Player Made Mods
From Istaria Lexica
Below is a list of game modifications and tools. These are created by players and may not be absolutely compatible to the game. If you encounter any problems your best bet is to contact the authors or other players on the official community boards. Each article below contains detailed information about the authors, as far as they are known.
Another good resource for mods is
If you know of any missing modifications, feel free to leave a comment in the talk page, or contact an administrator.
Please be aware on what you do[edit]
Not all mods are compatible with each other. That is because some of the files you install may have been altered by another mod.
Here are some basic hints for installation:
- Mods are installed in the resources_override directory, never the resources folder.
- Background: on patch day, the istaria launcher will replace all manipulated files located in resources, but not in resources_override.
- If your game directory does not have a resources_override folder on install, you can create a new folder with this name.
- Watch what you're copying!
- Refer to the mod article on Istaria Lexica for hints, or the official resource linked on our article.
- If Windows asks if you want to overwrite a file, it is better to stop here and compare the source and destination file.
- If you want to install two mods that affect the same files, you must merge them to be able to use both mods.
- Merging is sometimes complicated, you will want to ask for help on the official community board or your preferred personal game-modder. :-)
- Some of the mods are very, very old (back to 2004!). Since the game client structure has changed in all those years they may not work as expected.
- Some of the older mods may have become obsolete, because they were added into the official client or rendered incompatible by new changes. If you encounter these, let us know! Contact an administrator or leave a text on the talk page!
Counted 63 mods.
Tool / Mod name | Modification type | Description |
Alternate Mouth Claw and Horn Colors | 3D-model Mod | Provides some alternate mouth, claw, and horn colors for dragons. |
Bigger font in chat entry bar | GUI Mod | Raises chat entry bar to show a big, better readable font while writing. |
Black hotkey bars | GUI Mod | Removes the (brown) texture from the hotkey bar background. |
Blue Hasia's Player made dye mod | 3D-model Mod | Makes existing dyes more colorful. |
Blue Hasia's Summer Rain mod | 3D-model Mod | Let's rain fall down in the regions of Istaria. |
Blue Hasia's XXemote pack mod | Miscellaneous Mod | Adds emotes to your character. |
Blue crafting icons | GUI Mod | Adds blue crafting icons to the game. |
Colorful hoard | GUI Mod | Replaces the hoard pictures in equipment window. |
Compact Quest Window Mod | GUI Mod | Compacts the quest list so it's more overviewable. |
Dayglo Wisp colors (HZConfectioner) | 3D-model Mod | Colors wisps a bit more decent so you can differ them. |
Dievara Theme (Tranquility Guild) | GUI Mod | An alternative theme (orange) for your istaria interface. |
Dragon Lair: Completed lair mod | 3D-model Mod | Let's your lair look as if it were completed already. |
Dragon: Alternative colors | 3D-model Mod | Head and stripe modifications for dragons. |
Dragon: Ancient to Hatchling | 3D-model Mod | Lets your ancient dragon look like a hatchling |
Dragon: Artermus better spikes mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds shiny spikes to your dragon. |
Dragon: Artermus high resolution breath attacks mod | 3D-model Mod | Beautifies dragon breaths by adding a better resolution to their effects. |
Dragon: Blight mod by Kaex | 3D-model Mod | Kaex' modifications to look like a blighted dragon. |
Dragon: Blue Hasia's Dragon Armor 2.1 mod | 3D-model Mod | Modifies the look and feel of your dragon. |
Dragon: Cobals white teeth and horns mod | 3D-model Mod | White teeth and horns for your dragon |
Dragon: Hatchling to Ancient | 3D-model Mod | Lets your hatchling dragon look like an ancient |
Dragon: High resolution finhead mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds high resolution finheads to dragon models. |
Dragon: Kryodrache's A New Sound: Dragon Voices mod | Audio Mod | Three sets of dragon sounds. |
Dragon: Mane mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds manes to dragon models. |
Dragon: Racktor's Black Lairs V2 mod | 3D-model Mod | Colors your Lair in a dark obsidian style. |
Dragon: Racktor's Far Shadows mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds realistic far shadows while you are flying. |
Dragon: Racktor's Real Shadows mod | 3D-model Mod | Enhances your dragon's shadows to be more realistic. |
Dragon: Racktor's Ripped Wings mod | 3D-model Mod | Changes your dragon's wings into ripped ones. |
Dragon: Racktor's furred stomach mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds a furry stomach to your dragon. |
Dragon: Racktor's underwing mod | 3D-model Mod | Use your melee stances to change your underwing colors. |
Dragon: Soraii's HiRez textures V2 mod | 3D-model Mod | High resolution pack for dragon models. |
Dragon: Terreflare's mod 2.0 | 3D-model Mod | Terreflare's personal 'coat' for your personal use. |
Dragon: Zaren's flight animation mod | 3D-model Mod | Alternates the flying animations for your dragon. |
Dynamic Dragon Footstep Sounds | Audio Mod | A complete overhaul of dragon footstep sounds that reacts to the terrain you're walking on! |
Enhanced Notification Sound Mod | Audio Mod | A Clear, Crisp and Improved Notification sound that overrides the default ping when you are privately messaged. |
Firey Rift Dragons mod | 3D-model Mod | Dragon mod to be able to see the Fiery Rift dragons better. |
Glowing Eyes and Belly Scales | 3D-model Mod | Provides dragons with a few color variants of glowing eyes and belly plates! |
Granny viewer | 3rd party tool | View .gr2 model files of istaria. Apply textures to them. |
Guaran's original ancient size and model mod | 3D-model Mod | Modifies your dragon's look to the original ancient size. |
Horizons Crafting Calculator | 3rd party tool | A very mighty crafting tool, provides selecting, planning and skilling for crafting |
Istaria Companion | 3rd party tool | Istaria log file parser and Lexica wiki help tool |
Istariareference Map Pack | GUI Mod | Enhances the ingame map with thousands of points of interests |
Istariareference Map Pack - high resolution patches | GUI Mod | Adds high resolution versions to the ingame maps |
Lava mod | 3D-model Mod | Improves the look of lava, especially around Dralk |
Miiradiated Tattoos | 3D-model Mod | A mod that makes Champion/Phoenix Headscale Tech-Kits have a dyeable tatoo and paint marking mod |
Miiradiated Water Mod | 3D-model Mod | HD mod for Istaria's water animation |
More chat tabs mod | GUI Mod | Enhances the chat window to 20 tabs. |
Old sky textures mod | 3D-model Mod | |
Pebble Pond mod | 3D-model Mod | Shows a pond's ground with pebbles, rocks, and dirt. |
Priceless Scales Mod | 3D-model Mod | Places visual dragon scale armor models on dragon character upon equipping Priceless Scales. |
Product Calculator | 3rd party tool | Calculates craftable products for you, according to wiki information. |
Quest Tree | 3rd party tool | Determines the required and followup quests you need to do for a given quest. |
Rating and Trophy Calculator | 3rd party tool | Interactive calculator script for determining your character's rating and needed trophies |
Satturn's No More Haze mod | 3D-model Mod | Removes haze on blighted zones. |
Shian's portal colors mod | 3D-model Mod | Enables you to change the color of portals. |
SuHuz's User Interface | GUI Mod | A nice user interface layout |
Subtle Wisp colors (HZConfectioner) | 3D-model Mod | Colors wisps a bit more subtle. |
Tramsan's Fancy Schmancy mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds alot of trashy stuff on your unbuilt plot ground. |
Tramsan's Greenery Side of Things mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds various plants to your plot's unbuilt ground |
Tramsan's Simple Style mod | 3D-model Mod | Adds flags to your plot, or empties it completely. |
Valornyx's Icon Project | GUI Mod | Adds alot of new icons to the game client. |
Winter in Istaria mod | 3D-model Mod | Istaria landmarks appear as if winter has made its entrance. |
Xoshara's Dragon Lair Tapestries | 3D-model Mod | A few sets of tapestries for dragon lairs. |
Zexoin's and Firebrand's Sound Emotes Pack | Audio Mod | A broad soundset for emotes. |