Anni Nimblethread

From Istaria Lexica

Location: New Rachival
Job: Tailor Trainer
Rating: 65
School: Tailor
Health: 20
23138 / 25617
Anni Nimblethread.jpg

Anni Nimblethread is a Tailor trainer.

Sells types of formulas

- Journeyman Banners
- Journeyman Cloth
- Journeyman Hide
- Journeyman Leather
- Journeyman Padded

Sold items

Deluxe Cotton Pouch Pattern001600
Deluxe Silk Pouch Pattern003200
Journeyman Banner Flag000400
Journeyman Cloth Belt0050
Journeyman Cloth Boots0090
Journeyman Cloth Cap0070
Journeyman Cloth Cape00130
Journeyman Cloth Gloves00100
Journeyman Cloth Hand Wraps00100
Journeyman Cloth Leggings00130
Journeyman Cloth Mask00110
Journeyman Cloth Shoulderpad0080
Journeyman Cloth Sleeves00120
Journeyman Cloth Tunic00140
Journeyman Cloth Wristband0060
Journeyman Colored Deluxe Fabric Pouch00150
Journeyman Colored Fabric Pouch0090
Journeyman Fabric Backpack Pouch0050
Journeyman Fabric Sack00130
Journeyman Fabric Spool0050
Journeyman Fishing Line00100
Journeyman Hide Belt0050
Journeyman Hide Boots0090
Journeyman Hide Bracer0060
Journeyman Hide Cap0070
Journeyman Hide Gloves00100
Journeyman Hide Hand Wraps00100
Journeyman Hide Leggings00130
Journeyman Hide Mask00110
Journeyman Hide Satchel00200
Journeyman Hide Shoulderpad0080
Journeyman Hide Sleeves00120
Journeyman Hide Tannin0050
Journeyman Hide Tunic00140
Journeyman Invisible Cloth Cap0070
Journeyman Invisible Cloth Mask00110
Journeyman Invisible Hide Cap0070
Journeyman Invisible Hide Mask00110
Journeyman Invisible Leather Cap00170
Journeyman Invisible Leather Mask00210
Journeyman Invisible Padded Cap00170
Journeyman Invisible Padded Mask00210
Journeyman Leather Backpack00200
Journeyman Leather Belt00150
Journeyman Leather Boots00190
Journeyman Leather Bracer00160
Journeyman Leather Cap00170
Journeyman Leather Gloves00200
Journeyman Leather Hand Wraps00200
Journeyman Leather Leggings00230
Journeyman Leather Mask00210
Journeyman Leather Shoulderpad00180
Journeyman Leather Sleeves00220
Journeyman Leather Tunic00240
Journeyman Leather Weapon Repair00150
Journeyman Padded Belt00150
Journeyman Padded Boots00190
Journeyman Padded Cap00170
Journeyman Padded Cape00230
Journeyman Padded Gloves00200
Journeyman Padded Hand Wraps00100
Journeyman Padded Leggings00230
Journeyman Padded Mask00210
Journeyman Padded Shoulderpad00180
Journeyman Padded Sleeves00220
Journeyman Padded Tunic00240
Journeyman Padded Wristband00160
Normal Cotton Pouch Pattern001200
Normal Silk Pouch Pattern002400

Quests available[edit]

No quests for this NPC.

... more about "Anni Nimblethread"
Journeyman Cloth +, Journeyman Hide +, Journeyman Leather +, Journeyman Padded +  and Journeyman Banners +
Tailor Trainer +
Anni Nimblethread +
23,138 +
25,617 +
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