Property:Rating From Istaria Lexica The type of this property is Number. Usage1077previous 202050100250500next 20Filter<p>The <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">search filter</a> allows the inclusion of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query expressions</a> such as <code>~</code> or <code>!</code>. The selected <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query engine</a> might also support case insensitive matching or other short expressions like:</p><ul><li><code>in:</code> result should include the term, e.g. '<code>in:Foo</code>'</li></ul><ul><li><code>not:</code> result should to not include the term, e.g. '<code>not:Bar</code>'</li></ul>Showing 20 pages using this property.""Farmer" Idamon +3 +AAaric Morgan +1 +Aaron Legendweaver +56 +Abbie D'airelle +21 +Abbin the Registrar +1 +Abeth Koerwe +1 +Abietis Tor +25 +Abigail Vrisk +28 +Acolyte Miry +15 +Adan the Blacksmith +56 +Adeshine Spear-Slinger +97 +Admetus Perros +81 +Adn Sereng +100 +Adulura +80 +Aelia +40 +Aelin +100 +Aelswith Forde +1 +Aelthis +100 +Aemald Hauwry +1 +Aengow Burghwe +1 + Facts... more about "Rating"RDF feedHas type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.Number +