
From Istaria Lexica

Location info:
Destination pad: 22167 / 20471
Travel gate: 22131 / 20478
Shrine: No shrine
Available plots: 2
Available lairs: 1
Must be attuned by: Sergeant Nansi Illos
22167 / 20471
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Heart is a settlement on the Dalimond Peninsula.

NPCs located here or nearby

NPC NameSchoolJobXY
Miner Jemmei BrockleborMiner22,13720,428
Private Alton BarwothWarriorVandus Militia22,11320,442
Sergeant Nansi IllosWarriorVandus Militia22,10020,422
Tarah SmythMilitary Surplus OfficerMilitia Surplus22,15320,439

Common creatures

Creature nameSchoolLevel
Brownback CubWolf32
Brownback HunterWolf33
Brownback MatronWolf34
Brownback OutlierWolf32
Forest GruokGruok30
Restless SpiritAegis Ghost Cleric33
Watchful Coastal RuxusRuxus32

Available portals to



Quests found at Heart

Quest name Started at Min levels
Adv. / Craft
Adv. / Craft

Dalimond Peninsula: Attunement to Heart Sergeant Nansi Illos

1 / none

Jemmei's Late Delivery Miner Jemmei Brocklebor

30 / 20

Jemmei's Lost Gear Miner Jemmei Brocklebor

30 / none

Jemmei's Nemesis Miner Jemmei Brocklebor

30 / none

The Perfect Rose Quartz Shard Miner Jemmei Brocklebor

30 / none

Vandus Confederation: The Besieged Outpost II Sergeant Nansi Illos

34 / none

Vandus Confederation: The Besieged Outpost III Sergeant Nansi Illos

35 / none

Vandus Confederation: The Lost Patrol Sergeant Nansi Illos

35 / none

Vandus Confederation: The Observatory Outpost Sergeant Nansi Illos

35 / none