Eastern Outpost

From Istaria Lexica

Location info:
Destination pad: 28764 / 25650
Travel gate: No portal
Shrine: 28710 / 25650
Available plots: No plots
Available lairs: No lairs
Must be attuned by: Sergeant Akkator
28764 / 25650
click to enlarge

The Eastern Outpost is a temporary outpost east of the Yew Forest, built by the Empire of Istaria at the Aradoth Frontier to act as a staging ground for research into the Eastern Deadlands.

NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
Andorr the LumberjackBlacksmith28,64525,712
Archwizard ThuridWizard28,72325,664
Baldorr GreybeardPawn BrokerBlighted Equipment Vendor28,76625,663
BattleMaster Trikoz TrekDragon AdventurerImperial Army28,70625,665
Beldon the BraggerGuard28,72325,675
Gian HawkwoodZoologistAlly Vendor28,74625,678
Imperial Mender SterlonHealerHealer of the Clerical Order28,75225,650
Karl NobanWizardWizard Trainer28,73925,642
Private BorrinWarriorImperial Army28,72325,690
Private SsithanShamanImperial Army28,74625,689
Quartermaster NiiketzEngineerImperial Army28,73125,642
Ramu NassaMercenaryBounty Master28,72825,653
Seldon the SearcherMage28,73925,635
Sergeant AkkatorSpiritistImperial Army28,74625,675
Vargas the BoldQuartermasterEpic Vendor28,72725,680
Warden Thor'urWelger28,82625,361

Named creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Voullis AnthagWraith94

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Feral BloodsnoutGruok86
Feral Bloodsnout YounglingGruok81
Infected BonespurScorpion86
Toxic BonespurScorpion82
Virulent BonespurScorpion86

Available portals to


Quests found at Eastern Outpost

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

(Daily) Acquire Gudal's Sceptre of Command Ramu Nassa

100 / none

(Daily) Kill One Greater Epic Boss Vargas the Bold

100 / none

(Daily) Kill One Lesser Epic Boss Vargas the Bold

100 / none

(Weekly) Kill Greater and Lesser Bosses Vargas the Bold

100 / none

Burning Archer: 17 - Locate a jeweler willing to shape the gemstone Archwizard Thurid

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 19 - Find out if Ellynor is done shaping the gemstone Archwizard Thurid

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Burning Archer: 21 - Return to Sindenis to speak with her Archwizard Thurid

90 / none

Elemental Archer, Ranger
Deadly Thorns (Part 1) Quartermaster Niiketz

100 / none

Deadly Thorns (Part 2) Quartermaster Niiketz

100 / none

Earn Title: Fafnir the Defiler - Blighted Lord-Commander Jatell

none / none

Earn Title: Fafnir the Defiler - Houndmaster Lord-Commander Jatell

none / none

Earn Title: Falgut the Slaver - Breaker of Chains BattleMaster Trikoz Trek

none / none

Earn Title: Falgut the Slaver - Emancipator BattleMaster Trikoz Trek

none / none

Earn Title: Falgut the Slaver - Free BattleMaster Trikoz Trek

none / none

Earn Title: Falgut the Slaver - Liberator BattleMaster Trikoz Trek

none / none

Earn Title: Falgut the Slaver - Savior BattleMaster Trikoz Trek

none / none

Earn Title: General Reklar Plaguebearer - Champion Vargas the Bold

none / none

Earn Title: General Reklar Plaguebearer - Knight Vargas the Bold

none / none

Earn Title: General Reklar Plaguebearer - Loyal Vargas the Bold

none / none

Earn Title: General Reklar Plaguebearer - Valorous Vargas the Bold

none / none

Earn Title: General Reklar Plaguebearer - Vandus' Sword Vargas the Bold

none / none

Earn Title: Gruk the Frigid - Bite of Winter Lord-Commander Jatell

none / none

Earn Title: Gruk the Frigid - Glaciated Lord-Commander Jatell

none / none

Forest of Troubles (Part 1) Andorr the Lumberjack

90 / none

Forest of Troubles (Part 2) Andorr the Lumberjack

90 / none

Forest of Troubles (Part 3) Andorr the Lumberjack

none / 80

Infected Thorns Quartermaster Niiketz

100 / none

Niesa's Enslavement (Part 2) Private Borrin

90 / none

Niesa's Enslavement (Part 3) Sergeant Akkator

90 / none

Niesa's Enslavement (Part 6) BattleMaster Trikoz Trek

90 / none

Niesa's Fate (Part 5) Private Borrin

90 / none

The Final Frontier (Part 1) Sergeant Akkator

100 / none

The Final Frontier (Part 2) Sergeant Akkator

100 / none

The Final Frontier (Part 3) Sergeant Akkator

100 / none

The Frontier: Attunement to Eastern Outpost Sergeant Akkator

85 / none

The Lost Patrol (Part 2) Sergeant Akkator

100 / none

The Tale of Darkstaff the Ancient Seldon the Searcher

100 / none

The Tale of Darkstaff the Ancient (Part 2) Seldon the Searcher

100 / none

The Tale of Darkstaff the Ancient (Part 3) Seldon the Searcher

100 / none

The Tale of Darkstaff the Ancient (Part 5) Seldon the Searcher

100 / none

Thurid: Wraith Cores (Part 1) Archwizard Thurid

100 / none

Thurid: Wraith Cores (Part 2) Archwizard Thurid

100 / none

Thurid: Wraith Cores (Part 3) Archwizard Thurid

none / 100

Spellcrafter, Scholar, Dragon Crafter