Property:Y From Istaria Lexica Y is the y-value of a coordinate location. It has a type of Number. Usage3316previous 202050100250500next 20Filter<p>The <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">search filter</a> allows the inclusion of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query expressions</a> such as <code>~</code> or <code>!</code>. The selected <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query engine</a> might also support case insensitive matching or other short expressions like:</p><ul><li><code>in:</code> result should include the term, e.g. '<code>in:Foo</code>'</li></ul><ul><li><code>not:</code> result should to not include the term, e.g. '<code>not:Bar</code>'</li></ul>Showing 20 pages using this property.""Farmer" Idamon +21,825 +((Daily) Artifact Hunt +32,153 +, 32,089 +(Daily) Artifact Hunter: A Chilling Bath +33,472 +, 33,498 +, 33,489 +, …(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Adventurers of the Rift +37,879 +, 37,584 +, 37,660 +, …(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Brandied Blight +27,006 +, 27,170 +, 26,843 +, …(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Ceremony Wands +26,350 +, 26,402 +, 26,484 +, …(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Chimney Sweep +26,134 +(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Down the Spiral +26,876 +(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Heart of Lava +29,598 +(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Tablets of the Lost Pyramid +24,218 +(Daily) Artifact Hunter: Temple of Necromancy +26,204 +(Daily) Artifact Hunter: The Canyons Boring Tools +24,562 +, 24,756 +, 24,813 +, …(Daily) Calling the Mountain God +32,073 +(Daily) Shady Dealings +24,376 +(Weekly) Ruin of Tazoon: Defeat Var'Ambok +25,373 +AARoP01 - Council of Ancients - Seek the Elders +29,542 +ARoP12 - Gate of Embers: Ellean's Story Part One +20,485 +, 27,400 +, 39,341 +ARoP15 - Gate of Embers: Harness the Energy for the Spell of Pathfinding +23,000 +, 26,762 +Aaric Morgan +22,804 +Aaron Legendweaver +24,894 + Facts... more about "Y"RDF feedHas type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.Number +