
From Istaria Lexica


Alchemists are a specialized craft school associated with the Scholar although Gatherers also gain the needed skills, requiring arcane understanding inherent in their associated School before being able to join. They use specially prepared essence along with a myriad of other resources to craft potent potions, with effects that usually give those who imbibe them fantastical abilities.

[[View all schools]]

/lvl - gain each level
100 - maximum at level 100
P - is primary skill? (crafting schools only)

Skill points gained[edit]

Skill name /lvl 100 P?
Alchemy 10 1,000 yes
Earthencraft 8 800 yes
Essence Harvesting 8 800 n/a
Essence Shaping 9 900 yes
Foraging 8 800 no
Ingenuity 10 1,000 yes
Quarrying 8 800 no
Transmutation 8 800 yes

Attribute points gained[edit]

Attribute name /lvl 100
Health 5 500
Strength 2 200
Dexterity 2 200
Power 7 700
Focus 9 900


Essence Harvesting skill 100
Essence Shaping skill 100

[[View a requirements overview for all schools]]


NameFormulas soldLocated atXY
Aaric MorganBeginner Dyes
Beginner Powders
Beginner Potions
Beginner Transmutations
Beginner Suspensions
Haron BubblepopBeginner Dyes
Beginner Powders
Beginner Potions
Beginner Transmutation
SshranuBeginner Dyes
Beginner Powders
Beginner Potions
Beginner Transmutation
Ghent FlaskshaperExpert Dyes
Expert Powders
Expert Suspensions
Master Powders
Master Suspensions
Master Dyes
AlkabiadesJourneyman Dyes
Journeyman Powders
Journeyman Potions
Journeyman Suspensions
Gard BrownbottleJourneyman Potions
Journeyman Powders
Journeyman Suspensions
Journeyman Dyes
New Rachival23,15725,600
MorriganJourneyman Dyes
Journeyman Potions
Journeyman Suspensions

Alchemist abilities


  • Name = The name of the ability
  • L = The level the ability is earned at this school
  • M = Is it masterable?

Name: Earthencraft I, Essence Harvesting I, Foraging I, Ingenuity I, Quarrying I, Sprint, Earthencraft II, Essence Harvesting II, Foraging II, Ingenuity II, Quarrying II, Earthencraft III, Essence Harvesting III, Foraging III, Ingenuity III, Quarrying III, Earthencraft IV, Essence Harvesting IV, Foraging IV, Ingenuity IV, Quarrying IV, Earthencraft V, Essence Harvesting V, Foraging V, Ingenuity V, Quarrying V, Earthencraft VI, Essence Harvesting VI, Foraging VI, Ingenuity VI, Gift Slots: Two, Gift Slots: Three, Gift Slots: Four, Gift Slots: Five (L: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 100, 100, 100, 100, 25, 50, 75, 100, M: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X)


Please read the skill articles (links above) for further details on crafting formulas.

School quests[edit]

Quest nameStarts withTypeCraftlevelRewards
Sshranu's Pet ProjectSshranuCrafting15Sshranu's List of Ingredients
Crate of Creature Parts
Cassath's Note
Sshranu's Experimental Potion
Sshranu's Polymorph Potion: Wisp
Sshranu's Polymorph Potion: Cow
Sshranu's Polymorph Potion: Chicken
Sshranu's Polymorph Potions
Sshranu's Polymorph Potion: White Sheep
Sshranu's Polymorph Potion: White-Tailed Buck
Sshranu's Polymorph Potion: White-tailed Doe
Sshranu's Polysplash Potions
Sshranu: The Venom of AlchemySshranuCrafting15Rub of Weak Poison (formula)
Collect Venom Glands II
Werewolves And BottlesTalbain StyrlakrCrafting50Anti-Werewolf Decoction (formula)
Collect Werewolf Claws II
Balit's Salves: Bottled FleshBalitCrafting65Lycanthropy Ward Salve (formula)
Balit's Salves: The Power of SilverBalitCrafting65Anti-Werewolf Salve (formula)
Ahala's Sweet Brew (Quest)Ahala BruttienCrafting80Ahala's Sweet Brew (formula)
Aratanosh: The Power of MemoriesAratanoshAdventure80Special Potion: Memories
Niesa's Rub (Quest)Giltekh FramtorCrafting81Niesa's Rub (formula)
Niesa's Draught (Part 4)Giltekh FramtorErrand85
Niesa's Draught (Part 5)Grandmaster BarrakhenAdventure85Niesa's Draught (formula)
Niesa's Legacy (Part 1)NiesaErrand90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy (Part 10)AerilyaErrand90King of Potions Draught
Niesa's Legacy (Part 3)NiesaCrafting90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy (Part 4)NiesaAdventure90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy (Part 5)NiesaCrafting90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy (Part 7)Giltekh FramtorAdventure90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy (Part 8)NiesaErrand90
Niesa's Legacy (Part 9)Grandmaster BarrakhenErrand90
Niesa's Legacy - Blighted Carapace Powder (Part 2d)NiesaCrafting90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy - ConclusionNiesaErrand90King of Potions Draught (formula)
Niesa's Legacy - Diamond Vial (Part 2a)NiesaCrafting90Junk Item
Diamond Vial (formula)
Niesa's Legacy - Pure Water (Part 2b)NiesaCrafting90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy - Shadowstem Paste (Part 2c)NiesaCrafting90Junk Item
Niesa's Legacy (Part 6)NiesaErrand91
Earn Title: Antidote ExpertSergeant DylanCrafting100Title: Antidote Expert
The Focus of the MylocGaileachAdventure100Elixir of the Myloc's Focus Formula
The Strength of the MylocGaileachAdventure100Elixir of the Myloc's Strength Formula
Elixir of the Myloc's Strength
Original material from by ObyDragon — licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0.
... more about "Alchemist"
Earthencraft I (1, X) +, Essence Harvesting I (1, X) +, Foraging I (1, X) +, Ingenuity I (1, X) +, Quarrying I (1, X) +, Sprint (1, X) +, Earthencraft II (20, X) +, Essence Harvesting II (20, X) +, Foraging II (20, X) +, Ingenuity II (20, X) +, Quarrying II (20, X) +, Gift Slots: Two (25, X) +, Earthencraft III (40, X) +, Essence Harvesting III (40, X) +, Foraging III (40, X) +, Ingenuity III (40, X) +, Quarrying III (40, X) +, Gift Slots: Three (50, X) +, Earthencraft IV (60, X) +, Essence Harvesting IV (60, X) +, Foraging IV (60, X) +, Ingenuity IV (60, X) +, Quarrying IV (60, X) +, Gift Slots: Four (75, X) +, Earthencraft V (80, X) +, Essence Harvesting V (80, X) +, Foraging V (80, X) +, Ingenuity V (80, X) +, Quarrying V (80, X) +, Earthencraft VI (100, X) +, Essence Harvesting VI (100, X) +, Foraging VI (100, X) +, Gift Slots: Five (100, X) +  and Ingenuity VI (100, X) +