New Rachival

From Istaria Lexica

Location info:
Destination pad: 23178 / 25551
Travel gate: 23210 / 25535
Shrine: 23163 / 25579
Available plots: No plots
Available lairs: No lairs
Must be attuned by: Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin
23178 / 25551
click to enlarge

Nestled on a high steppe betwixt the Northern and Southern Granitefall Mountains, Rachival was the capital of the Gnomes before it was overrun by the Undead Horde many years ago. If rumor can be believed, the armies of the Withered Aegis were able to enter the City of Rachival nearly untouched. The Gnomes of New Rachival claim that they were betrayed, that the machines they had built to defend the city turned on them at the last moment, opening the gates and allowing the Undead Hordes to enter the city unscathed. If the rumor can be believed, then this traitor may be the greatest single threat to the Living Races in Istaria. Only time will tell if he or she is brought to justice.

After the fall of Rachival, the Undead Hordes crushed the last remnants of the Gnomish army as it attempted to flee south. Shortly thereafter, the Gnomish state dissolved and the remaining refugees of the Gnomes made a desperate run for the safety of Tazoon. To this day, the Gnomes have not been able to reform their state; most of their ancestral lands, including Rachival, are still under the domination of the Undead Horde. With the victory of the Living Races at the Battle of Tazoon and the subsequent Peace Accords signed by all the Living Races, however, the Gnomes stand their best chance ever to reclaim their lands and fully reestablish their seat of power.

The Gnomes of Rachival led the way in the mechanical arts, and their utilitarian applications to the arts of magic, and their city represented such. Rachival today, however, is a place of death and decay set against what was the apex of the Istarian fusion of technology and magic. Many of their innovations stand idle in the heart of what some scholars believe is one of the largest blight maelstroms found anywhere in Aradoth. Some speculate that the inventions of the Gnomes have been twisted into aberrations of what their intent used to be, courtesy of the effects of the Realm of Blight. Little is known about the current state of the city itself, though those brave enough to venture close to the city share tales of the skies surrounding the city being constantly dark and thick with maelstrom fog. Some reports even describe twisted and nefarious metal constructs patrolling the lands surrounding the city.

New Rachival was founded after the fall of Old Rachival and builds the new capital city of the Gnomes. It lays to the northwest of Tazoon in the Barasavian Desert.


NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
Anni NimblethreadTailorTailor Trainer23,13825,617
Apprentice UlairiTinkerer23,14425,590
Arlissa MalnaImperial Army23,23025,590
Balto TelblanterArmorerArmorer Trainer23,14125,559
Bixben Sallamuster23,13825,528
Brinkel TarwannisFitterFitter Trainer23,14325,572
BriznoOddities BrokerOddities Broker23,16825,567
Darvi DaydreamerMasonMason Trainer23,13625,640
Dentalia ClockgearVaultkeeper23,14025,597
Ecki CrescentcrankEnchanterEnchanter Trainer23,13925,627
Edison MaberlyQuartermasterQuartermaster23,14825,603
Elfie GigglepebbleMinerMiner Trainer23,13325,637
Ellyn BintargleJewelerJeweler Trainer23,16125,605
FeelaWarriorWarrior Trainer N.R.D.F.23,16425,554
FetchScoutScout Trainer N.R.D.F.23,15725,555
Fillius ThimbletwitchWeaverWeaver Trainer23,14925,557
Formulatron v.03 (New Rachival)Formulatron23,14025,557
Fredrica Jones23,19725,531
Gandle TeleboriteMilitary Surplus OfficerMilitia Surplus23,18125,602
Gard BrownbottleAlchemistAlchemist Trainer23,15725,600
Gebble DazzletopFashion DesignerFashion Designer23,14125,558
GeneriaMageMage Trainer N.R.R.I.23,16125,551
Gidge HammerthrowerCarpenterCarpenter Trainer23,14525,634
Gimber GoldtannerPawn BrokerPawnbroker23,14025,572
Grubba TarwinkleBlacksmithBlacksmith Trainer N.R.D.F.23,14325,557
Guard-Captain Bixben LindnottinGuardN.R.D.F.23,17925,588
Hubert HufflebingScholarScholar Trainer N.R.R.I.23,15025,559
Iado ClinkinblatzVaultkeeperVaultkeeper23,14125,602
Imperial Mender MedicusHealerHealer of the Clerical Order23,18125,606
Jendre the AstronomerWarriorGnomeus Astronimus23,15925,602
Jother ScrapedaggerWeaponsmithWeaponsmith Trainer23,13625,619
KerilethDragon Adventurer23,02525,471
Kimmer FurbargleOutfitterOutfitter Trainer23,14725,565
KodessWizardWizard Trainer N.R.R.I.23,15625,555
Lange WimmipBlacksmith23,14425,580
Lucky Wimmip the Gambler23,14525,560
Macks CleverfindGathererGatherer Trainer23,14325,557
Mayor Lem BerenrickScholar23,14025,595
Morran GizmogrinderN.R.R.I.23,15025,594
Nielenoss the TinkerDragon Tinkerer22,94825,381
Nomentu BintargleTrophy HunterTrophy Hunter23,18125,572
Nudrir FiddlesproutFletcherFletcher Trainer23,15025,636
Prelate PumtneClericCleric Trainer N.R.D.F.23,17825,514
QuozuDragon Adventurer23,04525,462
Rondo WisecraftSpellcrafterSpellcrafter Trainer23,14225,631
Selia AddlebrockEngineerToken Merchant23,16425,602
Talbain StyrlakrBerserkerWolf Hunter23,18225,599
Talo SpicedellerConfectionerConfectioner Trainer23,14825,628
Techatron v.02 (New Rachival)Techatron23,14225,554
Town Marshall Dezwar GabbledockTown MarshallN.R.D.F.23,17825,566
TurbleConjurerConjurer Trainer N.R.R.I.23,16525,557
Versanto the MasterTinkererTinkerer Trainer N.R.R.I.23,15925,604

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Jade SnarlerWolf41

Available portals to


Quests found at New Rachival

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

(Daily) Trade: Duskenwylf Ear Gimber Goldtanner

45 / none

(Daily) Trade: Duskwolf Hide Gimber Goldtanner

45 / none

(Daily) Trade: Duskwolf Tongue Gimber Goldtanner

45 / none

A Curious Dragon Versanto the Master

40 / none

Dragon Adventurer
An Explosive Discovery Talbain Styrlakr

none / 50

Build A Better Automaton Lucky Wimmip the Gambler

100 / none

Burning Archer: 18 - Inform Sindenis about the Archwizard's plan for the locket Ellyn Bintargle

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 20 - Bring the Amulet to the Archwizard for inspection Ellyn Bintargle

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Disgruntled Gnomes Bixben Sallamuster

90 / none

Dreveon Needs Help Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

28 / none

Earn Title: Project X - Mastermind Mayor Lem Berenrick

none / none

Earn Title: Project X - Saboteur Mayor Lem Berenrick

none / none

Frostwatch and the Plague Hubert Hufflebing

45 / none

Go Bag 100 Aquamarine Golem Gemstones Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 100 Bloodridge Tusks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Citrine Golem Gemstones Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Deh'guk Gatherer Beatsticks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 100 Deh'guk Warrior Bludgeoners Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Drained Fragments Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 100 Dusk Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Gold Golem Mettle Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Golem Hearts of Granite Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Greater Nix Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Ice Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 100 Ice Golem Materia Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 100 Jade Wolf Pelts Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 100 Jade Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 100 Jasper Golem Gemstones Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Lesser Nix Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 100 Mountain Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Nickel Golem Mettle Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 100 Nix Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Palesnout Tusks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Palesnout Youngling Tusks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 100 Protective Charms Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Redbacked Tarantula Hatchling Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Redbacked Tarantula Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 100 Redden Hatchling Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 100 Redden Matron Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Redden Spider Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Sandspur Scorpion Legs Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Massive Oak Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Oak Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Scions of Sapling Oak Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Skala Crab Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Small Ice Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Snowback Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 100 Stark Hoarspur Legs Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Totems of Varrantoth Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 100 Worn Figurines Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Aquamarine Golem Gemstones Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 5 Bloodridge Tusks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Citrine Golem Gemstones Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Deh'guk Gatherer Beatsticks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 5 Deh'guk Warrior Bludgeoners Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Drained Fragments Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 5 Dusk Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Gold Golem Mettle Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Golem Hearts of Granite Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Greater Nix Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Ice Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 5 Ice Golem Materia Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 5 Jade Wolf Pelts Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 5 Jade Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 5 Jasper Golem Gemstones Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Lesser Nix Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 5 Mountain Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Nickel Golem Mettle Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 5 Nix Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Palesnout Tusks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Palesnout Youngling Tusks Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 5 Protective Charms Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Redbacked Tarantula Hatchling Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Redbacked Tarantula Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 5 Redden Hatchling Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

41 / none

Go Bag 5 Redden Matron Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Redden Spider Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Sandspur Scorpion Legs Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Massive Oak Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

56 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Oak Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Scions of Sapling Oak Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Skala Crab Thoraxes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Small Ice Beetle Compound Eyes Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Snowback Wolf Skulls Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

51 / none

Go Bag 5 Stark Hoarspur Legs Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Totems of Varrantoth Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Go Bag 5 Worn Figurines Gruntour, Nomentu Bintargle

46 / none

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade I Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

5 / 5

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade II Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

15 / 15

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade III Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

25 / 25

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade IV Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

35 / 35

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade IX Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

85 / 85

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade V Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

45 / 45

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VI Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

55 / 55

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VII Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

65 / 65

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade VIII Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

75 / 75

Imperial Bank: Vault Upgrade X Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Leila, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Serena, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

95 / 95

Lieutenant Elderincus' Investigation Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

50 / none

Lore Quest: Werewolves and Karrinithos the Cursed Talbain Styrlakr

none / none

New Rachival Defense Force: Carry Word North Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin

45 / none

Nielenoss' Quest: Knowledge of Tinkering Nielenoss the Tinker

none / 20

Dragon Crafter
Niesa's Legacy (Part 10) Aerilya

none / 90

Prove Your Worth at Wolf Hunting Talbain Styrlakr

50 / none

Rare Foods: Dinner? Impossible! Kereitha, Girta Halfhand, Gortari the Fair, Hulin Ironforge, Iado Clinkinblatz, Kannos, Lanale, Maggie Tinnagin, Nellisha, Sharista, Sienna, Ssarth, Tiber, Witzel the Golden

none / 95

Remnants of Power Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

28 / none

Sslanis Militia Needs Help Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon, Private Asenath

14 / none

Tazoon Has Fallen Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

45 / none

Tazoon Region: Attunement to New Rachival Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin

1 / 1

The Book of Telak Hubert Hufflebing

45 / none

The Cult of Telak (Part 1) Mayor Lem Berenrick

45 / none

The Cult of Telak (Part 2) Mayor Lem Berenrick

45 / none

The Cult of Telak (Part 3) Mayor Lem Berenrick

45 / none

The Cult of Telak (Part 4) Mayor Lem Berenrick

45 / none

The Cult of Telak (Part 5) Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin

45 / none

The Darkness at Dusk (Part 1) Talbain Styrlakr

50 / none

The Darkness at Dusk (Part 2) Talbain Styrlakr

50 / none

The Darkness at Dusk (Part 3) Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin

50 / none

The Darkness at Dusk (Part 4) Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin

50 / none

The Ghostbuster Morran Gizmogrinder

none / 80

The Mysterious Balit's Island Talbain Styrlakr

65 / none

The Renegades Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin

45 / none

Tombs in danger! Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

27 / none

Tools of the Renegades Guard-Captain Bixben Lindnottin

45 / none

Town Marshall: Citrine Stomp Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

46 / none

Town Marshall: Color Blind Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

56 / none

Town Marshall: Crop Killers Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

41 / none

Town Marshall: Dispatch To The Ice Palace Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

41 / none

Town Marshall: Dropkick Treants Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

46 / none

Town Marshall: Expediting Death Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

46 / none

Town Marshall: Fishing Expedition Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

46 / none

Town Marshall: Nickel Encroachment Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

41 / none

Town Marshall: Nix Beetles, No Beetles Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

41 / none

Town Marshall: Reclaim the Mountain Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

46 / none

Town Marshall: Thinning the Crowd Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

51 / none

Town Marshall: Tracks in the Snow Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock

41 / none

Trouble on the Peninsula Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

20 / none

Troubles in Aubador Steward Pratt McGrubben, Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

60 / none

Vandus Confederation and Cults Krianos, Drugan Nandosh, Clerash, Grulnar, Daggle Ironshaper, Town Marshall Dezwar Gabbledock, Ssoren, Saenethra, Marshall Fohadon

38 / none

Werewolves And Bottles Talbain Styrlakr

none / 50


Original material from by StalePopcorn — licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0.
... more about "New Rachival"
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Gnomes +
23,163 +
25,579 +
23,178 +
25,551 +