Dragon: Mane mod

From Istaria Lexica

Mod type: 3D-model Mod
Link: http://community.istaria.com/forum/showthread.php?24146-Fuzzy
Description: Adds manes to dragon models.
Necessary tasks:
Check.png Copy files NoCheck.png Overwrite files
NoCheck.png Edit files NoCheck.png Change ingame options

Detailed description[edit]

The minimal description on the official thread is missing a few details, here's the correct one.

Installation steps:

  • Close your istaria client
  • Open your istaria folder
    • On 64-bit systems (en), defaults to: C:\Program Files (x86)\istaria
    • On 32-bit systems (en), defaults to: C:\Program Files\istaria
  • Create a folder 'resources_override' (may exist already)
  • move into folder, create a 'textures_agh' folder
  • move into folder, create a 'characters' folder
  • move into folder, create a 'characters' folder (yes, a second one)
  • move into folder, create a 'dragon_u' folder
  • move into folder, create a 'clothing' folder
  • unpack the downloaded zip file
  • copy all unpacked files into the <your_istaria_folder>\resources_override\textures_agh\characters\characters\dragon_u\clothing folder
  • start your istaria client
  • hope it works :)