kenaf Port +, Mambow Point +, Scorpion Bay +, Scorpion's Claw +, Slate Hills +, Solitaire +, South Point +, Water's Edge +, Aiya +, Blizzard's Reach +, Bridgeview +, Crescent +, Deilsefa +, Desokul +, Dikaina +, Drift Point +, Elia +, Ember +, Fabric Isle +, Fairweather +, Falathien +, Forest Guard +, Frost Boulder +, Frostwatch +, Grayling +, Harro +, Harton Valley +, Heather +, Jeanne +, Last Stand +, Lerena +, Meadowhill +, Mia's Edge +, Middle Cliffside +, Mithril's Anvil +, Morathaven +, Morning Light +, North Crystal +, North Selen +, Parsinia +, Pelli +, Selen +, Shepherd's Home +, South Gate +, Summit +, Troy +, Upper Bridgeview +, Winter's Peak +, Acul +, Aroah's Leap +, Brandon's Shelf +, East Brandon's Shelf +, Ga'pyr +, Linakis +, Ota'fakag +, Rift's Edge +, Valley of Repose +  and Valley of the Moon +
22,166 +
22,632 +
22,118 +
22,477 +