Category:Dragon quest

From Istaria Lexica

This is a cheatsheet for dragon questing. It shall give you an overview on which quests you would like to achieve and where to start them.

Rite of Passage quests[edit]

Please read the Rite of Passage article for hints about when and how to start the quest lines.

Quest nameTypeLevelStarts at
Becoming an Adult Dragon: Choose Your PathErrand30Karane the Historian
Helian Path 1: Becoming an Adult DragonErrand30Semeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 2: Acquire A Crystalline Vessel For Your PhylacteryAdventure30Lantenal the Hermit
Helian Path 3: A Question of Balance: Theed's ChallengeAdventure30Semeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 4: Create an Imbued Gold ClaspErrand0Theed
Helian Path 5: Create a Statue of Your Adult SelfAdventure30Semeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 6: Create a Phylactery of HeavensAdventure30Semeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 7: Complete Your Journey and Become a True HelianErrand30Semeneth the Ancient
Helian Path Choice 1: Hoard the RingErrand30Theed
Helian Path Choice 2: Buy the RingErrand30Theed
Helian Path Choice 3: Return the RingErrand30Theed
Investigate Karane the Historian's TaleErrand30Karane the Historian
Lunus Path 1: Becoming an Adult DragonErrand30Valkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 2: Acquire a Crystalline Vessel For Your Phylactery.Adventure30Lantenal the Hermit
Lunus Path 3.1: Create A Hardened Silver ClawAdventure30Valkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 3.2: Defeat the EnslaversAdventure30Valkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 3.4: Acquire an Imbued Silver ClawErrand30Lantenal the Hermit
Lunus Path 4: Create a Statue of Your Adult SelfAdventure30Valkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 5: Create a Phylactery of ShadowsAdventure30Valkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 6: Complete Your Journey and Become a True LunusErrand30Valkoth the Ancient

Ancient Rite of Passage quests[edit]

Please read the Ancient Rite of Passage article for hints about when and how to start the quest lines.

Quest nameTypeLevelStarts at
ARoP01 - Council of Ancients - Seek the EldersErrand100Karane the Historian
ARoP02 - Trial of the Ancients - Prelude (Helian)Errand0V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP02 - Trial of the Ancients - Prelude (Lunus)Errand0V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
Valkoth the Ancient
ARoP03 - Scale of Ancients - Speak with VladtmordtErrand100V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP04 - Scale of Ancients - Fashion a Cask of HoldingAdventure100Vladtmordt the Chronicler
ARoP05 - Scale of Ancients - Light of the Ancient Fire (Helian)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP05 - Scale of Ancients - Light of the Ancient Fire (Lunus)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP06 - Scale of Ancients - Capture the Soaring Wind (Helian)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP06 - Scale of Ancients - Capture the Soaring Wind (Lunus)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP07 - Scale of Ancients - Armor of the Infinite (Helian)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP07 - Scale of Ancients - Armor of the Infinite (Lunus)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP08 - Scale of Ancients - Primal Divinity (Helian)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP08 - Scale of Ancients - Primal Divinity (Lunus)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP09 - Scale of Ancients - Harness the Inner Strength (Helian)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP09 - Scale of Ancients - Harness the Inner Strength (Lunus)Adventure100Lantenal the Hermit
ARoP10 - Scale of Ancients - The Golem King (Helian)Adventure100Vladtmordt the Chronicler
ARoP10 - Scale of Ancients - The Golem King (Lunus)Adventure100Vladtmordt the Chronicler
ARoP11 - Gate of Embers: IntroductionErrand100V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP12 - Gate of Embers: Ellean's Story Part OneErrand0V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP13 - Gate of Embers: Ellean's Story Part TwoErrand100Jendre the Astronomer
ARoP14 - Gate of Embers: Gemstones for the Spell of PathfindingCrafting100Grizelian the Primalist
ARoP15 - Gate of Embers: Harness the Energy for the Spell of PathfindingAdventure100Grizelian the Primalist
ARoP16 - Gate of Embers: Ellean's Story Part ThreeErrand100Grizelian the Primalist
ARoP17 - Ritual of Journey: PreludeErrand100V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP19 - Ritual of Journey: Spirits In SolitudeErrand100Hethsa the Patient
ARoP20 - Ritual of Journey: The Focus of SpiritErrand100Hethsa the Patient
ARoP21 - Ritual of Journey: By the Hand of Drulkar...Errand100V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP22 - Ritual of Journey: Stars of AttunementErrand100V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP23 - Journey to The Rift: The SleeperErrand100V'Tieru the Gatekeeper
ARoP24 - Retribution: Seek the GuardiansAdventure100The Sleeper
ARoP24b - Retribution: Defeat ElialAdventure100Guardian of Elial
ARoP25 - Retribution: Destroy The RiftrenderErrand100The Sleeper
ARoP26 - Ancient Rite Conclusion (Lunus)Errand0V'Tieru the Gatekeeper

Adventuring mastery abilities[edit]

The mastery abilities for adventurers are passive abilities, giving you a bonus to one of the adventuring skills.

Crafting mastery abilities[edit]

The mastery abilities for crafters are passive abilities, giving you a bonus to one of the crafting skills.

All available dragon breath attacks[edit]

Ability quests[edit]

These quests give you the privilege to achieve a new ability or to improve an existing one.

Spell quests[edit]

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