Category:Town Marshall

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Town Marshalls are the Mayors of each city. They are a good source of gossip and quests. Some of them sell Titles and Technique Kits, which you can buy using Tokens of Gratitude.


Town Marshal quests are repeatable.

Town Marshall: Picking on the Little GuySteward Pratt McGrubben6New Trismus Square180
Town Marshall: Healthy CompetitionSteward Pratt McGrubben6New Trismus Square180
Town Marshall: Beetle ManiaSteward Pratt McGrubben6New Trismus Square180
Town Marshall: Pelts for the PeddlerSteward Pratt McGrubben6New Trismus Square180
Town Marshall: Pig PracticeKrianos11Kion520
Town Marshall: Maggot InfestationKrianos11Kion520
Town Marshall: Pelts for the Peddler 2Krianos11Kion520
Town Marshall: Get the GarnetsKrianos11Kion520
Town Marshall: InfestationKrianos11Kion520
Town Marshall: Brownsnout TamerSsoren16Sslanis1,200
Town Marshall: Cedar BeatersSsoren16Sslanis1,200
Town Marshall: Threat Level RisingSsoren16Sslanis1,200
Town Marshall: Protect the Supply RouteSsoren16Sslanis1,200
Town Marshall: Creepy Crawly in the JungleSsoren16Sslanis1,200
Town Marshall: The Forest Full of GruoksSsoren21Sslanis2,400
Town Marshall: Fretting FishermenSsoren21Sslanis2,400
Town Marshall: Agh'kuk SupportSsoren21Sslanis2,400
Town Marshall: Leg Up On The CompetitionSsoren21Sslanis2,400
Town Marshall: A Skulk IssueSsoren21Sslanis2,400
Town Marshall: Bring Back My HonorDrugan Nandosh26Dalimond3,860
Town Marshall: Ruxus Among UsDrugan Nandosh26Dalimond3,860
Town Marshall: The Warmth of the WolvesDrugan Nandosh26Dalimond3,860
Town Marshall: Slate For BrainsDrugan Nandosh26Dalimond3,860
Town Marshall: The Tower of AbbathesDrugan Nandosh26Dalimond3,860
Town Marshall: Sal'guk MarchingClerash31Chiconis5,730
Town Marshall: Golem TrainingClerash31Chiconis5,730
Town Marshall: Iron Mountains, Hollow ShellClerash31Chiconis5,730
Town Marshall: Golems, Golems, GolemsClerash31Chiconis5,730
Town Marshall: Howling in the NightClerash31Chiconis5,730
Town Marshall: Creepy Crawly Down UnderClerash36Chiconis7,950
Town Marshall: Beautiful WoodClerash36Chiconis7,950
Town Marshall: Help for the FallenClerash36Chiconis7,950
Town Marshall: Stalking the StalkersClerash36Chiconis7,950
Town Marshall: Never Left OutClerash36Chiconis7,950
Town Marshall: Nickel EncroachmentTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock41New Rachival10,500
Town Marshall: Dispatch To The Ice PalaceTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock41New Rachival10,500
Town Marshall: Tracks in the SnowTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock41New Rachival10,500
Town Marshall: Nix Beetles, No BeetlesTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock41New Rachival10,500
Town Marshall: Crop KillersTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock41New Rachival10,500
Town Marshall: Fishing ExpeditionTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock46New Rachival13,050
Town Marshall: Citrine StompTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock46New Rachival13,050
Town Marshall: Dropkick TreantsTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock46New Rachival13,050
Town Marshall: Expediting DeathTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock46New Rachival13,050
Town Marshall: Reclaim the MountainTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock46New Rachival13,050
Town Marshall: Gold RushMarshall Fohadon51Mahagra16,460
Town Marshall: The Scorpion's StingMarshall Fohadon51Mahagra16,460
Town Marshall: Big ProblemsMarshall Fohadon51Mahagra16,460
Town Marshall: Thinning the CrowdTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock51New Rachival16,460
Town Marshall: Wolf ManMarshall Fohadon51Mahagra16,460
Town Marshall: Ice FishingMarshall Fohadon56Mahagra21,375
Town Marshall: Color BlindTown Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock56New Rachival21,375
Town Marshall: Ice BreakersMarshall Fohadon56Mahagra21,375
Town Marshall: Obsidian ChallengeSaenethra61Kirasanct26,720
Town Marshall: Massive AttackSaenethra61Kirasanct26,720
Town Marshall: Hard TimesSaenethra61Kirasanct26,720
Town Marshall: Arbotus AnnihilationSaenethra61Kirasanct26,720
Town Marshall: Breeder BoastingSaenethra61Kirasanct26,720
Town Marshall: Scorched EarthSaenethra66Kirasanct33,400
Town Marshall: Pustule StudySaenethra66Kirasanct33,400
Town Marshall: Cobalt CuriositySaenethra66Kirasanct33,400
Town Marshall: Tongues of FlameSaenethra66Kirasanct33,400
Town Marshall: Knee Deep in SpidersSaenethra66Kirasanct33,400
Town Marshall: Dancing Through the FireGrulnar71Dralk41,500
Town Marshall: Opal ObscurityGrulnar71Dralk41,500
Town Marshall: Platinum ClubbingGrulnar71Dralk41,500
Town Marshall: Treant TormentGrulnar71Dralk41,500
Town Marshall: The Fire-That-HuntsGrulnar71Dralk41,500
Town Marshall: Withstanding the HeatGrulnar76Dralk52,000
Town Marshall: Seeing Changes in the FireGrulnar76Dralk52,000
Town Marshall: Haunted RuinsGrulnar76Dralk52,000
Town Marshall: Bludgeoner BotherGrulnar76Dralk52,000
Town Marshall: Jaded PocketsGrulnar76Dralk52,000
Town Marshall: A Frozen FindDaggle Ironshaper81Aughundell65,000
Town Marshall: Toxic Bonespur InfestationDaggle Ironshaper81Aughundell65,000
Town Marshall: Good Weavers, Bad WeaversDaggle Ironshaper81Aughundell65,000
Town Marshall: New NightmaresDaggle Ironshaper81Aughundell65,000
Town Marshall: Marble StatueDaggle Ironshaper81Aughundell65,000
Town Marshall: Roll of ThunderDaggle Ironshaper81Aughundell65,000
Town Marshall: Gifts For MomDaggle Ironshaper86Aughundell81,250
Town Marshall: Trimming Their ClawsDaggle Ironshaper86Aughundell81,250
Town Marshall: Gloom and DoomDaggle Ironshaper86Aughundell81,250
Town Marshall: Fun in the ForestDaggle Ironshaper86Aughundell81,250
Town Marshall: Watch Out, They BiteDaggle Ironshaper86Aughundell81,250
Town Marshall: Yew, Me, And A Bit of RevengeDaggle Ironshaper91Aughundell101,600
Town Marshall: Unfounded FearsDaggle Ironshaper91Aughundell101,600
Town Marshall: When Ogres AttackDaggle Ironshaper91Aughundell101,600
Town Marshall: Must It Be SpidersDaggle Ironshaper91Aughundell101,600
Town Marshall: Oh the HorrorDaggle Ironshaper91Aughundell101,600
Town Marshall: Not My Kind of Pig RoastDaggle Ironshaper96Aughundell127,000
Town Marshall: Drawing A BlankDaggle Ironshaper96Aughundell127,000
Town Marshall: Flies EverywhereDaggle Ironshaper96Aughundell56,672
Town Marshall: Bugs, Bugs and More BugsDaggle Ironshaper96Aughundell127,000
Town Marshall: Advanced SkulkingDaggle Ironshaper96Aughundell127,000

Pages in category "Town Marshall"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.