From Istaria Lexica
A ghostly NPC |
Non Player Characters (NPCs) are denizens of Istaria that players can interact with. Some of them sell items to you for a good price (you bet!), others offer tasks and journeys you can achieve. By finishing those you may get worthy rewards you can use in your further adventures. You can identify an NPC by looking at his name, which always is colored blue.
Where do they live?[edit]
Most of the NPCs have their habitats in cities, outposts or settlements. You may even track down some encampments far from any roads or civilization. There are many locations to visit in Istaria.
Commanders, leaders, heros[edit]
There are quite a few important NPCs around. You may have heard of one or another. They've got interesting stories to tell and may give out urgent quests to willing adventurers. Of course you risk your life happily for the honor and respect of your leaders. This will for sure be generous rewarded.
The best way to become heroic these days is helping the weak ones. Go seek out some citizens of Istaria. Many have problems they cannot solve themselves, but a Gifted like you may be able to.
Trainers, teachers, trainers![edit]
Some NPCs are specialized on certain schools. For sure they are able to teach you from their knowledge but you may need to earn their trust before. Maybe by finishing some tasks or even have experience in other schools first.
Adventure Trainers[edit]
Please visit Category:Adventure Trainer!
Crafting Trainers[edit]
Please visit Category:Crafting Trainer!
NPCs and their jobs[edit]
Please visit NPCs by job.
Pages in category "NPC"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,195 total.
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- Aaric Morgan
- Aaron Legendweaver
- Abban Torai
- Abbie D'airelle
- Abbin the Registrar
- Abeth Koerwe
- Abietis Tor
- Abigail Vrisk
- Acolyte Miry
- Adan the Blacksmith
- Adeshine Spear-Slinger
- Admetus Perros
- Adn Sereng
- Adulura
- Aelia
- Aelin
- Aelswith Forde
- Aelthis
- Aemald Hauwry
- Aendreld Grawle
- Aengow Burghwe
- Aerilya
- Aetheown
- Aethoros
- Ahala Bruttien
- Ahassunu
- Ahna Gottas
- Ahnna Borai
- Aigert Sselley
- Aikhar the Seer
- Aimilia the Exalted
- Akhanis
- Aladar
- Alba Tulius
- Alban
- Alehm'Kirr
- Alice
- Alina
- Alistair
- Alkabiades
- Allain Bakkhar
- Allanti the Initiate
- Althanas the Great
- Amad Belune
- Amaris
- Amas Hegya
- Amenai Gauzir
- Amenak
- Amenath
- Amenir Telakh
- Aminah
- Amtoo Fruthak
- Amys Thoran
- Analuus the Gambler
- Anamandryx (NPC)
- Anarie
- Anatoli
- Andorr the Lumberjack
- Androgos
- Angenehm
- Angry Survivor
- Angwu
- Anhess
- Anni Nimblethread
- Annis
- Anorulath Callanar
- Antaniel of the Storm
- Antaros
- Antoinette
- Apepi
- Apprentice Androtimos
- Apprentice Hadriana
- Apprentice Helga Finnur
- Apprentice Ulairi
- Araga the Watcher
- Aratanosh
- Arcane Magister Ninna
- Archaeologist
- Archaeologist (Alged)
- Archaeologist (Corvus)
- Archaeologist (Dahibi)
- Archaeologist (Elnath)
- Archaeologist Tom Haught
- Archbishop Tomas Agua
- Archwizard Thurid
- Ardellin
- Arghal
- Arghas Ironfoot
- Arghis Blackhand
- Arghoos
- Arghur the Brown
- Arionn
- Ariveth
- Arlissa Malna
- Arnolis Smik the Magus
- Arrinatoth
- Artani
- Arthis Tandorr
- Artisan Jemenoth , Grand Master Dragon Crafter
- Artus Eagleeye
- Asfendhia
- Assistant of Endurance
- Assistant of Wit
- Attan Arena Recruiter
- Attia
- Aulus Galeria
- Authrom the Ambrosia Vendor
- Autumn
- Avaraldo
- Avarris the Learned
- Ayios
- Aytama
- Azmedai
- Azrak
- Babbin Gabbledosh
- Bacharath
- Bakhar Greyshield
- Balaerix
- Baldorr Greybeard
- Balenarie
- Balennos
- Baliare
- Balion Stonebreaker
- Balit
- Ballin Todaesh
- Baltima
- Balto Telblanter
- Baltorris
- Baltorros
- Bammas
- Banker Abby Bibbletonk
- Baric Greybeard
- Barin the Watcher
- Barmos the Empty
- Barridin the Miner
- Barton Taylor
- Bashale
- Basher the Brave
- Bastea
- BattleMaster Anthrindosh
- BattleMaster Avariatus
- BattleMaster Gerix
- BattleMaster Orthondrin
- BattleMaster Talaurukar
- BattleMaster Trikoz Trek
- BattleMaster Valrukhath
- Beithir Deagh
- Bel'Kath
- Beldon the Bragger
- Beloa
- Beltar Blackhammer
- Bentaras
- Bergua
- Berkabah
- Bertio Helmaer
- Biltin
- Bishop Adan Orlas
- Bishop Ronae il'Tor
- Bixben Sallamuster
- Bjarn of Trandalar
- Bjorn of Trandalar
- Blagarath
- Blasta Hegya
- Bobbie Taylor
- Bolo
- Boltai
- Boltoro
- Borat Arena Recruiter
- Boratan
- Borlak Alebrewer
- Bortol Rocklifter
- Braekhis
- Bragha
- Brekhantoth
- Brienaire
- Brinkel Tarwannis
- Brizno
- Broghar
- Bromouc Bottlebelly
- Bruna Lerke
- Bruthis Earthbender
- Brysmendrik
- Builder Boro
- Builder Pago
- Builder Tirrish
- Burdle Bingledop
- Burt Draim
- Byl Vorrintis