
From Istaria Lexica

Location info:
Destination pad: 25336 / 23183
Travel gate: 25322 / 23350
Shrine: 25247 / 23257
Available plots: No plots
Available lairs: No lairs
Must be attuned by: Master Tareviel
25336 / 23183
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Feladan was the capital of the Elves and their High Court before it was conquered by the Undead Horde many years ago. The city was located in the heart of the immense Feladan Forest. The fall of Feladan marked what many thought was the beginning of the end for the Living Races in their struggle against the Withered Aegis and their Undead Hordes. The Elves have long been allies of the Humans, especially against the Undead. For the Elves, the city walls of Feladan was their last line of defense, and they gave the Horde a fight for every meter of land they conquered; more Elves died in the defense of the city than in any other battle of the Lament combined. Humans gave what they could to the Elves in the way of material and troops, but no amount of effort the Humans and Elves could muster could turn the tide. In the end, the Undead Horde captured the city and drove the last of the Elves from their ancestral home to the walls of their city of refuge, Tazoon.

For decades, Feladan was a twisted visage of its former glory; the verdant forest that used to surround the city a dark, dense overgrowth of nature gone horribly wrong. In other places, a blasted wasteland resided where lush vegetation once was. The former beauty of the city, with the tree-lined homes and buildings of the Elves, was gone; a swirling blight maelstrom twisting the Elven architecture into a caricature of its former magnificence.

With the Living Races' victory over the Undead Hordes at the Battle of Tazoon, a renewed sense of urgency overcame the Elves and they began making plans to reclaim their homeland. After two failed attempts, and with the help of a resurgent number of Gifted, the Elves were finally able to drive the Undead Hordes from their home and cleanse the city and most of the Feladan Forest of the blight. Today, Feladan stands again as one of the most beautiful cities in all of Istaria, green and verdant again

Source: www.istaria.com

NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
AduluraClericCleric Trainer25,29323,224
Alba TuliusArmorerArmorer Trainer25,28623,274
Amad Belune25,28223,275
ArionnTrophy HunterTrophy Hunter25,28423,217
Authrom the Ambrosia Vendor25,29323,180
BacharathScholarScholar of Satyr Lore25,15323,332
Calimir the BoldRangerRanger Trainer25,19023,188
CiowielOutfitterOutfitter Trainer25,29023,283
CuadanMageMage Trainer25,29223,234
DarielemTailorTailor Trainer25,28623,282
Dibiano Allorni25,21923,252
EsteleoraFashion DesignerFashion Wear Vendor25,28523,275
EstelwenConfectionerConfectioner Trainer25,29023,272
FarreusFashion DesignerFashion Wear Vendor25,15423,344
GalemirWarriorWarrior Trainer25,28723,224
Gortari the FairVaultkeeperVaultkeeper25,32323,255
HarhazielTinkererTinkerer Trainer25,27923,275
HayellaFitterFitter Trainer25,29423,284
Imperial Mender TarinnelHealerHealer of the Clerical Order25,33223,339
JacindalaOddities BrokerOddities Broker25,31323,267
Janner CinderfallQuartermasterQuartermaster25,32323,227
KwenyaSpellcrafterSpellcrafter Trainer25,29423,284
LavanaelWeaponsmithWeaponsmith Trainer25,27023,280
MaethorPawn BrokerPawn Broker25,31223,243
Malirnor El`sopVaultkeeper25,32623,262
MallwenScoutScout Trainer25,29523,229
Master TarevielSpearmanSpearman Trainer25,29423,190
MorriganAlchemistAlchemist Trainer25,17823,343
NephelesEnchanterEnchanter Trainer25,28923,262
NithiahMasonMason Trainer25,32423,281
OndomedeDruidDruid Trainer25,21023,186
Quintin the WiseCouncil MemberCouncil Member25,27123,276
Ranger AradanethGuardFeladan Guard25,14423,222
Ranger BadhorGuardFeladan Guard25,13823,272
Ranger-Captain TaurorondRangerOrder of Rangers25,29223,261
RaumJewelerJeweler Trainer25,30123,284
RavadielMinerMiner Trainer25,32023,284
Rengarth ThunderhoofWarrior25,17223,353
SabaleriFletcherFletcher Trainer25,18823,321
Sindenis LavitienElemental ArcherElemental Archer Trainer25,18723,214
TalyshaeScholarScholar Trainer25,29523,281
TerywynGathererGatherer Trainer25,29423,285
Turai LevinnMonkMonk Trainer25,24323,286
Turei AlbutorCarpenterCarpenter Trainer25,27123,283
TyalanganBlacksmithBlacksmith Trainer25,27123,276
WeattaWeaverWeaver Trainer25,31523,275

Named creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
EmpyturForest Oastic98

Available portals to


Quests found at Feladan

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

A Howling Call Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden, Aytama

65 / none

Breath of Acid: Rumble In The Jungle Tyalangan

100 / none

Dragon Adventurer
Breath of Acid: Thunder Underground Aelthis

none / none

Burning Archer: 01 - Find the First Scroll Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 02 - Find the Second Scroll Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 03 - Find the Third Scroll Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 04 - Find the Fourth Scroll Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 05 - Find the Fifth Scroll Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 06 - Deliver the locket to Bastea Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 07 - Speak with Tomas Alerras in Dalimond Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 09 - Inform Sindenis of the Archwizard's Progress Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 10 - Boards for Sindenis Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 11 - Brew for Sindenis Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 12 - Find out how Tomas and the Archwizard are doing Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 13 - Speak with Bastea about the Locket Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 14 - Investigate the origins of the locket Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 16 - Find out if the Archwizard is nearing the end of his research Sindenis Lavitien

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Calimir: Hunting the Direst Wolves Calimir the Bold

80 / none

Discover the Secrets of the Burning Archer Sindenis Lavitien

100 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Feladan Forest: Attunement to Feladan Master Tareviel

1 / none

Feladan: Learn about the Feladan Protectors Ranger-Captain Taurorond

61 / 61

Go Bag 100 Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Bloodfly Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Cobalt Golem Mettle Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Fire Wolf Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Flame Wolf Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Obsidian Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Obsidian Boulder Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Grove Guardian Hearts Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Hephas Scuttler Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 100 Hephas Trudger Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Jade Golem Gemstones Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Large Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Lava Golem Materia Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Mountain Skulk Fins Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Ognis Scuttler Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Ognis Trudger Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Opal Golem Gemstones Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Platinum Boulder Golem Mettle Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Platinum Golem Mettle Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Rabid Strider Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Rhal'kuk Battler's Valet Beatsticks Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Rhal'kuk Thunder-battler Manacles Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Sand Scarab Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Scavenger Scorpion Claws Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Maple Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Massive Maple Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Sapling Maple Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Shadow Spider Breeder Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Shadow Spider Hatchling Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 100 Shadow Spider Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 100 Shadow Tarantula Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Silverback Strider Pelts Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 100 Small Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 100 Tarnished Talismans Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Thel'kuk Battler Bludgeoners Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Thel'kuk Spotter Beatsticks Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 100 Timber Wolf Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Topaz Golem Gemstones Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Tremendous Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 100 Volcanic Pustule Petals Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 100 Zal'kuk Scout Beatsticks Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 100 Zal'kuk Warrior Bludgeoners Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Bloodfly Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Cobalt Golem Mettle Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Fire Wolf Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Flame Wolf Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Obsidian Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Obsidian Boulder Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Grove Guardian Hearts Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Hephas Scuttler Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 5 Hephas Trudger Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Jade Golem Gemstones Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Large Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Lava Golem Materia Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Mountain Skulk Fins Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Ognis Scuttler Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Ognis Trudger Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Opal Golem Gemstones Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Platinum Boulder Golem Mettle Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Platinum Golem Mettle Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Rabid Strider Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Rhal'kuk Battler's Valet Beatsticks Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Rhal'kuk Thunder-battler Manacles Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Sand Scarab Compound Eyes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Scavenger Scorpion Claws Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Maple Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Massive Maple Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Sapling Maple Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Shadow Spider Breeder Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Shadow Spider Hatchling Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 5 Shadow Spider Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 5 Shadow Tarantula Thoraxes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Silverback Strider Pelts Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 5 Small Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 5 Tarnished Talismans Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Thel'kuk Battler Bludgeoners Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Thel'kuk Spotter Beatsticks Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

61 / none

Go Bag 5 Timber Wolf Skulls Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Topaz Golem Gemstones Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Tremendous Arbotus Squirrel Toes Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Go Bag 5 Volcanic Pustule Petals Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

66 / none

Go Bag 5 Zal'kuk Scout Beatsticks Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

71 / none

Go Bag 5 Zal'kuk Warrior Bludgeoners Arionn, Diadrus, Garanthos

76 / none

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade I Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

5 / 5

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade II Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

15 / 15

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade III Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

25 / 25

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade IV Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

35 / 35

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade IX Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

85 / 85

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade V Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

45 / 45

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VI Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

55 / 55

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VII Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

65 / 65

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VIII Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

75 / 75

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade X Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

95 / 95

Lore Quest: Legend of the Burning Archer Sindenis Lavitien

none / none

Lore: Ganesh's Journal Quintin the Wise

none / none

Ranger: Envenomed Arrow II Calimir the Bold

60 / none

Ranger: Fanged Arrow-Tips Calimir the Bold

80 / none

Ranger: Hunting the Direst Wolves Calimir the Bold

none / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Ranger: Mani's Bounty Calimir the Bold

1 / none

Ranger: Wolf Hunter Calimir the Bold

80 / none

Rare Foods: Basil the Rat Estelwen

none / 35

Rare Foods: Burnt Rice and Bitterroot Estelwen

none / 95

Rare Foods: Dinner? Impossible! Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

none / 95

Rare Foods: Everybody Must Get Stoneroot Estelwen

none / 75

Rare Foods: Fennel Tales Estelwen

none / 55

Rare Foods: I Can't Believe It's Not Buttercap Estelwen

none / 95

Rare Foods: Minty Goodness Estelwen

none / 75

Rare Foods: Music of the Nightshade Estelwen

none / 95

Rare Foods: Sprinkle Sprinkle Little Star Estelwen

none / 95

Rare Foods: To Serve Mandrake Estelwen

none / 80

Rare Foods: Truffle Ahead Estelwen

none / 75

Relics of a Dead People Bacharath

93 / none

Taurorond: Remembering the Fallen Ranger-Captain Taurorond

85 / none

The Satyr: Stone of Revelry Bacharath

93 / none

The Satyr: The Machine of Inhibition Bacharath

93 / none

Xerintha: Find a Green Maple Leaf Xerintha

70 / none

Xerintha: Find a Red Maple Leaf Xerintha

60 / none

Xerintha: Find a Yellow Maple Leaf Xerintha

70 / none

Original material from istaria.wikia.com by StalePopcorn — licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0.
... more about "Feladan"
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